Page 14 of Rebel Vengeance
“I’ll be back before you know it,” I reassure, trying to soothe her. She’s so emotional right now that I’m sure I could say anything to comfort her.
“I know it’s only for a week, but I’m going to miss you and as much as I know we’ll be safe at the clubhouse, I only feel safe with you.”
Gently turning her face up to mine, I reassure her with a kiss that she’s going to be alright. I don’t like seeing her this upset, so I decide to take her mind off of things. Standing up, I place her on her feet and remove her clothes, making sure I kiss every inch of exposed skin. Her body shudders as I take first one then the other nipple into my mouth and gently bite them. My wife is the sexiest woman I’ve ever been with and I intend to take my time and show her just how much I’m going to miss her too.
Morning has come too soon and it’s time for me to get ready to head out. Lizzie sleeps peacefully as I kiss her goodbye. Before I can stand back up, she pulls me closer for another kiss, deeper this time.
“I miss you already,” she whispers against my lips.
“If you don’t stop, I’m going to be late picking up the guys.” Saying the words, but not moving to leave. Her body is so warm and I just want to stay here, wrapped up in my little flame. Reluctantly pulling away, she gets out of bed and grabs her robe. Walking with me to the kitchen, she starts making coffee while I get the sandwiches she made out of the fridge. Coffee in hand, I give her one last kiss and tell her I’ll call in a few hours to check on her and Harper. She’ll be heading to the clubhouse in about an hour, but I won’t be settled until they are safely inside. Opening the door, I see Nitro heading our way from the guest house. He’s already on alert checking the perimeter and packing his heat.
One last hug and I’m on my way. My nerves are on edge as I make my way down the driveway and before I know it, I’m pulling up to the clubhouse and picking up the guys. Krack and Digg ride their bikes to watch my six. The Devils have ambushed us before, so we’re always on alert and watching out for them. Once we get to the open road, it’s smooth sailing. I-90 is quiet and I push the speed a little to get us there faster. It’s a long drive and we’ll be stopping along the way, but the sooner we get there, the sooner we can make it back. Lizzie and Harper should be on their way, so I connect my Bluetooth and call to check in. Her sweet voice greets me and all is right in my world.
Harper, Saint, and I are on our way to the clubhouse. Nitro is right behind us and there’s no other cars in sight. I take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves when my phone rings. When I see my husband’s name across the caller id, I hit the answer button and breathe easier. He’s on speaker so I tell him to talk quietly since Harper has fallen asleep again. It’s still too early for the nugget to be up. We’re having a casual conversation when I notice a black SUV in my rearview mirror. My breath catches and E asks what’s wrong. Trying not to sound as if I’m in a panic, I declare,
“There’s a black SUV speeding up behind Nitro. Oh never mind, they’re going around him. I’m probably going too slow for them.”
“You had me ready to turn around, little flame.”
“I’m sorry, baby. Black SUVs give me the creeps now. Oh shit!”
“What? What’s wrong, Lizzie?”
“The SUV is not passing us, they’re trying to catch us!” I exclaim in a panic.
“Lizzie, baby, try to outrun them. I know you’re scared, but I need you to keep heading toward the clubhouse!” E orders as I hear him tell Kendrich to call Eagle and tell him to roll to our location. Once the SUV pulls to the side of me, I look in the rearview mirror to see where Nitro is and my heart starts beating out of my chest. Pulling up alongside Nitro is Zeke on his motorcycle and he has a gun pointed in his direction. When Nitro sees him, he swerves trying to evade him, but it’s too late.
“Oh God! Zeke shot Nitro and ran him off the road!”
“Son of a bitch! Ok, Lizzie, listen to me. Eagle and the rest of the guys are on their way. Baby, drive as fast as you can and try to get away.”
“I’m trying, but what about Nitro? Oh God! They’re trying to run me off the road!” I scream as Saint starts barking, waking Harper in the process.
“There’s nothing you can do to help him now, just focus on the road and don’t stop.”
“Mommy, what’s wrong?” Harper asks. Her sweet little voice briefly interrupts the chaos going on around us. It’s bittersweet at the moment because I have no idea how this will turn out.
“Nothing, baby girl. Just hold tight to teddy and stay quiet.” I coax her, needing her to stay quiet so I can focus. However, when Ephraim’s panicked voice echoes through the car, Harper starts crying, wondering what’s happening. She’s fully alert and sees how fast I’m driving. The black SUV is close to her window and every time they get close, my baby girl screams. Looking in the rearview mirror, I notice Zeke has caught up to us and he's so close that I can see the menacing look in his eyes. He is dead set on some sort of revenge and I can only pray that Gideon and the rest of the Rebels get here in time to save us.
Time seems to slow as if I’m in the part an action movie where the drama unfolds frame by frame. The SUV slams into the side of the car causing me to lose control. My own scream sounds foreign as Saint’s huge body comes flying to the front of the car and slams into the front window. The impact is so hard that the glass shatters and sends him flying over the hood. My head spins as the car flips for what seems like several times, settling on its roof. Wave after wave of dizziness overtake me as I struggle to stay conscious. Harper, oh God, my baby. Is she okay? Her sweet baby voice is silent as the spinning subsides and I try to listen for even the quietest sound from her. E’s voice sounds distant as if we’re in a tunnel and I can’t comprehend what he’s trying to tell me.
Reaching down, I try to unfasten my seatbelt, but it’s jammed. Pain shoots through my head as I crane my neck to catch a glimpse of my nugget. Her small limp body rests against the restraints of her car seat emitting another scream as I shout her name over and over again. Lightning pain courses through my head as another wave of dizziness consumes me. Darkness hovers at the edges of my vision as the reality of what just happened settles over me. My right wrist is radiating with intense pain and it appears to be broken or severely sprained.
“Lizzie! Lizzie! Please baby, answer me!” E yells as everything starts to come into focus.
The sound of crunching glass lets me know that someone is walking toward us and I’m trapped. Whatever happens is out of my control and I don’t think I’ve ever felt this hopeless in my life. Vulnerable, helpless, defeated and subjected to whatever Zeke wants to do with us. This is no dream, it’s a living, breathing nightmare.
“Lizzie! Can you hear me?” E’s voice is clearer as I answer.
“Yes, I can hear you. We’re trapped! E, we’re trapped! Oh God! Harper isn’t answering me. I think she’s unconscious! I’m not sure where Saint is! He was thrown through the window.” My tears become uncontrollable as more and more the gravity of our situation hits me.
“Oh God! Can you get to her at all?” He asks, sounding just as frantic as I am.