Page 51 of Chase the Storm
Her eyes roamed over my body, much like my hands were doing to hers now, and when her gaze finally locked on mine, I could see it had happened.
Indy’s lips parted slightly, and a flush crept over her skin. “Griffin,” she called out my name like a warning.
God, it was such a relief to know she’d gotten there, because I was barely hanging on.
I picked up my pace, drove in deeper, and managed to see the moment her orgasm hit. Beyond that, I couldn’t see a thing. Because my head fell forward, my eyes just barely taking in the sight of my cock sinking into her pussy before they closed.
The hold I had on her hips was anything but gentle, and somehow, it paled in comparison to the feeling that moved through me at the mere thought of what she was beginning to mean to me.
It hadn’t even been a week, and I was already in deep with her, wondering if I’d be able to pay for a permanent parking spot at the ski resort.
Jesus, what had gotten into me?
When I finally made it to the other side, I loosened my hold on Indy’s hip, bent forward, and touched my mouth to hers. Her hands immediately drove into my hair, holding me right where she wanted me, as her tongue slid into my mouth.
I didn’t mind.
I’d stay there as long as she wanted me to.
In fact, I wouldn’t have been surprised, especially if she continued to kiss me the way she was, if I wound up ready to go for another round.
Sadly, before I could get too worked up again, Indy released her hold on me and tore her mouth from mine. “I never would have imagined you could be so cruel.”
My brows pulled together. “Cruel?”
She cocked an eyebrow. “When you had your mouth between my legs.”
“I thought I was being nice to you. How can you possibly say I was being cruel?”
Indy’s lips twitched. “It started off nice, and it ended very nicely, but all that stuff in the middle, all the teasing, that wasn’t nice.”
“Indy, did you come?”
“Did you come hard?”
She narrowed her eyes on me.
I let out a laugh. “You came that hard because of all the teasing.”
“Whatever,” she mumbled.
“How about you let me go, so I can get rid of this condom and get you something to clean up with?”
Indy pressed a sweet kiss to my lips before she let me go.
Then I slid out, hating losing the feel of that warmth between her legs, and disposed of the condom.
After she’d gotten herself cleaned up, I climbed back into the bed with Indy, and the two of us didn’t bother with any clothes. She didn’t even wait for me to open my arms up toward her; she just moved in my direction and lifted my arm up, so she could cuddle close.
I loved it.
I loved that she’d gone from being so distant and distracted as a result of all that she’d been through to this.
It felt good knowing she had it in her to open up like she had, especially after what I’d learned tonight about what she’d endured over the course of the last year and a half.