Page 52 of Chase the Storm
I was caught up in my thoughts of that, the way she seemed to grow lighter after she’d shared, and all that had happened since she smashed some snow against either side of my head after we left the restaurant that I was startled when she spoke, and her voice interrupted my thoughts.
“Where are you going to go next?” she asked.
Her cheek was resting against my chest, her palm there as well, and my arm was wrapped around her back, my fingers tracing random patterns over her skin.
“What do you mean?” I returned, unsure what she was talking about.
“Well, earlier tonight at dinner, our server mentioned that they’re hoping to have the access road open sometime tomorrow, or the next day, at the latest. I’m just curious where you’ll be heading to after you leave here,” she clarified.
Was she so ready to get rid of me?
“Right now, I have no plans to go anywhere,” I informed her. “I won’t be leaving this mountain until I know you’ve got a safe place to stay at night. Are you looking to get rid of me already?”
She cuddled closer, an indication she liked what I said. “Of course, I’m not. You just gave me three orgasms. If I could chain you to the bed that I’ll have in my new living space once I get it, I would.”
I laughed. “I can honestly say I don’t think you’d get much of a fight from me.”
“That’s good to know. Maybe I’ll have to start planning all sorts of things I can do to you if I do get you chained to a bed,” she teased.
My fingers stopped moving and pressed in slightly as I considered the possibilities. I wasn’t necessarily a man who felt he always had to be in charge in bed, but I wondered if I could give up that much control to her. In the fantasy that almost immediately started playing out in my mind, I found it wasn’t so difficult, and Indy made it so I didn’t feel an ounce of regret.
But, of course, none of that was real. Not yet anyway.
“Whenever you’re ready, just let me know,” I replied.
“I’ll be sure to do that. But in all seriousness, do you have a plan? Let’s assume I get into a place next week. I’m guessing you can’t and don’t want to stay here permanently, so I was wondering if you had any thoughts about where you’d like to go.”
It was such an odd thing to admit, but I had not a clue. “I don’t. Normally, I’m religiously checking the weather to see what’s happening here and the surrounding areas. I haven’t really done much of that over the last couple of days.”
“You haven’t done much at all over the last couple of days besides snowboarding, watching movies, and making me so happy,” she noted.
“Are you happy?” I asked her.
She lifted her head from my chest, grinned at me, and insisted, “Deliriously.”
After she rested her cheek against my chest again, I asked her another question. “What else do you think I should be doing here if not snowboarding and spending time with you?”
Indy was quick to respond. “Well, if you had just come here for a few days to snowboard, it would have been one thing, but you told me you were snowboarding in Utah two days before you arrived here.”
“I was.”
“Right. And you’re going to go somewhere after here just to snowboard some more, aren’t you?”
I hadn’t quite made up my mind about any of that just yet, but I was too curious to see where she was heading with this, so I replied, “That’s likely.”
“So, that’s why I’m thinking you should be doing something else while you’re here,” she noted. “I mean, how do you even afford to have this camper, let alone buy food and take girls out to restaurants to celebrate when they get a job offer?”
Now it made sense.
“First of all, I am not taking girls out to restaurants when they get job offers,” I started, wanting to make that clear to her. “You are the only woman I’ve done that with.”
“Fair enough. That still doesn’t answer my question.”
“I’m taking a break from work right now,” I told her.
“Oh. That’s cool. I thought you were one of those people who traveled around in their camper and had the freedom to work from anywhere,” she reasoned.
I let out another laugh. “Not exactly. In fact, my job isn’t the kind of thing I can just do anywhere.”