Page 26 of Dare to Rock
Her hips bucked, and he read her signals correctly because he put his talented mouth to even better use. He licked, ate, nibbled, and teased her pussy, pushing her past restraint, into ever-sharper awareness. Considering she’d been primed for what felt like hours, she was so damned close already.
She thrust her pelvis up, grinding into his mouth, needing the pressure of his lips, the suckling, and the occasional gentle scrape of his teeth. She shattered, taking her pleasure, her orgasm coming in waves that seemed to never end. She clenched and unclenched her fists above her head, bound by his words and her unspoken promise. Unable to touch him or ground herself, she rode out her climax, grasping at air with her fingers. He didn’t let up until the tremors subsided, and she fell limp against the mattress, her arms still useless over her head.
The sound of ripping foil reawakened her senses, and she opened her eyes to find Grey poised over her, the hard tip of his erection nudging her sex.
“You’re gorgeous when you come, sugar,” he said, eyes glittering, jaw hard and taut.
She bit down on her lower lip, embarrassed... and yet... not. Because it was Grey.
“It’s my turn to see you come apart,” she said, arching her hips and attempting to pull his cock into her needy core.
But he held out. He was barely inside her, a mere tease of what could be, and he still clearly maintained control. Unacceptable, she thought. She wanted to render him senseless. She needed to see it, to believe she had the same power over him that he clearly had over her.
Finished following his rules, she ran her hands down his chest, scoring his skin lightly with her nails, scraping over his dark nipples. He groaned and arched his hips, causing him to slide deeper.
“Fuck it,” he muttered and thrust his hips, filling her completely.
“Grey.” She sucked in a startled breath, unprepared for the flood of emotion that rushed her from all sides. A harsh combination of panic and fear that the feelings surrounding her were too close to love.
“I feel it too,” he said, as if he understood she needed the reassurance.
But he couldn’t know. Couldn’t possibly still possess the emotions threatening to pull her under and prevent her from walking away from this, from him, unscathed.
She blinked back the tears that threatened, and when he shifted and began to move, nothing else mattered. His solid thrusts took her out of herself until she was aware of only Grey and the pounding of his body against and into hers as he took her into an explosive orgasm that consumed her, body and soul.
Chapter Five
Night crept into morning. Grey woke Avery up once by settling between her thighs and licking her sweet pussy until she began yanking his hair and coming hard, only then realizing it wasn’t a dream, and a second time by pulling her back against him and fucking her from behind. They fit like two pieces of a puzzle. She filled the holes he’d always been aware of and some he hadn’t known existed. He still had shit from his past to fix. Avery gave him hope that he could do that soon. She gave him hope, period, and Grey wasn’t letting her go.
A cute snore sounded from the other side of the bed. He debated waking her up again but decided against it, instead heading for the kitchen to fill another kind of hunger. He was drinking a cup of coffee when he heard a sound.
He turned to see her walk into the kitchen, wearing nothing but one of his T-shirts. Long legs she’d had wrapped around him last night beckoned to him. Her hair fell in messy waves, the blonde streaks appearing like a halo around her makeup-free yet still beautiful face.
He wanted to drag her back to bed but offered her food instead. “Coffee? Muffin?”
Her eyes opened wide at the last choice. “Muffin, please. I’m starving.”
He chose not to touch that remark or she’d never get her food. “I’ll run downstairs and grab us some from the corner bakery.”
Violet eyes met his. “How about we pick them up together? I have to go home soon, shower and change. I have a meeting at the hospital.”
He pushed aside the disappointment that she was leaving so soon. “Today?”
She shrugged. “That’s when the head of the Children’s Committee can meet. I have an idea I need him to approve.”
He drank the last of his caffeine fix and put the mug in the sink. “What’s your idea?”
She blushed but explained, “Ella and I want to throw a prom for the teenagers in treatment.”
He blinked, surprised. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t think these kids have enough to look forward to. There’s a lot they miss out on. I saw the idea on the news. Memorial Sloan Kettering Children’s Hospital in New York ran the event last year. I have the connections to make it happen here. I want to bring in a makeup team, a hair team, wigs for those cancer patients who have lost their hair.” Her hands flew with expressiveness as she continued. “With Ella’s help, because she works with designers, I can get dresses donated, and these kids can go to their own prom. Imagine how excited they’d be!”
Her enthusiasm sparkled in her eyes, determination in her voice and expression. He loved watching her get so animated about a subject.
He leaned back against the kitchen counter, the cold granite at his back. “I don’t think anyone will be able to resist your enthusiasm,” he said, awed by both the idea and the selflessness behind it. When she’d given bone marrow at such a young age, the choice hadn’t been hers exactly, but now the way she gave back, it was.
“I hope you’re right. Dr. McCann holds tight to those purse strings, but I already have promises of people and businesses who will donate, so I’m sure that will help the cause.” She blew out a long breath and laughed. “Jeez, enough about me. What are you doing today?”