Page 79 of Off Limits Daddy
"Did you catch them yet?"
"Right now, there's people out trying to find the bad guys and arrest them. As soon as they tell me they've done that, I’m going to take you home."
"I sure hope it's soon."
"I do too, baby."
I wasn't much of a homeschooling teacher, but I did my best to give Aiden a normal routine that involved learning and playing. On occasion, I’d check in Riker and Pinsky.
I’d finally made a call to Ms. Thomas, Aiden’s social worker, to let her know that Aiden was safe. She seemed shocked about Racine. I demanded a promise that she’d leave Aiden with Duncan.
“I don’t want to move him, but he’s in the hospital. However…”
Holy hell. I might have to break the law and keep Aiden hidden until Duncan was well enough. “What about my paperwork? When am I going to be approved to be his foster mother?"
“I was about to tell you. Your approval came the other day. I’m sorry, I hadn’t seen it because?—”
“Don’t tell me. Racine.”
"Yes. I’m sorry. I’m glad the approval is in because there are concerns about whether or not Mr. Ashworth would be able to care for Aiden after his ordeal. With your approval, it means that Aiden will be able to stay with you both. I suppose with all this, your wedding has been postponed."
We are engaged, I thought. Maybe it was fake, and maybe Duncan will have decided that I wasn't worth the effort anymore. But maybe, just maybe, I could use my foster care approval and this fake engagement to convince Duncan otherwise.
I was just aboutto put Aiden to bed that night when the call came in. Wally had been found but had been determined not to go to jail. The result was a shootout which left him and several of his men dead. Two Boston police officers and an FBI agent had been wounded as well.
Julia Racine was going to jail, and since the FBI had agreed to protect her son and his family, they would continue to honor that. With Wally dead, it might not be an issue. On the other hand, the Crew would likely reform, and who knew what they’d do?
"Aiden. The bad guys have been caught. Wally and all those people aren't going to bother us anymore."
He looked up at me from where he had his toothbrush in his mouth, foam all over the place. "Really?"
I nodded. "That means that we can go out. I can take you home."
"Really?" he said with the most enthusiasm I'd seen yet.
I knelt down next to him so I could look him in the eyes. "But I was thinking maybe we would go see Duncan first. They may not let us in. Visiting hours are over. We might have to sneak in."
"Like a spy?"
I nodded.
He immediately spat the toothpaste out into the sink and ran out of the bathroom. "I'm going to get dressed."
I laughed. While he got dressed, I made a couple of other calls, one to Agent Matthews to let him know that Aiden and I were leaving and to thank him for his help. And then I called Detective Riker to thank him as well.
Fifteen minutes later, Aiden and I were in the car, driving to the hospital. When we arrived, I took Aiden's hand and walked in. I had gotten Duncan's room number from Detective Riker and I decided if we walked straight there like we were expected, all would be well.
I wasn't sure what he would think about seeing me, but I had no doubt he would be happy to see Aiden. We made a beeline for the elevator, and I poked the button to Duncan's floor. When we arrived, we stepped out, and I took Aiden's hand as I looked down the hallway toward the nurses’ station.
"We're going to walk straight to Duncan's room. Okay? And if the nurse stops us, you let me do the talking."
He nodded. We made our way down the hall. I hoped that Duncan’s room would be before we reached the nurses’ station, but as we moved closer, it was clear his room was past it. I kept my head forward as we walked past the nurse and continued down the hall.
"Hold on there. Can I help you?"
Dammit. I stopped and turned to smile at the nurse. I held up my badge. "I'm agent Marsden. I need to speak with Duncan Ashworth."
The nurse looked at my badge and then down at Aiden before turning her attention back to me. "Visiting hours are over."