Page 80 of Off Limits Daddy
"As I said, I'm agent Marsden. I need to speak with Duncan Ashworth. This is my assistant, Agent Brennan. It's extremely important that we see Mr. Ashworth." Inside, I was prayingto anyone who would listen that this nurse would have some compassion, that she would recognize the importance of our seeing Duncan.
The nurse’s brow furrowed and she leaned down to look at Aiden. "Your first name doesn't happen to be Aiden, by chance?"
He nodded.
The nurse straightened and smiled. "Why didn't you say so in the first place?" She stepped closer to me conspiratorially. "Technically, visiting hours are over. But all our jobs here will be easier once Mr. Ashworth sees Aiden and knows that he's well."
I nodded. "Thank you."
"Mr. Ashworth is going to be fine, but you need to be prepared. He is still weak. He's going to need some time to recover."
"We'll make sure to take good care of him."
The nurse turned to head back toward the station. "Oh, and if you happen to run into anybody else, you never saw me. I never gave you permission."
"Got it."
Aiden and I continued down to Duncan's room. Nerves consumed me as I pushed open the door. I knew he’d be happy to see Aiden, but what would he feel about seeing me? I hoped he didn't hate me.
We walked in. Duncan was lying in the bed looking large yet frail as machines around him monitored his vitals. I wanted to rush over and wrap my arms around him and apologize for not recognizing what a wonderful man he was. I wanted to tell him that I wanted what he gave to Aiden, unconditional love and support.
His eyes drifted open, and when they saw me, they narrowed. My breath held as I waited for what he might say.
"Where's Aiden?"
"He's right here. We snuck in.” I drew Aiden over to the side of the bed, pulling over a chair and lifting him up to stand on it so he could see Duncan.
Aiden leaned close to him. "We were like spies."
Duncan's eyes were glassy, and at the same time, I could see them take in the boy. He reached out his hand, pressing it against Aiden's cheek. "You're my champ."
"I did what you said. You said ‘Batman’ and I went to hide. And then Veronica found me, and we went to her work so we can get the bad guys. And then we were in a house. And then they got the bad guys."
I looked at Aiden. "I think that's the most I've heard him say at one time, ever."
Duncan simply gazed at the boy with so much love. How I desperately wanted him to look at me the same way.
But when his gaze turned to me, it wasn't a depth of love I saw in his eyes. "Are you alright too?"
I nodded. "Aiden and I went to a safe house for the last few days."
"That must've driven you crazy not to be working."
His words felt like little stabs to my heart. But what else could he think? I had told him I didn't want a life of domesticity. I wanted to work. "Actually, it was fun, wasn't it, Aiden?"
"I didn't have my toys, but it was okay. Veronica says we can go home now. And that you will be able to be my daddy and maybe she could be my mommy."
Duncan's gaze moved from him to me. "She said that?"
"Are you going to be my daddy?"
Duncan's gaze returned to Aiden. "I want more than anything to be your daddy, Aiden. Do you want to be my son?"
Aiden's head bobbed up and down. "Can I call you Daddy?"
Duncan's eyes closed as if the words had wrapped around him, giving him comfort. When he opened them, I saw they’d watered from emotion. "I'd love it if you called me Daddy."
Aiden turned to look at me. "Can I call you Mommy?"