Page 92 of Mate
With a deep breath, she picked up a bag of salt, her voice softly humming in the background. We watched in silence as she completed the circular pattern on the wooden floor and the room seemed to come alive with mystical energy, practically vibrating with it.
With a delicate hand, Wendy drew intricate symbols in chalk within the circle of salt next.
“We are gathered here, in the heart of the bayou, to forge a bond that will stand the test of time and trials.”
Wendy held up the goblet with my blood and murmured, “Le sang, il est la vie, il est la force. Blood, it is life, it is strength.”
She then poured the dragon’s blood into the same goblet, its otherworldly iridescence mingling with my own. “The blood ofthe dragon, it’s a gift from the spirits, a force that grants us protection and strength.”
As the goblet shimmered with the combined essence, Wendy lit sage and bay leaves, their fragrant smoke curling upwards.
Then it got weird.
She started speaking in tongues. Or at least in a language I had never heard of. And then her eyesglowed. Fucking glowed, and yes—in the creepiest way possible. Then out of Wendy’s chest came a humming, soft yet at the same time so deep that I felt it in my toes.
Within the circle of salt, the energy seemed to swell and come alive. I locked eyes with Ry and then Caelum, and I could feel the connection between us reach a crescendo, taking my heart along with it. They must have felt it too, because they both reached for me at the same time, taking my hands within theirs and holding me close. Their fingers squeezed mine as the mystical energy in the room grew to terrifying proportions.
The room itself became a vessel for magic. Wendy’s soft humming provided an enchanting backdrop to the sensation that washed over us, and I felt as though I was being embraced by the very heart of the bayou itself.
Wendy continued to hum, her voice weaving into the essence of the ritual. She started to speak in ancient languages again, but then a voice that was not quite Wendy’s continued, “The spirit of blood and bone, lead us in the light of the moon, strengthen this bond, grant us the protection of your ancestors. The time has come for you to drink from this cup, to accept the strength of the blood and the bond that unites you.”
We had todrinkfrom it?
She had conveniently forgotten to mention that little part. I wasn’t a fucking vampire. Sure, maybe I was part werewolf or Lycan or whatever my wolves liked to be labeled, but I didn’t drink blood for kicks.
Fuck that.
I went to take a step back, but both of my men held me fast, pulling me forward along with them.
Fucking hell. This was going to be disgusting. I didn’t even have a lemon or a lime to chase the damn thing with.
I was going to need a really stiff drink after this.
I knew I didn’t really have a choice as Ry, Caelum, and I approached the goblet, each of us taking our turn to sip from it. I let them go first, watching their expressions for any hint as to how gross it was to drink not only my blood, but dragon’s blood too. When they didn’t make a face, I grimaced and tentatively took the goblet. I tilted it up and watched the shimmering liquid drift towards my lips.
Fuck me. I could do this.
The liquid was cool and carried a subtle, earthy flavor, like the essence of the Deep South itself. Honestly, it was kind of good in a weird way.
As I drank, Wendy continued to hum, her voice resonating with an undercurrent of ancient power that made her seem that much larger than life.
The tips of my fingers started to tingle, and I looked from one side to the other, seeing tiny little tendrils of magic flowing frommy hands. The same was happening to Ry and Caelum, and soon enough, it was spiraling around the three of us with wild abandon.
We had become vessels for some sort of ancient magic.
I felt weightlessness take over, my feet no longer touching the ground, and looked to see that Caelum and Ry were experiencing the same thing. The magic swirled around us in a mesmerizing display of power, its iridescent tendrils holding us in a gentle embrace. We hovered in the center of the room, suspended by the enchanting forces we had awakened.
Then the magic surged through me with a bolt of intensity. It was as though the mystical power had found a focal point within me, and I could feel it coursing through every fiber of my being.
As the energy in the room reached its zenith, the magical bond between the three of us deepened, and we became acutely aware that we were no longer separate individuals but a unified force.
I turned my head to look at Wendy, her eyes golden with powerful magic all of her own. Her body was also in the air, toes off the ground and pointed straight, making her body hang in an unnatural way.
The swirling tendrils of power, once graceful and controlled, began to surge through Wendy with an overwhelming force. Her eyes widened in astonishment as the magic took on a life of its own, spiraling around her like a tornado of mystical energy. It was as if the magic had chosen Wendy as its conduit, and she became the epicenter of a breathtaking display of power. With each passing moment, the whirlwind of magic grew in intensity. Wendy’s voice, which had been so melodic yet irregular, nowquivered with the sheer magnitude of the forces she had harnessed.
I would have run to her, but the magic in the room had other plans.