Page 93 of Mate
As it continued to course through me, I felt an irresistible urge deep within me. It was a powerful call, a primal instinct beckoning me to embrace my true nature.
I yielded to it.
Slowly, my human form began to shift and contort, my bones realigning as my muscles reshaped into something entirely different. In moments, I had transformed from a human girl, my body contorting and snapping into a wolf, my sleek, silvery coat glistening in the iridescent light of the swirling magic. I let out a joyful, resonant howl as my mates shifted beside me.
Fuck. It felt good to howl, like dancing in the rain or that feeling you get when the rollercoaster reaches its peak and you’re about to take that first dive.
I glanced to my side to see that Caelum had taken the shape of a striking black wolf with mesmerizing blue eyes, his fur as dark as a moonless night, while Ry had become a remarkable grey-brown wolf, his coat resembling the rich colors of the earth.
In perfect harmony, the three of us lifted our heads towards the heavens and unleashed a resounding howl that reverberated with the enchanting power of the ritual. Our voices merged into a hauntingly beautiful chorus, echoing through the room.
As the sound of our howl faded, a sudden burst of energy surged through Wendy. Her eyes, alight with the intensity of the ritual,shimmered with a radiant glow. With a voice both powerful and ancient, she chanted the final words of the ritual.
“Through the magic of this realm, through the waters in the ground, in the rivers, through the earth, through the air, and the power of the deep, unite these three souls as one. Let the strength of the pack be their shield and may the heart of the moon guide their path. With this bond, they be bound, and with this magic, they be made whole.”
As she completed the incantation, the room seemed to quiver with an otherworldly energy, and the mystical forces that had enveloped us finally subsided. Wendy’s radiant form began to fade, and she gently collapsed to the ground, the ritual finally complete.
We dropped as well, onto our paws, landing roughly on the marble ground. I still felt powerful, and different, and so strong, so not myself. But the magic in the room felt like it was gone, and it was just air around us once again.
Samael immediately rushed to Wendy’s side, his expression grim and filled with worry.
“I knew I shouldn’t have allowed this,” he grumbled hastily. Without pause, he pressed his fingers to the side of her throat, seeming to be checking for a pulse. “Thank God!” he exclaimed, his relief evident all over his face.
“Should have charged a fuck ton more,” Silas muttered.
“Shut it, Silas. Not important right now,” Ombre scolded, which only resulted in a feral hiss from the impudent cat.
My sister was looking at me from one side of the room, just behind Beau. She was the first one to speak. “…Kaci?” she asked nervously.
I tried to speak, I really did, but all I heard was a wolf moan. But I could feel the others in my pack, and I could hear Ry and Caelum’s thoughts as if they were my own.
“She can’t hear wolf, sweet cheeks,” Ry explained gently.
“She’s right there. She’s fine,” Beau said comfortingly to Macy, wrapping his stupid, thick, man arm around my sweet, cute little sister and rubbing at her arm as if she needed to be warmed up or some shit.
She stepped forward, and I stepped forward to her. She reached out her hand, looking wide-eyed and curious. I sniffed her hand for some reason I couldn’t explain.
Then Samael took her hand and pulled it away from me, saying, “Don’t. She’s a wolf. She’s wild. She’s not wearing a wolf suit, sweetheart. She’s become her second nature. A nature with a mind of its own. She ain’t tame. Here,” he picked up Silas and dumped the black fur ball into Macy’s arms while she looked at him with an open mouth and wide, open eyes. “Something fluffy to hold. Don’t let go of him.”
“You may pet my head,” the cat added permissively.
Macy looked down at the cat, seeming hesitant, but then pet his neck.
Samael looked down at Wendy. “We’re running out of time, baby,” he told Wendy, brushing her hair back off her face. “Wake up.”
“I feel like I’m gonna be sick,” Wendy suddenly groaned, her eyes still closed.
“You need to get a doorway open,” Samael said, rubbing her shoulders in a sharp, rattling motion.
The room suddenly stilled when we heard a howl.
Although I had no experience, the wolf I now was assured me, down to my bones, that the howl meant nothing good. The hairs on my coat stood on end, and I bared my teeth.
“Come on, baby,” Samael said urgently to Wendy.
It felt like there was a silent pressure building, and I couldn’t explain why. But then a sudden explosion of magic rocked the mansion. The ballroom windows shattered with a deafening crash, their shards propelled outward in a chaotic display of power. I felt the force of the blast and scrambled to my feet, my instincts on high alert.
The eerie howl of wolves resounded from outside, a war cry.