Page 7 of Returning To Mia
Chapter 5
Ican’t stop staring at my finger as we get off the plane. The finger that I thought would be bare for life, now has the most gorgeous diamond sitting snugly on it, along with a band wrapped with diamonds. I laughed when Evan said he wasn’t waiting another minute to marry me, make me his in every way, but before we even got on the plane, he had me in front of a judge and I had a new last name—but I also learnt that Evan did too. He truly has given up everything to do with his brothers and family, and that make my heart so happy. I don’t even care that I haven’t heard from my parents still.
Well, at least I don’t think I’ve heard from them still. I called my boss while Evan was packing my bags, telling him that I quit, effective immediately, and that if my parents called looking for me, to have them call my cell phone. I honestly forgot all about them last night once I realized Evan was really there, all I wanted was him after that, and if my phone had rung, I honestly couldn’t tell you. I was so wrapped up in him that nothing else mattered.
When we got to the airport, Evan asked me for my phone, telling me that the safest thing was to leave it there and we’d get me a new one when we landed. He didn’t want anyone in his family to get my number and track us if they got out of jail on bail or anything. It only took me a couple minutes to agree since my parents had access to my location via it as well. I didn’t want them to get mixed up in this even if I didn’t like the way they treated me. So, I gave it to him, and he handed it over to the FBI agent who started to say something when I asked them to pass along a message to my parents if they called. He shut up when Evan gave him a death glare, and we boarded a private jet, which had me warming to the idea of joining the mile-high club. Evan just gave me a hot kiss as we settled into our seats, telling me another time, then proceeded to send me into a sweet nap with his arms wrapped fully around me. I’ve never slept so good and now that we’re wherever we are, it feels like a million pounds has been lifted off me.
“Welcome to our new home, Mrs. Whitley,” Evan says when the car stops outside an enormous house. My jaw drops as I glance over at him curiously, and he gives me a smile before helping me out of the car and walks us to the front door. I was expecting something small, especially with the FBI seizing the family’s money, but this is nothing like that. This is a stinking mansion in the middle of nowhere.
“Are you freaking kidding me?” I ask once we’re through the doors, gaping up at the huge open space.
“Not at all, baby,” he states, taking our bags from the agent that drove us here. A hint of a smile slips onto my lips when he doesn’t let the man inside the space. He sets them down in the entryway before turning back to the man adding, “We’re done.”
“There may be some things we still need to discuss with you regarding the case,” the agent begins but Evan cuts him off with a glare that makes my panties melt.
“We’re done. If you can’t make the case stick with everything I gave you, then that’s on you all. I gave you the last six months of my time, I’m not giving anyone but Mia another minute. Understand?” he demands, and I fight to keep the smile off my lips when the agent gives a reluctant nod before slinking back to his vehicle.
“So, are you planning to keep me trapped here with you, Mr. Whitley?” I ask when he comes over to me, my arms sliding around his shoulders. I love our new last name. It has no connection to his past at all, is simply for our future.
“For the next week or so, yes,” he growls, picking me up as he heads for the stairs. “After that, we can explore and go wherever you want around the area.”
“And how do we get there?” I question, enjoying his impatience to get me naked again.
“With any of the three vehicles in the garage.” My brow lifts as he lays me out on the huge bed. It’s taller than mine. The height will be perfect for him to fuck me on the edge of it, and the headboard is amazing. It’s metal and has ring designs all across it, making it look more decorative than to allow for some serious pleasure, especially since there are what look to be additional restraint hooks along the top of the open canopy frame.
I turn my head, seeing more along a similarly designed footboard. Evan gives me the sexiest smile ever, his eyes glittering telling me I’m right in my thoughts that he had this bed built so he could tie me up and fuck me however he wanted.
“This place is really ours?” I ask, as he lays out over my body, every inch of bare skin touching making me shiver in the best ways.
“All ours, Mia-mine. I had it built years ago, had it ready to come out here and make it our home. Had the paperwork for the name change ready to go as well. We’d have been here five years ago if my brother had stayed the fuck away.”
“And the FBI just let you keep it? I mean, I know you said you had money saved away but since it came from the family…”
“It was part of my agreement. I gave them the goods to take down the others and we walked away completely free. What I had was mine to keep because it was separate from the rest of the family’s money already, so no one could link it to their underhanded dealings when looking into them now. No one was to be allowed access to our new information. There won’t be any court records of the name change. We’ll be getting new ids, socials, passports, all of that stuff shortly. No one will find us to bother us ever again, baby. Not even your parents,” he adds making my brow lift in surprise. “You’ll have a single phone that you can contact them on, but you can’t tell them where we are.”
“Why not?” I ask, moaning as his cock nudges at my lips, and I hold tightly to him as he sinks inch by inch into me.
“For your safety, someone could potentially get out or get off from charges, and if they do, they’ll come after us when my brothers learn I’m no longer in jail. That I’m out and free. Garret will know the only way to hurt me is to hurt you, and now, the only way to find you is through your parents.”
“So, they’ll be in danger?” The thought doesn’t worry me nearly as much as it should, and I don’t know why not. Maybe it’s because they’ve had no sympathy for how I felt when Evan was ripped away from me, only with what it would look like to their friends if they admitted that I was so despondent over the boy I loved going to prison. I suppose it doesn’t matter now that I have Evan with me, he’s most important and always will be.
“Not likely, but they also may not be able to contact you in the future if what I’m betting will happen actually happens,” he tells me, his body wrapped around me as tightly as my pussy is wrapped around his thick cock. It feels so good to just be connected to him that I don’t complain he’s not moving, is simply holding me close still.
“What do you think will happen?” I ask, my eyes closing as his forehead touches mine, making me smile entirely at the sweetness of his hold on me. This morning was so incredible, so hot, but this here is the boy I first fell in love with, the rest of it is what we grew into together, so to have both right now, is amazing.
“You mentioned not hearing from your parents yesterday,” he says pulling my eyes open as he lifts his head a bit and I nod. “There’s a reason for that.”
“What? Did they move them somewhere to prep for the takedown?” I ask, wondering if he made a deal to keep them safe when everything happened for me.
“No, they were arrested the night before with the others,” Evan replies and my jaw drops as breath rushes out of me.
“Arrested?” I stutter out and he nods at me. “Why? For what?”
“The night I was arrested…they were part of it, baby,” he states, and I swear if he wasn’t holding me so close, wasn’t buried inside me, I swear I would have thought all of it a dream—or a nightmare considering what he just said.
“They…no, they knew what I was like afterwards…” I argue, my chin trembling.