Page 8 of Returning To Mia
“I don’t think they expected it to hit you so hard, that they believed we really were in love—the always forever love. It’s also why I think they’ve been so over the top with you. To assuage their guilt for causing you to fall so deep into that hole, they tried anything they could to force you out of it.”
More tears slip from my eyes, these ones hurt worse, because they were caused by the people that were supposed to love me, want me to be happy, and they’re the ones that helped steal that from me. They stole five years of happiness from me knowing the entire time that Evan wasn’t guilty, hadn’t betrayed me.
“I’m sorry, baby. So fucking sorry,” Evan whispers, kissing away the tears. “I didn’t know when we started that it would pull them down too. They should be able to make deals though, get immunity if they testify and with the potential threat towards them from my family, they may get put into witness protection.”
“Which is why you say they won’t be able to call me,” I guess as my heart aches for everything we lost because of our stupid families.
“Yes, they may make an exception since we’re essentially doing the same thing, but if you don’t want any contact with them, I’ll make sure they know it. No one is going to make you cry ever again, baby. No one is ever going to hurt your heart again, because I’m here to keep it safe now.”
“Show me,” I beg, needing him more than anything now. He’s the only one I really can trust—even if I swore for a few years there that I couldn’t. He’s not the one that damaged that trust, it was my parents and his family. And they can all go rot in hell now for all I care.
They stole this from us. This incredible house. This electric connection. They took it because they were selfish, thought they knew better.
“Always, Mia-mine. I will always show you that you’re safe, your world is safe, because I’m protecting it—you,” he promises, his lips taking mine in a long, slow kiss, as his hips do wicked things, sending me toppling with ease.
We stay wrapped in each other the rest of the night, and I let out a content sigh as I finish nibbling on the snacks Evan brought up to me. I was too exhausted to go downstairs with him, my body ready to drop, but he insisted I eat something since I hadn’t gotten but a bite or two of my ice cream last night after he ambushed me.
The thought of it now makes me smile. The way he pushed me into the wall, slid his hands over me makes me hot, and if I’d had any inkling that he was out and free, I wouldn’t have been scared one single second.
“What are you thinking about, Mia?” Evan asks as he sets the plate aside, tugging the sheets down until he can see every inch of my body and my eyes slide downward when he smirks. My nipples pebble tightly seeing the reason why.
There are smudges all over my body from his hands and mouth. Little bruises forming where his hands held me tight, or his mouth suckled hard on my skin. Fuck, I didn’t know how much I missed them until now. The cuffs were wide-set leather pieces that wouldn’t leave marks behind, something that was necessary since my parents would have asked questions if I showed up at the breakfast table with handcuff marks on my wrists.
“Last night, when you surprised me at my place,” I tell him.
“Scared you, you mean,” he grumbles, and I smile further knowing he hates that part of it, that there was anything that was frightening me that he couldn’t protect me from, especially since he was the one that unknowingly brought it to the surface.
“You made it all better the second you said my name. Soothed any fear that someone else was touching me, then made me want your touch even more,” I assure him as he picks me up, carrying me into the bathroom I only got a short glimpse of earlier when I had to pee or risk an accident. He’d carried me into it similarly to now, but when he settled me on the toilet, he’d tilted my head back, feeding me his cock that was hungry for more.
This time I get to look around it, and holy shit, it’s everything my apartment’s wasn’t, beyond being huge. There’s a massive shower on the back wall, little cubby holes along one side of it that intrigue me because they’re not big enough to hold more than a bar of soap. It also has a bench along the back of it, and I know it’s going to get a lot of use the way we’re currently going.
“Like it?” Evan asks moving us into it, and I nod, then moan when he shows me the cubby holes have built in restraint rings. “I’d been dreaming of typing you up long before you ever let me, but the moment you actually let me, I knew I wanted to do it to you in here. I had the shower built to accommodate them and bought a brand-new set of waterproof restraints for your wedding present. Tonight, it’s the tub for you because you’re about to fall asleep, but I plan to fuck you every which way I want in the shower starting tomorrow, baby. You want that too?”
“Fuck yes,” I moan, as he moves over to the enormous tub and starts filling it with steaming water, dropping a bath bomb into it that simply makes me smile because he really does remember everything about me. I don’t think there’s ever been a time I didn’t enjoy sex with him, but I’ll admit, his aggressive side really turns me on, especially when he’d wake me up with his cock deep inside me, on the brink of an orgasm already.
“I get to have you anytime I want you still?” he asks, sliding us into the hot water, soothing the little aches in my body, while making me love him more.
“Always, my body is yours, whenever you want it.” I rest my face in his neck, struggling to stay awake, a smile on my lips. It never fades, not even when he slips me into the bed, before sliding his cock into me, fucking me until he comes, and I drift fully asleep.
Chapter 6
Seven days. Seven perfect fucking days. And I do mean ‘fucking’ days, because there hasn’t been an hour that’s passed in which I haven’t fucked my girl somehow, except for when we were on the plane to get here and when I was getting her married to me.
The morning after we got here, Mia told me she never wanted to speak to her parents again. I passed that along to the FBI who had wanted to inform Mia they were arrested and asking to see her before I got her out of town. She’s furious that they could do something so awful and stay quiet knowing how deeply it affected her. I wasn’t about to argue it, not after she told me the true depths her depression reached, hearing her talk about the suicidal thoughts that’d come more than once to her.
If anything had happened to Mia while I was in prison…her family and mine would all be in shallow graves right now.
Looking at her now, I can’t see any of that sadness or despair in her, but one glance at the photos she had in her online cloud account and my heart was in my throat. It felt like it was trying to break free of my body it hurt so much. I may have been the one locked behind bars, but my Mia wasn’t free either. Her prison was that bleak hole she was trying to get out of, and it was her parents’ making.
It wasn’t easy being behind bars, not being able to do what I wanted when I wanted, especially since most of what I’ve always wanted was to be fucking Mia. I had guards in my pocket, other prisoners to watch my back, because I was a Cooper, a king compared to the rats in that place. I’ve had five full months to get past it as well, while Mia’s only had the last seven days, but the fuck if I don’t see the girl she was just begging to be set free.
That’s why despite wanting to do nothing more than to fuck her into oblivion, we’re headed out to the second of the four buildings on the property. The first is the house with the attached garage for the vehicles. The second is Mia’s studio that I had built. It’s been fully reinspected, the kiln tested, to ensure it’s safe for her to start using. No way was I going to risk something going wrong in the last five years and it taking her from me now.
The third building is the pool house for the massive in-ground pool I had installed because Mia loves to swim and seeing her in her swimsuits had me fucking her in the shower at the one back home, every time. I made sure my cum was filling her before she stepped foot out of the room, and then I’d fill her again when she finished, to make certain my scent overrode any of the chlorine so other guys would know she was taken. I couldn’t begin to count how many times I’d thought of fucking her in the pool, and here, I’ll get to do it once it warms up a hint more outside.
We’re about thirty minutes outside of Savannah, Georgia now, a long way away from Tacoma, Washington. It’ll stay warmer down here but there’s still a nip in the air as winter is evolving into spring.