Page 148 of Thor & Dragon
“Fuck!” Patch curses.
When Devil and Punisher both have Reaper’s arms carefully stretched over their shoulders, they start to help him walk out. Patch rushes over to Spitfire and feels for a pulse. I notice Thor’s off to the side talking to Phoenix, and I know it’s about the dead bodies and hostages, but Spitfire is my focus right now. Thank fuck she has both of us.
“It’s a little weak, but she’ll be okay. She might have just gotten overloaded temporarily. Get her outside after big guy and hopefully they’re bringing the big van. My friend’s going to the hospital and will help have everything prepped for us.”
I follow Reaper out of the house and am relieved when I see Colt driving up one of our vans with the sliding doors. It has a couple rows of seats, but in the back, we installed seats along the length of the van as well. I climb up into the back section, and so do Reaper, Thor, Doc, and Patch. Now that we’re out of the house, I rip my mask off, and the others do the same.
“Reaper, who did this? We have Travis, Sean, Fang, Korso, Joker, and Archer all alive. A little bloody, but alive,” Thor asks as he sits down to my left, since I’m still holding Spitfire. He picks her legs up and drapes them over his legs. It’s then that I notice the rope burns on her hands and legs. Shit, I didn’t get a good look at her torso for any other wounds.
“Travis mostly did that to Half-pint, though Sean and Fang did some as well. It was mostly Fang that did this to me, but all of them cut into me some. All of them but Sean and Travis had a go at the woman on the table.”
“They didn’t… they didn’t… did they?” Fuck, I can’t say it.
“I came too before she woke up, so I can’t speak about when I was out, but they didn’t rape her as far as I know.”
As a whole, breaths whooshes out of almost everyone in the van. Levi shifts in my arms as Colt starts driving, and I look down at her, worried I, no we, might lose her because of this.
“What’s our story? Do we have to get Creed involved? If he needs suspects, I vote he gets Archer, Joker and Korso as long as he promises they’ll never get out. We get Fang, Sean, and Travis.”
Relief floods me cause that sounds like she’s not leaving. Especially since that was the first thing out of her mouth.
“Tiffany and Monica were bound upstairs too. From the laptop I secured, it looks like they were setting up profiles to sell them,” Thor says.
“I vote they stay then, too. Bitches probably helped them get us before the tables were turned,” Levi spits out.
Thor shifts next to me and pulls out his phone.
“Creed, it’s Thor. Are you in a secure place to talk?”
Creed must tell him to wait because he doesn’t say anything for a bit.
“Do you need suspects?” He pauses and then nods. “We’ve got eight, but we’d really like to deal with five of them as long as you can ensure the other three never get out. I can get Smoke to give you the address if you agree to that.”
After a few moments, he nods, agrees to whatever Creed’s saying, and then calls someone else.
“Phoenix. Leave Archer, Joker and Korso there. Secure them and blindfold all of them, not just those three. It’ll help that Fang was in another room, so they haven’t seen him. But we can’t have those three saying much. Same with Travis and Sean. At least we all stayed concealed while we were there. Have someone then take our guests to the sticks along with Tiffany and Monica. Creed’s going to meet up with us at the hospital and then he will meet you out there to pick up his three suspects.” He pauses and turns, winking at Spitfire.
She grins back at him and leans her head against my shoulder before she shifts and looks over at Reaper. Once again, I feel the nervous tremble in her body as she wrings her hands together and chews on her lip.
“Keep staying strong, Half-pint. You can break down later if you need.”
Spitfire nods, sits up straighter, and takes a couple deep breaths, though I don’t miss her slight wince. When she opens her eyes, it’s like a mask falls over her. She smiles at Reaper, but it’s still slightly strained. He gives her a chin lift in response.
We drive most of the way to the hospital in silence except for Patch and Doc talking quietly every now and then as they try to stem as much of Reaper’s bleeding as possible.
Colt quickly gets us to the hospital, and Allison is already out front of the ER doors with two gurneys waiting.
Doors fly open and I slip out of the sliding door, leaving the back for Reaper to get out since he was closer to it. My feet carry me to the closet gurney, and I carefully lay Spitfire down on it. Behind me, I hear grunts and as I look over my shoulder, they’re laying Reaper down.
“Stay strong, my giant,” Levi calls out, but I don’t miss the tears that are now falling down her cheeks.
A deep but loud and strained chuckle escapes Reaper. “You too, lil’ sis.”
Levi’s eyelids start to droop, but she does her best to answer the nurse’s questions. Once we’re in the room, the nurse tries to get Thor and me to leave, but we don’t budge. It’s not until Levi informs them, she wants us here that they stop pushing.
Patch tosses me a shirt before the nurses shut the door. “Here, it’s clean. I always keep extras in my locker.”
“Thanks, man.” I quickly pull on the shirt.