Page 149 of Thor & Dragon
Once the room door closes, they carefully cut my shirt off her since it’s now clinging to her wounds and my stomach bottoms out as I take in all of her cuts and bruises. I’m not sure how I didn’t notice it before, but they carved the word ‘slut’ into her thigh. I hope it doesn’t scar too bad, but if she wants plastic surgery for any of this, we’ll get it for her.
I catalog every injury she has, wanting to pay them forward tenfold.
I’m not sure how long I’m caught up in my thoughts while the nurses clean and disinfect her cuts. She’s opting for local anesthesia, so Allison is helping get set up for when the doctor comes back in her room. Later, once she’s stitched up, they said they’ll bring in an ultrasound to check on the babies.
Her soft hand slides into mine, and I’m brought back to the present.
“I’m fine, Dragon. I’m alive. Andre’s alive. In a little bit, we’ll have confirmation on the babies. We will find who did this.”
Fuck, I must have been looking murderous for her to slip in that last comment.
“Sorry, Spitfire. I’m just so pissed you got hurt because of those assholes.”
“I know, babe, but I need you to put away that look before they make you leave. You’re making a few of the nurses that pop in here really nervous.”
Allison chuckles and nods. “Yeah, you were looking downright murderous, there for a bit, but they tended to forgive you when they noticed where your gaze was fixated most of the time.” She gives me a sympathetic look as she gestures to Spitfire’s thigh.
Taking a deep breath, I try to push down my emotions. They’ll get what’s coming to them soon.
It’s a couple of hours later and the ultrasound technician just left. Our little jellybeans as Spitfire calls them, are doing just fine. Though the doctor suggested we call and make an appointment every two weeks for the next six weeks just to make sure they continue doing well.
The rape kit came back negative, and Spitfire cried when she heard the news before saying ‘thank God’ a bunch of times.
Creed stopped by earlier and got her statement while they were stitching her up. Not going to lie, it was pretty badass to see his reaction to her as she answered all of his questions as the doctor finished all of her stitches. Conveniently leaving out bits of the truth, of course. Once she was cleaned up, Creed apologized but said he had to take pictures of her wounds for his report.
When he left, the doctor looked at Spitfire in amazement.
“Miss Wallace, I’ve seen a lot of things in my years as an ER doctor, but I can honestly say, this was the first time a victim gave their statement while getting stitched up and did not flip out at what we’re doing or even get mad at the officer.”
That got everyone in the room laughing and Levi filled him in that she’s been training with and throwing knives for years and thanks to her grandma, who was a nurse, she knows when she can stitch herself up or if she has to go in and have a professional do it. The doc shook his head in disbelief and wished her a smooth recovery.
When both Spitfire’s and Reaper’s bloodwork came back clean, the doctors had to admit that they had no idea what the assholes gave them in the ambulance since there’s no trace left in their systems. Our best guess is that it was a sedative.
Reaper’s still back being worked on, but they told us they had to put him under because of how much they needed to do to him. We haven’t heard any update on him since. Spitfire’s trying her best to not show how stressed and worried she is about him, but we see it. I don’t blame her one bit since they both witnessed and endured unspeakable things together.
Thor and I are trying to distract her when Allison comes storming in along with Patch.
“What’s going on?” Spitfire asks urgently as she tries to sit up.
“We’re trying something unconventional to help calm your friend down so we can save him.” Allison says as tosses aside Spitfire’s blankets and starts dressing her in scrubs, being careful of her wounds.
Patch shoves larger scrubs at Thor. “You’ll be able to hold her longer. Get dressed, now. Then wash up. If your pain gets to be too much, we’ll bring in a wheelchair for her, but we figure she may need one of your guys’ support, too.”
Levi’s face tightens with pain as she lifts her arms to change shirts. Once that’s on, Allison helps get her hair into a bun on top of her head and then puts a haircap on her.
When Thor’s changed and they both scrub their hands and arms, Patch lifts her up and Allison trails behind him with Spitfire’s IV pole. I follow them, pacing outside his room nervously since I can’t go in. Thankfully, Allison takes pity on me and leaves the door open a crack when she leaves his room.
I can see Thor sitting down at the head of the bed and then Spitfire’s soft voice talking to Reaper, or Andre as she’s started to call him. My heart breaks when she says it’s her turn to be the strong one for the both of them and she’ll tell him stories to keep him calm.
As she starts talking, the only machine that I can make sense of, the heart monitor, starts to slow down. The entire room seems to breathe a sigh of relief and the doctors continue working, sewing my brother back up.
I stand there for I don’t know how long, listening to Spitfire’s voice as she talks about anything and everything.
After a while, someone walks up next to me, causing me to jump.
“Levi’s been cleared to go upstairs when they clear Anthony. Would it be okay if I left her stuff with you?”
It takes me a minute before I remember Reaper’s first name is Anthony, as well as what else she’s asking, and I groan. “I’m sorry. I hope you weren’t waiting for long to use the room for someone else.” She gives me a gentle smile and waves me off.