Page 49 of Thor & Dragon
“Now, that’s no way to answer the phone, Princess. Didn’t your mother teach you any manners? Do you miss me yet? Maybe I should teach you some manners when I see you again.”
The chuckle that comes through the phone sends ice down my spine and freezes me in place.
A hand wraps around my arm and I look up in shock to see Colt motioning with his hand to keep talking, and then he steers me toward the door to Church.
“Of course, my mother taught me manners. But why would I waste them on you, considering what you did to both of us last time?”
Colt motions for me to stay at the door, and he quickly enters before shutting the door. A moment later, he reopens the door, pulls me inside, and shuts the door as he leaves. Thor motions for me to put the phone on speaker. That’s when I notice that Smoke’s typing away furiously on his laptop.
“And as for missing you, why the hell would I be missing you? I dumped your ass two months ago. Not missing you in the slightest.”
A growl comes across the line, and I wince as something smashes in the background.
“You’ll pay for that little stunt when I get my hands on you again, Princess! You’re mine. Not anyone else’s. You were promised to me, and I will be making sure that promise is fulfilled. Your virgin pussy is mine. No one else’s.”
My blood runs cold at his words. I was promised to him? By who? Then the rest of his words register and I smirk.
“Well, sorry to disappoint you, but this non-virgin pussy does not belong to anyone but me. Who I give it to is up to me and me alone. I don’t know who the hell promised me to you, but I don’t give a rat’s ass. I chose who I want to be with, and it certainly isn’t your scrawny ass.”
More things smash in the background and I smirk. It’s almost too easy to get under his skin.
“If you let one of those Steel Archangel bastards touch you, you just made your punishment all the more severe, you little bitch! You’ll regret giving them what was mine to take. What should have been mine years ago. You’ll watch as I slice up those two Russians and that other woman you’ve been hanging around. You’ll watch as they’re tortured, raped, and then killed before your eyes. Next will be whoever you let touch you and that will be gruesome. Then it’ll be your turn. What we do to them will seem like a walk in the park compared to what we’ll do to you. Sweet dreams, Princess. Hope you like my little present I left for you.”He cackles before the line disconnects.
I stare at the phone as his words sink in. Did I provoke him too much? Is that why he threatened the twins the way he did? Does he mean Roxy as the other woman? Not to mention threatening my men. Have I just signed all of our death warrants because of my sassy mouth?
“That’s good news on all the businesses. Smoke, were you able to find anything out on Fang?”
He nods and types something into his laptop. Suddenly, the door flies open and Colt motions to keep quiet before he quickly shut the door.
“Sorry to interrupt and not wait, Pres, but Levi just got a phone call from an unknown number. From what Alexei overheard a bit ago she’s gotten a number of them this morning. Whoever it is, she turned deathly pale and looks unsteady on her feet. I figured you’d want to hear what was being said and probably trace the call.”
Tension fills the room and my gut twists. Is it Fang?
“Get her in here quickly. Everyone stay quiet. Smoke, trace the call.”
Smoke starts typing away and Colt brings in Levi. Her hand is clenched so tight around the phone that her knuckles are turning white. I point to the phone and mouth to her‘put it on speaker’.
She nods and smirks before she sasses off to him. He’s getting riled up at her words, and I smirk at how easily he’s coming unhinged.
My eyes narrowed when he said she was promised to him. Looking at Levi, her brow is furrowed in confusion. I glance at Dragon, the confusion also apparent on his face. Who promised her to Fang? And why?
When the phone call cuts off, Levi pales even further. Fuck, I bet she’s blaming herself for what that fucker said about Sasha, Alexei, and I’m assuming Roxy since those are the three she mainly hangs out with. Not to mention the threat to Dragon and me. I quickly pull her in my arms and sit down before tugging her down on my lap. My chest tightens when I feel how much her body is trembling.
“Take a deep breath, Wildcat. It will be okay.”
She shakes her head, and a tear escapes.
“No, I pushed him too far. He’s gonna hurt everyone even worse now. I can’t let that happen. I can’t lose you, Dragon, or them. Maybe it would be better if I just went to him? Then he wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone else.”
A growl rips from me and I’m pretty sure I heard one from Dragon before a chair falls to the floor with a bang. Levi jumps at the sound and jumps again as Dragon suddenly appears, kneeling before her.
“You aren’t turning yourself over to that fucker,” Dragon growls.
I put a hand on her arm and look at Phoenix before nodding toward the door. He gives me a chin lift and motions for the others to step out for a few minutes. After we get her settled down, I’ll call them back in here so we could discuss things further. When the door closes, I cup her cheek and dry a few more tears that had escaped.
“Agreed, Wildcat. You won’t be turning yourself over to Fang. This isn’t the first time we’ve been targeted, and it won’t be the last. Yeah, we’ll have to take extra precautions, but that’s expected in a situation like this.”