Page 85 of Thor & Dragon
I frown as I think about it more. In no way will I use Levi as bait, but the pregnancy news could cause him to do something irrational and out of character. And I know it will be hard as fuck for her not to talk about the baby with Sasha or Roxy.
My gaze locks with Thor’s and he gives a slight chin lift. Hope he’s thinking along the same lines as me. He looks down at Levi, and my gaze follows. She looks between us and frowns.
“What are you both thinking?”
“That if we announced your pregnancy, Wildcat, that could be the thing that drives Fang over the edge. We’d have to go on high alert and a semi-lockdown. Maybe even a full lockdown.”
“What’s a semi-lockdown?”
“Where you can only leave for work, doctor, or essentials like food and shit,” he says.
“And bullets,” I mumble, even more worried about her safety now that it’s not just her in danger. It’s my kid.Ourkid.
Levi’s gaze cuts to mine and she steps back before she starts pacing and flipping a blade. It’s something we learned early on that she does when she’s trying to figure something out or is really stressed. After a few moments, she nods and faces us.
“Let’s announce both, but let’s space them out. Hear me out,” she says when she notices my scowl, and I’m sure Thor has a matching one.
“News that I’m engaged to you two will make Fang irrational, but to announce both at the same time may have him jumping the gunwaytoo early. We want to catch both FangandUncle Sean. Let’s announce the engagement tonight and then maybe you could talk to Creed and seeexactlythe day Uncle Sean will be released. We could release the baby announcement the very next day.”
I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. My little Spitfire is a fucking genius. I look at Thor and see a matching grin on his face.
“They’ll both be so fucking mad—”
“That they’ll probably crack pretty soon after the news breaks,” I finish for him. We both beam down at Spitfire.
“And it also gives us a little time to make sure our defenses are up to par,” she says with a dark smile.
I pause at that and then pull out my phone, checking my calendar. Holy shit, it’s perfect. I smirk when I looked back up at Levi and then Thor.
“Well, thanks to Spitfire, we just happen to have an event coming up two weeks from now on Saturday with our Junction Creek brothers.”
“The competition,” they say in unison before relief fills their faces and they grin. It’ll be easier to pass off the get-together since it was planned in advance almost a month ago. It’s not uncommon for chapters to stay awhile after a party, so nobody should be tipped off at the change. And it will give us extra men if things go south.
Thor’s typing a text message and then pockets his phone as he smacks Spitfire’s ass.
“Come on, Wildcat, let’s go share the news.”
“Wait, we need to tell Patch and Jax to stay quiet on this for now.”
“I just told Patch, and he’ll delete his messages after he gets them. I’ll tell Smoke later cause no one will suspect anything when I pull him off to the side to talk.”
She grins, kisses both of us, then practically skips out of the room. Fuck, I love this woman.
We catch up to her and as we near the base of the stairs, Thor whistles. As everyone quiets down, I step forward and take Levi’s right hand.
“I know today’s been a fucking whirlwind, but I have some news before we head out back to start the party.” He pauses as he looks at Spitfire and takes her left hand. “She said yes!” He holds up her left hand, showing them the ring, and cheers erupt throughout the room. Seconds later, I hear chairs scraping against the floor and I know without even looking, the women are about to bombard her. Kissing her temple, I step aside and walk over to the bar.
“Congrats, Dragon,” Colt says as he hands me a beer.
“Thanks, man.”
As I take a drink, I look around for Roy and see him talking with Thor. Turning back toward Colt, I nod over in their direction. “Grab me one for Roy and Thor.”
“You got it.” He reaches under the counter and pops the tops before placing them on the bar. Grabbing the beers, I push off the bar and head their way. My brothers clasp my shoulder in congratulations as I pass and once again, I feel fucking grateful that Spitfire came into our lives.
Roy gives me a chin lift as I pass him his beer. He takes a pull and levels me with a hard stare.
“Congratulations, Dragon. Like I just told Thor, you hurt her and I’ll kill you.”