Page 86 of Thor & Dragon
“If that ever happens, I’ll pull the trigger myself.”
He dips his chin and takes another pull, but he isn’t looking at either of us. Following his gaze, I realize he’s watching Levi and the girls.
“I wanted to run something by you guys before I talked to Levi about it.” He pauses and I turn back to him, wondering what the hell was eating at him.
“You both know I’m the sole owner of the bar and grill. It was supposed to go to Sean and me, but when he pulled that shit years ago, my dad and uncle changed both of their wills to state I would get both of their shares in the restaurant when they died. Levi’s currently listed as next in line, but with her about to marry you guys, I was thinking of changing it up a bit.”
My stomach drops. Levi would be crushed if he cut her out. “Levi will be so fuckin pissed if she can’t take over after you. She’s been dreaming of running that place since she was a kid.”
Anger courses running through me that he’d even think of not giving that place to her when he retires.
“I’m not cutting her out, but I was thinking of a joint ownership between her and the club. She’s going to need to take some time off soon and I would feel better knowing the club would step in when it’s necessary and she wouldn’t have to stress about it.”
I freeze and damn near spit out the beer I’d just drank. He knows.
He smirks at both of us before turning his attention back to Levi. “I was wondering when you two would figure it out.” He pauses and gives each of us a dark look. “Now, I want you boys to be honest with me. Are you marrying her for her or because of—”
“Please don’t say anything yet, Roy,” Thor says quietly to him.
“As for your other question, we asked her because we love her. Now about the other…” I pause as I give him a pointed look. “We’re going to announce it at the competition.”
Roy seems confused at first, but then I see the moment everything clicks into place.
“Good. I think he’ll take the bait.”
Thankfully, he doesn’t say anything more. He clasps both of us on the shoulders and walks over toward Levi.
A few hours later, the party is in full swing. The bunnies are out in full force, but thankfully, none of them have bothered us.
Well, I shouldn’t say full force. Trixie, er CJ, asked if she could stop servicing my brothers but would still help with the other duties. That and she’d do more chores than usual to make up for not being there for the guys. Especially since she now knows her brother is in our club. Thank fuck prospects aren’t allowed to be with the bunnies. If they had hooked up, I’m sure there’d be a lot more emotional shit they’d need to work through.
With what we learned today, Thor and Levi had no problems with the change. Fuck, if I was Drae, I’d be pissed as fuck if my sister still hooked up with the guys, especially if it was out in the open. Tonight, CJ’s behind the bar learning the ropes from Roxy.
“What’s got you thinking so hard, babe?” Levi sits on my lap as she hands me a fresh beer. Thor, Phoenix, Smoke, Bones, and Roy are also sitting around the fire pit.
“Was just thinking about the changes and thank fuck none of the bunnies are trying anything tonight.”
“No shit. They’d be stupid as fuck if they tried anything after today’s announcement,” Bones said as he took a pull from his beer.
The backdoor of the clubhouse opens and I groan. Looks like the hang arounds have started showing up.
My body tenses as a flash of blond comes out the door. Nicole. My ex-girlfriend. Based on her outfit, or lack thereof, I’m pretty sure I know what’s going to happen at some point. With a sigh, I pull Levi closer and give her temple a kiss. There’s no way I’m going to let that bitch ambush Levi.
“Spitfire, wanted to let you know my ex, Nicole, just walked out here. Blond hair, black skirt and blue… whatever the fuck you call that scrap of cloth over her tits.”
She tenses but then relaxes as she sits up straighter before she shifts slightly on my lap. A subtle nod tells me she’s located her.
“So, kiddo, who’s all gonna throw with you in a couple of weeks?” Smoke asks her.
“Timber, Tripp, Gunner, Sasha, Alexei, Travis, and Ethan. Then from Junction Creek, there’s Reaper, Punisher, Beast, Razor, Loki, Torch, Drake, and Nathan. Eight people on each team. We’ll tally up each person’s score after each round and the ones with the lowest amount is eliminated. Then we’ll keep going till there’s only one remaining.”
“Does everyone bring their own knives?” Bones asks.
“I sent some home with Reaper when they were here last time. Between Alexei, Sasha, Travis, Ethan, and me, we have plenty for the other guys here to practice with.”
I zone out what they’re talking about and looked around. My neck itches like someone’s watching us. No one seems to be causing trouble, but I don’t know some of the hang arounds very well and, as with any open party, there are other women from town here hoping to snag a brother.