Page 1 of Mars
Chapter One
“We can show you around school if you like.”The girl from my home room, Apple, was quite possibly the sweetest person I’d ever met.Her sister, Lemon, on the other hand… Yeah.Tart didn’t evenbeginto cover it.But I really liked both of them.
“Thanks.”I smiled at both girls.“I appreciate it.”
“Seems like a strange move,” Lemon commented, looking at me funny.Both twins were wicked smart, but Lemon really knew how to keep someone off balance.Like now.
“Strange move?”I smiled, probably looking like an idiot because I had no idea what she was talking about.What was strange?
“You know.The move.From Riviera Beach, Florida to Evansville, Indiana.Since you have no family here or anything.Seems like a strange move.”
I shrugged.“My… uh… boyfriend.He wanted to move away until we got married.”I gave them my brightest smile.“We have to wait until after I graduate, but he thought it would be best if we got away from my dad’s, err… well, my family.”
Lemon frowned.“I see.”
Apple just shrugged it off.“I’ve got a boyfriend, too.We’re waiting until I turn eighteen to actually date, but I’m betting my mom and dad will want me to wait until I graduate.”Her smile was nearly as bright as mine but genuine.“His name’s Deacon.He’s --”
“Apple.”Lemon nudged her sister.They gave each other a look.Apple ducked her head and her cheeks flushed.
“Sorry.It’s kind of a long story.”
“It’s OK.My story is probably just as long.”Or longer.I felt my smile slip but tried to keep from looking at the door.School had let out ten minutes before.Everyone was leaving either on the buses, with their parents, or in their cars.I could drive, but Hammer made a point to always pick me up from school.In the beginning, it had been sweet, if unnecessary.Now… things had changed.He’d sold my car so I had nothing to drive.And I was more than a little frightened of Hammer.It wasn’t anything overt, but I could sense something had changed.The feeling had been building since we’d moved to Evansville.
“We better go.”Lemon took her sister by the upper arm.“See you tomorrow, Scarlet.”
“Bye.”Apple waved, still giving me that cheery smile of hers.
“Take care, guys.”I waved as I hurried out to the parking lot where Hammer was waiting on his big Harley.
Hammer revved the engine as he saw me approaching.My heart rate increased, but not for the reasons it should.The sound the Harley made when he used it to get my attention never failed to make me nervous because that meant Hammer was getting impatient.I plastered a smile on my face and climbed onto the back of the bike, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist.He smelled of cigarette smoke and whiskey, a combination that made me faintly nauseated.
“Everything OK?”I asked hesitantly.
His eyes flicked toward me before quickly averting away.“Yeah, ‘course.Should somethin’ be wrong?You done somethin’ you know’s gonna piss me off?”
I swallowed hard, trying to push down the fear that was suddenly threatening to consume me.“No, of course not.”
“Good.”He let out a heavy breath like he was supremely disappointed in me, then peeled out of the parking lot.The wind whipping against my face prevented any further conversation, thank God.
As we made our way home, I knew I trembled against him.I also knew he loved to keep me on edge.The more frightened of him I was, the better he seemed to like it.
Hammer pulled the bike into our driveway and turned the engine off.I dismounted, stumbling to regain my balance.He watched me, a sneer flickering across his face before disappearing just as quickly.
“Go inside,” he ordered, jerking his head toward the front door.“I’ll be in in a bit.Got shit to do.”He pointed a finger at me.“You better fuckin’ be here when I get back.”
I nodded numbly, feeling like a puppet whose strings were being pulled by a cruel master.Since my dad had decided I was going to be Hammer’s woman, Hammer had been very possessive, but once we moved to Evansville he had become even more controlling.I didn’t think my dad would approve of the way he treated me, but when Hammer requested to move us to Evansville until I’d graduated, my dad hadn’t told him no.
Now, every day was a nightmare for me.The only solace I got was when I went to school and even that was a trial.Hammer had uprooted me in the middle of the school year, telling my dad I needed time away from the club so we could get to know each other better.Dad hadn’t really seemed to like it, but when I hadn’t protested he’d let us go.Probably because I was already old enough to be Hammer’s old lady, but I’d wanted to finish high school before settling into that role.
As I made my way inside the house, I knew that things were about to get even worse.Hammer had been getting more and more violent lately, lashing out at me for the smallest things.The bruises on my arms and legs were proof of that.But I didn’t dare tell my dad.He was too caught up in something Grim Road was working on and, given the secrecy with which the club operated, it was doubtful I could even reach him.I think it was the main reason my father agreed to Hammer taking me away from the club.So I’d be away from them if shit went sideways.
Unfortunately, he didn’t take into account how sideways things could go for me once I was away from his protection.I was also hesitant to say anything to Apple and Lemon because, if Dad had sent us to Evansville intentionally, then their club, Iron Tzars MC, knew we were here.I knew nothing about them but the possibility they’d take my side over one of Grim Road’s members was slim.
I went to my room, taking a deep breath as I closed the door behind me.The white of the walls was stark against the gloom the shadows cast from the sun through the only window, creating an eerie effect to add to my disquiet.
My hands shook as I sat on the edge of the bed, my mind racing with what Hammer could be doing out there.I didn’t know what “shit” he had to take care of, but I knew it wouldn’t be good.