Page 2 of Mars
I tried to stay away from him as much as I could.So far, he’d left me alone except when I didn’t do exactly as he told me.Then I’d get a beating.Several times I thought about telling my dad, but what good would it do?He’d let Hammer bring me here.
We were a good fifteen hours from anyone in Grim Road.If I told Dad and Hammer found out, there was no way I’d survive.Not only that, but Hammer had assured me he had men in the compound he could count on to take care of my sisters if I contacted my dad without permission.I was under no illusion that “take care of” meant anything other than they’d be killed.The reason I didn’t defy Hammer and call someone I trusted, or leave and run back home as fast as I could, was because of my sisters.Hammer might be bluffing when he said they’d be taken care of, but I didn’t think so.Besides, I wasn’t willing to risk my sisters to save my own hide.
I sat there, trying to drown out the fear and anxiety that clawed its way up my throat.The sounds of the house were still eerie and unfamiliar.The tick of the old grandfather clock in the hallway seemed to mock me, making me wonder how much time I had left until Hammer returned.
With a shudder, I stood and went to my desk.I had homework.That’s what I needed to concentrate on.Homework I could do something about.Hammer, I couldn’t.
It was hours later, after I’d showered and gone to bed, before Hammer returned.I could hear him thumping through the house.He swore viciously, smashing something against a wall.
I had to bite back a whimper, trying to keep quiet and off Hammer’s radar.He often came home drunk.When he did, any little noise could set him off.
Then the door to my room burst open and I gasped, clutching the covers tightly to me.
“Fuckin’ bitch.”Hammer stood in the doorway, a bottle of liquor grasped by the neck in one meaty fist.“You’re only good for one thing.Too fuckin’ skinny to make a good fuck.Too fuckin’ stupid to help me.”He brought the bottle to his mouth and took a hefty pull.“Since you ain’t good for shit, I’m just gonna have to take out my frustrations on you.”His laugh was sinister, meant to terrify me.Even knowing he wanted a response from me, I couldn’t hold back my whimper of fear.He just laughed.“That’s right, bitch.It’s time to play.”
Then the beating began, and I no longer had to worry about holding on to my small whimpers of fear.I fucking screamed.
* * *
Three weeks later…
“That’s it, Scarlet.You’re coming with us.”Lemon, God bless her whole entire soul, took one look at me the second I walked into the high school building and lost her ever-loving shit.I knew what I looked like, though I’d tried to hide the damage with makeup.One side of my face was swollen where I’d landed against the nightstand, which was bad enough, but I was also pretty sure my right shoulder was dislocated.“I’m surprised the son of a bitch let you come to school today.”Lemon wasn’t quiet about her accusations either.Several of the kids walking past did a double take, their eyes widening before they averted their gazes and walked on past.Just like everyone else.Even my teachers.To be fair, I used every trick I could think of to fly under the radar.The last thing I wanted was for someone to try to get involved.
“He was afraid the school would send the truant officer to the house.”I had no idea how Lemon and Apple had garnered my trust -- I grew up in an MC where you kept things close to the vest -- but they knew more than was safe for them.It was probably the fact that their adopted dad, Wylde, was in an MC.I’d actually heard my dad mention the Iron Tzars on occasion.He always spoke of them with respect.Whether it was because they were good men or because they represented a significant threat I had no idea, and no way of asking.Hammer had taken my phone three weeks earlier.
Lemon snorted.“Well, that’s what he gets for keeping you out of school so often.You know.After he beats the ever-living fuck out of you.”
“Keep your voice down, Lemon.”Apple, in a rare show of assertiveness against her sister, chastised Lemon.I was grateful because the last thing I needed was for someone at school to decide it was time to call in social services.
“It’s not like anyone’ll do anything,” Lemon shrugged, not lowering her voice at all.“She’s eighteen.Which means, though she’s still in high school, she’s an adult.Besides, I have an idea.”The younger girl looked positively vicious.“I’m going to have Wylde extend an invite to Hammer.From what you’ve said, it’s what he wants anyway.Iron Tzars will invite him to the club for a sit-down.Wylde’ll suggest he bring you since we’re such close friends and will phrase it in such a way that, if he doesn’t bring you, he shouldn’t bother coming at all.”
“Oh, that’s a brilliant idea!”Apple actually clapped her hands a couple of times in excitement.
“Guys, I can’t go to your clubhouse looking like this.I appreciate you trying to take care of me, but this is my mess.I’ll figure it out.”Then a thought occurred to me.“You said Wylde was the intel guy for Iron Tzars?”
“Yep.”Lemon gave me a smirk.“And, though I’d never tell him to his face, the man is a badass on the computer.”
“Maybe he could reach out to Claw at Grim Road?I could give him Dad’s number.”
“Let me have it.”Lemon didn’t hesitate or think it over.Just took out her phone, ready as I rattled off the number.“I’ll take care of this right now.”
“We’ve got class in five minutes.”I shook my head.“It’s not like there’s anything Hammer can do while I’m at school.”
Lemon leveled a look at me, her usual cockiness gone.In its place was the hard expression I usually saw with members of Grim Road.“I’ll take care of it right now.”This girl -- no, woman.She was a grown-ass woman.She might be the only person I’d ever met who might be able to save me.But I wasn’t getting my hopes up.I certainly wasn’t depending on it.I’d either have to get myself out or hope Hammer did something stupid and brought the wrath of the Grim down on himself.
I didn’t see Apple or Lemon the rest of the day.Which was odd.One or the other usually found me between each class and, most especially, after school before Hammer came for me.When Hammer arrived, bursting with energy, I knew why.
“Get on, bitch,” he growled.“We’ve got shit to do tonight.”
I struggled getting on the bike because he kept rolling it forward every time I’d try to get on, putting my leg dangerously close to the hot pipe.“I’m gonna burn myself.”I tried not to whine, but, honestly, I wasn’t sure how much more of the abuse he dished out I could take.
Hammer shrugged.“On a hill, bitch.Can’t help it if she rolls a little.”The evil smirk he gave me told me he absolutely could help it and chose not to, probably trying to burn me so he could blame my injuries on my own stupidity.
Sure enough, the second I committed to mounting the bike, he rolled it again.I hissed in a breath as my leg came in contact.I only had on leggings, which provided little protection.It felt like the hot metal seared me, branding me with Hammer’s mark.It was hard to bite back the cry, but I was proud I didn’t make a sound.The breath I sucked in was the only indication the bastard had accomplished his goal.
He glanced over his shoulder at me, probably to judge how much I was hurting.I kept a mild expression on my face and even managed a small smile, like I was settled and ready to go.Hammer just scowled before goosing the bike and nearly had me tumbling off the back.I knew better than to bunch his colors in my fists so I braced one hand behind me and the other on his shoulder.Given my right arm was next to useless it was almost too much for me to keep my seat.With him wearing his colors in public, I knew Lemon had made good on her promise to get him invited to the Tzars clubhouse.I just hoped this didn’t backfire on me.If so, I could be in worse trouble than I was now.