Page 67 of If You Say So
We did end up eating outside, and I was thankful that I had shorts on at that point.
But it hadn’t been because we were sweaty that we’d found our way outside.
It’d been due in part to the fact that all the new members for the SWAT team were inside taking up
every single available inch of space.
After placing our orders, we took the closest spot to the door and sat down.
Ember smiled at me the moment that I took my seat.
“How’s work?” she asked.
I rolled my shoulders.
“This is the first day off I’ve had in over nine days,” I told her. “I’m a quarter of the way through this school year, and I feel like I’m going to die.”
Ember laughed. “You’ve been going through school since you were a baby. Nothing has ever
required you to work this much before, though. I’d imagine it’s always going to be like this.”
I scrunched up my nose in disgust.
“Maybe,” I admitted. “But, just sayin’, when I get to looking for a job, it’s definitely not going to be with Kilgore Memorial.”
“Sam’s kids and wife work at Good Shepherd in Longview,” Gabe put in his two cents. “But, like
everywhere, there are just as many difficulties there as there are anywhere,” he told me, his intense eyes, so much like his son’s, making my heart ache.
My eyes flicked from his to Riel’s and back, studying the two men since they were sitting right
next to each other.
It was eerie how similar they were.
Then again, it’d always been eerie when Luca and Malachi had stood next to each other, too.
Despite one being Italian and the other being half-Brazilian, it was just stunning to see the
They say that everyone has a twin in the world.
Malachi and Luca had definitely been each other’s twin.
Hell, just looking between Riel and Gabe right now, if I didn’t know any better, I would’ve
definitely said that they were related.
They even had the same cowlick going on at the top of their heads.
And their beards were similarly shaped as well.
Not to mention their lips.
“Are you planning to stay here, or go back to live near your dad?” Ember asked, taking a sip of
her sweet tea and looking at me with what looked like hope in her eyes.