Page 68 of If You Say So
That was a question that I’d thought a lot about over the last couple of months.
Did I want to stay here, where my house was, where I’d wanted to make my home with Luca? Or
did I want to go home where my parents were? Where my sisters were growing up without me?
“I have no reason to worry about that right now,” I admitted. “I’ve thought about it, but each time I think I need to make a decision, I realize that I have over a year left to figure it out and stop thinking about it.”
Ember giggled.
“That’s understandable,” she said. “Luca’s our thinker. Always had everything planned out from
the moment that he could plan ahead. From what he would do after high school, to where he wanted to live once he was out of the Navy for real.”
There was an awkward silence at the table as everyone became lost in their own thoughts for a
long few seconds.
“So, what happened this morning that had you both arriving together?” Gabe asked, leaning back
in his seat.
Riel grimaced and did the same.
Then he gave them a run-down of the previous night, followed by this morning’s activities.
“I’ll have to look into it more,” Gabe said, sounding intrigued. “You said it was your doctor’s
brother that was shot?”
I nodded.
“He doesn’t suspect it was you?” Ember wondered.
I shook my head. “The thing is, there were about thirty people there that night who saw him. I
honestly think he thought nobody would say a word. And he still hasn’t gotten in trouble by the
hospital staff or anything. I mean, if it’d been anyone else, he would’ve been reprimanded and
possibly fired. But he’s got his finger in so many pies that it’s nearly impossible for them to do
anything about him. He’s head of the school board, he’s chief of staff at the hospital. The list goes on and on and on.”
“Sounds like a tyrant,” Ember muttered. “I wouldn’t want to work with him at all.”
I silently agreed.
Breakfast after that went by smoothly.
Though the food took a little longer to arrive due to the number of people at the diner, when it
finally did it was just as delicious as always.
Conversation flowed smoothly, and not once did Riel shift in discomfort.
I counted it as a win. Especially when the sun popped out over the umbrella we were sitting under
and shined directly on his face.