Page 30 of Knot Your Ex
Memories of waking up to his hand slamming down over my mouth, stopping the scream before it could start, his nose brushing against mine as he leaned in, telling me all the vile things he was going to do to me when I was his, that he would hurt everyone I cared about if I didn’t comply.
But Micah and Ellie were no longer alone. They had packs to protect them, and I knew his threats were empty.
When I told Dad, he said he’d take care of it, and William had backed off for several weeks. But it seemed all was forgiven now. My father wanted nothing more than for me to fall into bed with the man who was willing to hurt his own children.
They were both monsters…
There was no way in hell I was going back.
Three men were looming in the doorway of Felix’s flower shop. Felix himself had just run down the road for coffee, and I narrowed my eyes as the tall man in front turned and locked the door behind him.
He flipped the sign from open to closed before stalking toward me.
“Warren Avery,” he said. It wasn’t a question. The way he said it was like he knew exactly who I was, and I was about to get my ass kicked.
I’ve been through enough fights in my life that I didn’t hesitate to reach under the counter for the baseball bat we kept, picking it up in my hands and narrowing my eyes.
“I suggest you walk right out that door,” I said as evenly as I could manage.
“We have a few questions for you,” the beta said, stepping in front of the angry redhead. I’d always heard about red-headed tempers, but I didn’t think it was actually true until now.
“Who are you?” I asked, still not letting go of the bat that was clutched in my hand, something he was very aware of, his eyes flickering to it a few times.
“Where were you last night?” he questioned.
“Upstairs in the apartment,” I answered. I wasn’t even sure why I was giving him this information, but if it made them leave sooner, then that was fine with me.
“Can anybody back that up?” the quiet alpha in the back asked. His eyes were gray and icy. The way he watched me had my grip tightening again. The redheaded alpha might be strong, but this one was deadly.
“Yes, my roommate. What is this about? You’re not exactly cops. You want to fucking tell me why you’re in the shop threatening me?”
“Not one threat has left my lips,” the red-headed snarled. “Yet.”
“Your entire presence is a threat,” I said in a dry tone. That had him letting out a low growl that I matched with my own.
“Okay, alphas, pack it in,” the beta said. “Look, we’re here because we were hired to take care of a certain omega, one that said that you might have been around her apartment.”
Then everything clicked into place. My hand absently rubbed at the ache that had formed in my chest, the one that hadn’t left since Tori had rejected me outright.
“I’m giving Tori space like she asked.”
“Are you?” the quiet alpha asked. The way he said it so casually yet laced with promise was downright terrifying.
“Yes. Do I want to? No. Do I want to go shake my scent match until she listens to me? Yes, yes, I fucking do, but I haven’t.”
“‘Scent match,’” the beta said, his eyes widening. He cast a glance at the others but the redhead only looked more angry.
“Yes, she’s my mate, and she refuses to even talk to me. She ghosted me one weekend, no explanation, no word. I’ve triedeverything I can to get her to talk to me. She won’t say if I did something wrong. She won’t even let me defend myself.”
“And you haven’t been to the apartment?”
Now I was getting nervous.