Page 31 of Knot Your Ex
“What do you mean?” I demanded. “What’s going on? Is something wrong with her? Is she safe?”
“Someone’s been bothering her, and we’re just trying to figure out who. She’s safe. Her sister hired us to keep her that way. We live right next door.”
I wasn’t sure if that was a warning to me or reassurance, but I gritted my teeth. The last thing I was going to do was let Tori hide behind these men or spread lies about me.
That was the thing that hurt the most—that these men came here fully expecting the fact that I’d been stalking her, yet I’d done everything she asked.
I’d given her space.
Me demanding answers was not over the line. She was my mate, she owed me an explanation. I deserved to know why she thought being tied to me was so terrible she ran away.
What was it about me that immediately had her shutting down? Yet, she didn’t feel the same about Felix.
I wasn’t stupid. I saw the way Felix came back smelling like her. He didn’t offer up the information when asked, but he also didn’t outright lie.
When I asked him where he went, he said the grocery store, but he came home with nothing. My best friend was lying to me and now this.
My entire life was a mess right now, and the last thing I needed was these men fucking it up worse.
“I think it’s time for you to leave. It wasn’t me. If you have questions, you can come back when Felix gets here.”
We were interrupted by a loud knocking on the door. It was frantic, and I could see Felix peering in around the sign,probably wondering why it said closed. The redhead flipped the sign back before unlocking the door and opening it.
“What are you doing in my shop, and why are you touching my open sign?”
For being one of the quietest omegas I knew, now he was full of fury. They say alphas are territorial, but honestly, they have nothing on an omega.
“We were just asking this alpha, here, some questions. Could you tell me where he was last night?”
“Upstairs in his bed,” he said without skipping a beat. “I have security cameras. I can show you that nobody left.”
The redhead turned back to me. “And if we watched them, would you be on them walking away in the middle of the night?”
“No,” I said, waving toward Felix. “You can show them if you’d like.”
The beta pulled out a business card and handed it over to Felix. “Could you send me that? We just have to be sure.”
“What the hell is this about?” he demanded. “You aren’t cops.”
“We’re just trying to keep our clients safe,” was all the beta offered before they were stalking out the door.
Felix blinked a few times at the retreating back before turning to me.
“Warren, what the actual fuck just happened?”
“They think I’ve been messing with Tori,” I told him. My voice was devoid of any emotion.
He let out a breath. “I’m not sure why they think you’re involved. She asked me about it the other day, and I told her it wasn’t you.”
“I knew you were with her.”
“Yeah, I ran into her at the grocery store. I helped her shop,” he said.
If you asked Felix outright most of the time, he wouldn’t lie, and this time I felt like he was finally telling me the truth.
The look he cast me had my stomach dropping. Felix was protecting me.
“I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but I didn’t want to turn down the chance to get to know her. I thought maybe if I did, she’d give you a better chance.”