Page 57 of Knot Your Ex
What was supposed to just be easy smiles turned into me openly laughing as they both smacked a kiss to my cheeks at the same time. The fact that they hadn’t said a word out loud had me laughing even harder. They were definitely best friends.
After sending the pic to Easton, my phone dinged again. I started to open my mouth to reassure him, but Felix was stepping away and holding the phone to his ear.
“Oh god, is he calling them? What the hell did Easton say?”
I could hear the bark of Easton’s voice, even from several steps away. Felix’s voice was deadly calm and cold when he spoke.
“If you ever speak to my mate like that again, those will be the last words you ever speak. Do you fucking hear me? I’m not sure what kind of person you are because we haven’t had the chance to get to know you, but I will tell you right now, I won’t tolerate this. You’re a bully and an asshole. I have half a mind to go talk to Micah and Ellie and let them know how you’re treating the person that theyhiredyou to protect.”
Easton tried to say something but my mate was on fire.
“Mate bullshit aside… this is the most unprofessional and childish behavior I’ve ever had the displeasure of witnessing. You should be ashamed of yourself. You’re a sorry excuse for an alpha and a human. Get your shit together. You have no idea what our mate has been through. If she deemed you important enough to tell you, then you should know better than anyone that her life wasn’t all sunshine, rainbows, and money. I’m so fucking tired of people underestimating omegas at every turn. Ifyou can’t speak to her with respect, Easton, I will not rest until you’re run out of this town. Do we understand each other?”
My jaw had dropped, but Warren looked like he was biting back laughter of his own. Felix listened for about five seconds, and I was surprised I couldn’t hear Easton’s rumbling voice. Finally, he nodded once, even though the alpha couldn’t see him.
“Great, make sure that you do.”
He stabbed the phone angrily to end the call. I expected him to walk back to us, but instead, he started walking away. I went to follow him, but Warren stopped me.
“He doesn’t get angry often, just give him a second to cool down, okay?”
I wanted to argue with Warren, to run to Felix right away, but I waited until Felix had turned and paced back our way. His eyes met mine, and my favorite smile was back in place.
Seeing the grin on his face had me ignoring Warren’s warnings and rushing toward my mate. I’m not sure who lost their balance first but we toppled to the grass, pulling each other down so I landed on top of him, our faces inches apart.
I grinned and pressed a kiss to his lips.
“Felix, that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said or done for me.”
After the excitement of Felix yelling at Easton on the phone, we all packed up and went to the grocery store. Felix had been peppering me with questions the entire way, but I was loving his attention on me. It never felt forced, he was simply just getting to know me. He soaked in every single mundane detail like it was precious.
As we wandered through the produce aisle, he asked, “What’s one meal that you haven’t had in forever but always fills you with warm, fuzzy memories?”
Warren let out a small chuckle and gave his friend a playful shove. “Felix, not everyone associates memories with food.”
Felix rolled his eyes.
“Oh, yes, they do. Close your eyes,” he ordered. He didn’t say another word until we’d followed his directions. “Think about the hottest summer day you experienced as a kid. Now, picture the one thing you ate that day that made all that heat fade away. I can bet there’s something in your mind’s eye right away.”
My mind was far away, thinking of my grandfather and how he would always take me, Ellie, and Micah out for ice cream when our dad was busy.
One summer, it was so hot that even the big mansion couldn’t keep us all cool. So, he took us to this cute, little ice cream parlor that we always went to. It looked like a glorified shed, but the woman there made the most amazing ice cream. She had this adorable Italian accent and a bright smile, and she was five feet nothing but sass.
Felix looked at us with crossed arms and a smug expression. “I can tell from the look on both of your faces that you thought of something.”
Glancing up at Warren, I nearly lost it. His exasperation was clear on his face. They both wore their hearts on their sleeves. It wasn’t just Felix, Warren’s eyes were just as expressive, telling me everything he didn’t know how to put into words.
In fact, I hadn’t felt this relaxed in a long time. What Theo, Jordan, and I had was tentative and slightly tainted by the other alpha.
Warren had forgiven me and we both listened, communicated, and he let me right back in. Now, it was just... easy.
“Fine, you win,” Warren conceded, glancing at me. “Did you think of something for dinner? Something he can make that makes you happy?”