Page 58 of Knot Your Ex
My cheeks flamed, and they both saw it. Felix did a little happy dance and tapped the tip of my nose. “Now I have to know what you’re holding back, blossom. Don’t keep secrets from me.”
“Felix’s love language is letting him feed you, take care of you, and give you flowers. It makes him deliriously happy.”
“He gives you flowers?” I asked, biting back a smile.
Warren nodded, not the least bit ashamed. That was sexy as hell.
Then reality sunk in and I sighed.
“What if I don’t know how to let someone take care of me?”
Everyone assumed that because I came from money that I was pampered and always had someone at my beck and call. My childhood was nothing like that. It was full of cold interactions outside of my siblings. Micah, Ellie, and I took care of each other, bonding within the iciness of that fucking mansion. They were the only ones who ever did anything for me just because they wanted to.
Both of their eyes softened at my question, and Felix pulled me in for a hug. I wasn’t expecting it and nearly stumbled into him, but he caught me in his strong arms. The omega was deceptively strong despite his slight frame. It was surprising that the two omegas, who were nothing like what they seemed, had come together.
On the outside, everybody thought Felix was shy and reserved. Around me, he was full of life — smiles, teasing, and sweet moments. I loved every second of it.
“Okay, there’s one thing,” I admitted. “When I was around twelve, we had an aunt visit. My cousin was only a baby at the time, so she had a nanny with her.”
She was a dainty woman that my mother had called homely behind her back. I thought she was sweet and warm, her smile far too kind for a place like that house.
“All the adults went out on some fancy excursion and had the nanny watch us as well. Micah and Ellie hid in their rooms but I liked her. When she put the baby down, she asked what I liked to eat. I couldn’t tell her. I wasn’t used to having to make that decision, so she offered to surprise me.”
My smile was soft as I pictured the kitchen finally being full of life for the first time ever.
“The entire time she cooked, she told me stories about growing up in this sweet, small town and how much she lovedit there. Then she put a heaping plate of lasagna in front of me. I had never had it until then. It was one of the most delicious things I’ve ever had, and I haven’t had it since. I just remember feeling like she was giving me a glimpse of another life — one where the adults would tell stories and share things with their children, and the food was made with love.”
“Lasagna it is,” Felix said thickly, his voice full of emotion. He gave my hand a squeeze before turning to the produce section.
He stared around for a minute before moving. Warren and I followed dutifully behind him as he tossed ingredients into the cart. I expected him to just buy tomato sauce and noodles, but Felix was having none of that. He added tomatoes, onions, fresh garlic, and herbs to the cart.
“Felix, you don’t have to go through all this for me,” I tried to protest, but he silenced me with a stony glare that told me he was going to do what he wanted, and I was just going to accept it.
“You’re going to let me take care of you, omega, and you’re going to like it,” he said with more than a little sass as he handed me a bag of flour to put in the cart.
“It’s strange at first, but you get used to it,” Warren reassured me, stepping closer. His shoulder brushed against mine in a show of support.
I hadn’t expected this experience to turn into something so sweet and touching, but then again, they were a constant surprise.
“You guys wouldn’t even let me help pay for the groceries,” I complained as they checked out twenty minutes later. Felix had somehow dragged out of me that I had a deep love for brownies and had added the ingredients for that as well.
Then Warren stepped in and got ice cream and marshmallow sauce to add on top, and I think I fell in love.
Even as I had that joking thought, I realized that it was true. I was falling for these men, and we had only interacted like thisa handful of times, if that. I didn’t want to be the omega that fell head over heels for a pack within moments, but Ellie had been right all along — you have no control over how fast you fall for fated mates.
Our conversation stayed light as we drove back and unloaded the groceries.
“If you think Felix is bad about feeding you, just wait until you meet his mom. He got it from her,” Warren said with a snort as he emptied the paper shopping bag.
“She sounds like a fantastic woman,” I said. They both smiled to themselves, the pure innocence in the gesture making my chest ache for something I never had.
“She is, but the moment she finds out about you, she’s going to start coming by all the time, trying to win you over.”
“Wait until we figure out this craziness with the stalker first,” I said, hating to break the mood but it needed addressing.
Felix’s face hardened. “Any news on that?”
It was the elephant in the room, the one we never talked about. My stalker was so sporadic about dropping things off that sometimes it was easy to pretend that it wasn’t happening, to tuck those dark memories away in the corner of my mind and not let them out until something happened again.