Page 59 of Knot Your Ex
“No, but let’s not ruin the night with it,” I said quickly.
“We’ve got too much to do,” Felix agreed with a wink, letting me know it was okay to avoid it for now.
Felix guided me to the stool in front of their kitchen island as he started to work, walking me through each step. If I wanted to join in, I think he would have let me, but I was just happy to hear him talk.
Watching Felix work was mesmerizing. He was making his own pasta, and I was shocked when he poured the flour straight onto the counter, making a well for the eggs before cracking them and then stirring it with a fork.
With practiced precision, he had the dough formed into noodles, flattened them, and cut them into strips.
Then in a flash he was onto the sauce.
“Alright, enough of the small talk. We want to hear about this adventure you went on yesterday,” he demanded as he started to set out his spices.
Warren took that as his cue to move in closer, dropping down to the seat next to me. Felix put a cutting board in front of us both, giving us instructions.
As I was chopping up the herbs into small pieces, I started to explain everything from the hike to discovering the inn.
“It was like something out of a movie,” I said with a happy sigh. “Everything was overgrown and honestly a mess, but it was beautiful.”
“Do you have pictures?” Warren asked. There was no judgment in his tone, only curiosity.
Wiping my hands off on the towel next to me, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I looked at the pictures before showing them each one.
“You’ve got a good eye for photography,” Felix noted. “You captured the light perfectly. This place is gorgeous.”
“It’s got character,” Warren agreed. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you light up quite so much.”
My cheeks heated again, and I ducked my head, focusing on the cutting again.
“It’s a stupid pipe dream anyway.”
I didn’t realize that they’d both frozen until it got too quiet, and I flickered my eyes up. They were both staring at me with narrowed eyes.
“What?” I demanded.
“Why is it a ‘stupid pipe dream?’ Anything that you talk about with that much enthusiasm isnotstupid,” Warren said. His vehemence on my behalf had my breath catching.
But it changed nothing.
“Do you know how many interviews that I’ve been on in the last few months? More than I can count. I’ve got a trust fund that I can’t touch. There are all these restrictions on it. There’s no way anyone would let me buy that place out there with no real income, and that’s if we even knew who it belonged to.”
“You took a picture of the sign,” Felix said. “I guarantee a quick internet search will find whoever owned that location. It may be frozen in time, a chunk of history, but history always has a record.”
“We’ll find a way to get it for you, mark my words,” Warren said. I wanted to give in to that confidence, but hope was dangerous and this dream was too precious to let it hurt me.
As if they could feel me shutting down and pushing them away, they both moved, standing shoulder to shoulder in front of me. Felix reached out, his palms resting on my cheeks so I was forced to look at him.
“Don’t you ever lose that spark on me again,” Felix said gently but demandingly. “This clearly means something to you. Which means something to me. When Warren says we’re going to make it happen, he means it. If this is your dream, then we will be putting all of our efforts into finding a way.”
His hazel eyes were shining with promise, and I wanted to sink into that, to give in to him. I wanted to see myself as strong as he saw me.
There was nothing I could say because I didn’t know how to put into words what their faith meant to me. They thought I was strong and capable, and no one had ever thought that before.
Instead of finding the right words, I pushed forward until my lips were on his again. He made a startled noise but quickly sank into the kiss.
Felix was back to demanding, coaxing my head to the side and deepening the kiss until he swept his tongue inside, tasting me with a sweet groan.
Warren hadn’t made a move yet, but I wanted them both right now.