Page 1 of Erotic Sex Stories
Erotic Sex Stories: Taboo Sex Stories
Adult Sex Stories Collection
Fiona Seiden
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 1
Words ??uld n?v?r trul? express the d?????t ??????n? you ?v?k? ?n m?. Y?ur ?b??n?? m?k?? me ???rn for a ??t??f??t??n I have ??t t? t??t?, an ?w?k?n?d need th?t burn? liquid silk fr?m m? molten ??r?.
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Y?u ??k m? what I w?nt, and I ?n?w?r with a ??nf?????n ?f m? midnight dreams. Y?u t?ll m? you are ?tr?k?ng ??ur??lf t? my th?ught?, ?nd I ???nt a v????n ?f u? t? ???r?h the d??t?n?? that ????r?t?? u?. In a w?rld ?f ?xtr?m? d???r?, I say t? ??u...
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If you were here right n?w, my b?d? w?uld m?v? f?r you. I w?uld ?l?? 'In??t??bl?' because that's what I ?m, and ??u would ??t ?nd watch as m? ?urv? h??? ?w???d b??k and f?rth in fr?nt ?f ??u, ?nt???ng, lur?ng, wanting you to t?u?h them. I w?uld r?t?t? my h???, turn?ng slowly to stand w?th m? b??k to ??u ?nd m? ??? just ?ut ?f reach.
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Infused w?th ??xu?l rh?thm, I'd ?l?wl? slide m? hands ?v?r m? b?r? th?gh?, ??r????ng my h??? and gl?d?ng them t? r??t against my r?und th??kn???. As m? hands ?l?mb?d higher, th? slinky m?t?r??l ?f m? n?ghtg?wn w?uld rise a l?ttl?, giving ??u a ???k ?t the ??ft, ??r?m?l flesh b?n??th.
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Th?n ?l?wl?, m? ???? m??t?ng ??ur? ?v?r m? ?h?uld?r, I w?uld bend over until m? h??d t?u?h?d m? l?g, m? ???? ?t?ll ?n you as I l??k?d m? m???t t?ngu? ?g??n?t th? ??ft ?k?n ju?t ?b?v? m? knee. My ??? w?uld b? b?r? n?w...b?g, ???n ?nd r?und, begging ??u f?r ?tt?nt??n. I w?uld thru?t ?t ?ut just a little, t? tease ??u.
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F??l?ng ??ur tense g?z? devouring my every m?v?, I would ?ull ?w?? smoothly, dropping low ?nd ?urv?ng ?r?und unt?l I was on the floor ?n fr?nt of you. M? l?g? splayed, my b?d? ?r?h?d ?n th? gr?und, I w?uld wr?th? ?nd ?tr?t?h, ?v?r? movement like a cat in h??t.
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Wh?n I opened m? lu?t-h?z?d ???? t? see you r??k hard ?nd ?tr?k?ng your growing ?r??t??n thr?ugh ??ur pants, I w?uld r?ll ?v?r ?nt? m? knees, my b??k t? ??u w?th m? legs slightly ??rt?d. I w?uld l??k over t? ??u ?nd t?ll ??u t? ??m? t? m?.
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You'd dr?? to your knees behind m?. I w?uld feel ??ur heat against m? back; ??ur ?t?ff r?d thrusting against m? w?uld seem l?k? ?l?th-??v?r?d ?t??l. Y?ur hands w?uld r???h around my waist and ??n?u?ll? ?tr?k? u? my b?d? as ??ur hot m?uth kissed its w?? fr?m m? ?h?uld?r t? my n??k.
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I w?uld m??n as I f?lt ??ur t??th g?ntl? n?? th? t?nd?r fl??h b?n??th ??ur lips, ??ur t?ngu? l??k?ng to ?n??t? th? wanton w?th?n m?. I w?uld ?m??t??ntl? ??v?r ??ur h?nd? w?th m? ?wn, ??g?r f?r ??u to ??v?r m? ?tr??n?ng m?und?, the ???k? so h?rd from w?nt?ng ??u.
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T?g?th?r, w? would start t? r??k our h??? to th? mu???, ???h forward ?u?h bringing ??ur cock against th? crevice ?f m? ?lu?h ?h??k?. In search ?f ??ur closeness, m? hands would venture ?r?und t? th? back ?f ??ur thighs, ?ull?ng ??u tighter t? m? while your m?g?? f?ng?r? ??n?h?d m??n? from m? rock-hard n???l??. And th?n, seeking ?ut my d?????t want, you'd l?t one ?f ??ur h?nd? f?ll ?w?? and dr?ft d?wn m? ??t?n ?l?d b?d? t? r???h beneath th? edge of th? flimsy gown material.
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