Page 2 of Erotic Sex Stories

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Page 2 of Erotic Sex Stories

Y?u'd find m? wet and burn?ng w?th n??d. I w?uld ?r? ?ut ?nd grind ?g??n?t your huge ??ll?r ?? ??u t????ngl? tw??k?d and massaged m? clit. I'd longingly turn m? head t?w?rd? ??ur?, nudg?ng you unt?l ??u l?ft?d ??ur l??? t? my ?wn.

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B?ldl?, ??ur t?ngu? w?uld thrust ?nt? m? m?uth as ??ur l??? meshed against my mine. A? ??ur m?uth d?v?ur?d m?, ??u'd ??t your rh?thm. Y?ur t?ngu? would ?tr?k? d???l? ?? ??ur f?ng?r? dipped t? m? dr????ng ?unt; the thrust ?f your h??? ?g??n?t m? ??? w?uld b? ??n?hr?n?z?d w?th the ??n?h of ??ur fingers ?g??n?t m? ??h?ng br???t. Y?u w?uldn't stop ??ur ????ult as I wh?m??r?d from th? ?l???ur? ??u fl??d?d me w?th.

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It w?uld ???m like hours b?f?r? you t?r? ??ur m?uth fr?m m? own, ?nd ??k?d me wh?t w?nt?d ??u t? d?. I w?uld t?ll ??u th?t I w?nt t? f??l ??ur l?ng, th??k fl??h deep inside ?f m?. You'd ??k m? how b?dl? I w?nt?d it, ?nd I'd ?r?m??? to d? anything, ?? l?ng ?? you fu?k?d m? w?th your m????v? cock. You'd wh????r hu?k?l? ?n m? ear th?t ??u intended t? cash ?n on that ?r?m??? b?f?r? ?ull?ng your ?n?r?d?bl? h??t ?w?? fr?m me.

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I w?uld h??r ??ur ?l?th?? rustling ?? you dr????d ??ur ??nt? ?nd hurriedly r?d ??ur??lf ?f ??ur ?h?rt. You'd ??m? ?l??? behind me, th? w??ght ?f ??ur h??v? ?r?u??l ??u??ng your ?w?ll?n ?t?ff t? dip ?nd ?w?? b?tw??n my th?gh?. I'd f??l the w?rm t?u?h ?f ??ur hand as you guided m? down unt?l m? hands w?r? fl?t ?g??n?t th? fl??r. It will be easier this way, ??u'd ??? ?? you ????t??n?d th? leaking h??d ?f ??ur meat ?g??n?t th? slick ??t?l? ?f m? t?ght opening. But ??u w?uldn't ?u?h f?rw?rd r?ght ?w??.

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Y?u'd ??k me ?f I r??ll? w?nt your ???k ?n??d? ?f m?, and I'd m??n ?ut ???, wiggling ?g??n?t you in lu?t? ?n??ur?g?m?nt. Aft?r a f?w t????ng brushes of your swollen t?? ?g??n?t my gl??t?n?ng ??x, ??u'd groan ?ut m? name as ??u inched forward to ??n?tr?t? me.

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The fit w?uld b? ??h?ngl? t?ght, and I'd l?t out a shocked cry b?f?r? ??r??d?ng m? th?gh? further to g?v? ??u b?tt?r ??????. I'd f??l ??u ?tr?t?h me more than anyone ?v?r has, ??ur g??nt mu?hr??m h??d ????r?ng through m? t?n?, ?l??k ??n?l.

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You'd ??? ??x? th?ng? t? encourage me thr?ugh th? ?ubtl? ???n: you'd t?lk of h?w unb?l??v?bl? t?ght I w??, ?f h?w b?dl? ??u'v? w?nt?d to fuck me, ?f h?w th? th?ught ?f my t?ght pussy taking every ?n?h of you m?d? ??u h?rd?r th?n ??u ??uld'v? ever ?m?g?n?d.

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Each word w?uld m?k? m? hotter, wanting d????r?t?l? t? take as mu?h ?f ??u inside of m?. As my t?n? ??n?l adjusted t? ??ur ?m?z?ng ??z?, I'd ?l??? my ???? and savor the f??l of you, ??ur hug? h?nd? gr????ng m? hips ?? you ?u?h?d d????r ?nt? m? ?unt.

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Finally ?nd w?th ??ut? ?l???ur?, ??u'd hit the end of m? tunn?l, your jutt?ng h??d ?r?dd?ng th? t?? ?f m? ??rv?x. You'd ??u?? f?r a minute t? let me ?dju?t t? the f??l of your ??l?d l?ngth ?n??d? ?f m?, our breaths ??m?ng ?n qu??k ?nd heavy g????.

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Wh?n th? ?ubtl? tingle ?n??d? my b?ll? r???l?? thr?ugh m?, causing me t? w?nt m?r?, I'd ?qu??z? my ?u??? ?r?und ??ur hard ?t?ff ?n an unspoken ?nv?t?t??n. I w?uld h??r ??u moan ?ut my n?m? b?f?r? you slowly withdrew, ??r?ful not t? hurt m? ?? ??u w?rk?d your ?n?rm?u? dick thr?ugh my delicate ?h?nn?l.

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I w?uld feel ???h v??n ???r?h?ng my ?l??k w?ll?, th? friction ?n?r????ng the l?qu?d flooding m? ?????g?. You'd thrust ?l?wl? b??k into me again, a l?ttl? qu??k?r this t?m? ?nd brining amazing heat w?th ??ur ?u?h. I'd wh?m??r ?ut ??ur name: I'd t?ll ??u ?f h?w good ??u felt ?n??d? ?f me, ?f h?w each thru?t w?? m?k?ng m? w??k ?nd w?nt?ng more. In and out, strong ?nd steady you'd drive ??ur way ?nt? my ?hudd?r?ng b?d?.

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On?? ??u'd ????d and stretched th? way ?? that w? w?r? b?th g?n? ?n ??xu?l haze, ??u would r?l?x ??ur hold on m? h??? and l?t ??ur h?nd? caress m? b??k ?nd my ???. As ??u began t? ???t?n f??t?r, your ?rm? would ?ull me u? so that ??u h?d better access t? m? ?tr??n?ng ???k?. Y?u'd feel ?? g??d th?t I'd start t? w?rk m???lf ?g??n?t you, m??t?ng each ?lung? w?th a welcoming push.

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T?g?th?r w? would r??k, ??u into me ?nd m? ?nt? you. M? ??n???, d?l????u?l? ????ult?d as ??u ??r????d and pinched m? n???l??, w?uld dr?wn ?n ?l???ur? ?n?? m? h?nd? ?n?? ?g??n began to rub m? clit.

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G?d, ??u would f??l ?m?z?ng, thick ?nd h?rd ?nd d???, w?rk?ng ?nt? m? l?k? a huge, h?t ?t?k?.

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Y?u w?uld h?v? me mindless, m? m?uth utt?r?ng m? need t? have ??u fu?k m? unt?l I creamed ?ll over ??ur beautiful dick. Y?ur h??? w?uld start thru?t?ng h?rd?r, slamming sharply ?g??n?t my ?u?h??n?ng globes. M? m??n? w?uld b?g?n t? come m?r? fr?qu?nt, ???h ?n? ?nd?ng w?th ??ur n?m? ?n my lips.

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