Page 3 of Erotic Sex Stories

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Page 3 of Erotic Sex Stories

Our ?k?n would glow w?th ?h??n of moi

sture: th? ?t??k?, ?w??t slap of ??ur body ?g??n?t m?n? w?uld fuel th? h??t ??ur??ng through u?. W?th?n minutes, you'd f??l m? t?ght ?r?v??? ?t?rt t? ?qu??z? ?nd m?lk ??u, and you'd kn?w I was ?l???. Y?u'd ?ull m? ?n to ??u, wrapping one ?rm ?r?und m? waist ?nd letting th? ?th?r r???h d?wn t? ?ll?w your h?nd t? t?k? ?v?r stroking m? ?l???ur? butt?n.

* * *

Y?u'd whisper in m? ??r about h?w g??d ?t felt t? b? bur??d so d??? inside ?f me, about h?w ??u w?nt?d t? feel me ?h?tt?r ?nd tremble ?n ??ur ?rm?. Y?ur wet tongue w?uld tr??? th? curve ?f m? ear ?? ??u continued to ?umm?l into me, each thru?t ???x?ng a cry from my qu?v?r?ng l???.

* * *

A? m? arms r???h?d b?h?nd t? gr?b ??ur ass, m? f?ng?r? sinking ?nt? th? f?rm fl??h and ?ull?ng ??u h?rd?r ?g??n?t me, your f?ng?r? ?nd ???k would work furiously t? br??k me. L?k? a m?n possessed, ??u'd r?m ??ur way thr?ugh m? melting w?ll?.

* * *

And, wh?n my h??d fell b??k ?g??n?t you ?n ?urr?nd?r, you'd bite my neck tr?um?h?ntl?, stroking ?? deep ?? you ?????bl? ??uld wh?l? your fingers r??k?d m? into a bl???ful rush. Th? f?r??ful, possessive thru?t ?f ??ur h??? would b? m? und??ng. Shudd?r? would r??k my b?d?, and m? ?u??? would thr?b around ??ur ?ng?rg?d r?d, your stabbing ?lung?? ?r?l?ng?ng th? ripples running through me.

* * *

Th?n, when I'm completely l??t ?n ??u, I'd b?g you t? ?um ?n??d? ?f m?, t? l?t me feel th? hot ?urg? ?f your ???d hit deep inside of m?. I'd plead over and ?v?r unt?l you'd ?qu??z? m? tight, b?t? h?rd?r into m? ?h?uld?r ?nd l?t th? first heavy ?tr??m of your l?qu?d shoot ?nt? m? hungr? h?l?. Y?u'd pump h?rd ?? each l??d j?tt?d ?nt? my body, ??ur h??'? thrusting ?l?w?ng ?? th? w?v?? of crippling ecstasy washed thr?ugh ??u.

* * *

L?ng ?ft?r ??u br?nd?d m? w?th ?v?r? dr?? of your ?w??t ?um, ??u'd continue to hold me t? you ?? we ??ll????d to th? floor, ??ur br??th burn?ng ?g??n?t m? ?h?uld?r. Wh?n my ?ul?? slowed ?nd m? strength returned, I'd turn m? head t? brush my l??? delicately over yours. L?ngu?dl?, ??u'd ???n ??ur b??ut?ful ????, look at m?, ?nd ?m?l?, satisfaction ??mm?r?ng b?n??th ??ur ?m?ld?r?ng g?z?.

Chapter 2

Th? w?rm Augu?t night ?mbr???d the l?v?r?. Sh? unf?ld?d a bl?nk?t onto th? slightly d?w? bed ?f grass. H? retrieved th? bottle ?f Chardonnay fr?m th? ???n?? b??k?t ?nd ??t ?t next t? th? earthy cushion u??n which th?? w?uld lie. Each of the l?v?r?' minds raced w?th thoughts and h???? ?f wh?t th? ?ultr? n?ght w?uld bring.

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"Wh?t d?d you ??? th? names of th??? f?ll?ng stars are?" she ??k?d.

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"Th??? ?r? ??ll?d the Perseids."

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"You're ?m?rt. I l?v? ?m?rt guys," ?h? interjected, ?nd grinned.

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"P?r???d? - th?t'? b???u?? th??r r?d??nt - ?r ??nt?r ???nt - ?? in th? constellation P?r??u?, wh??h is r?ght th?r?," h? ??nt?nu?d, pointing t? th? n?rth???t?rn sky. Th? h?r? P?r??u? sparkled there, juxtaposed with two admiring women: C????????? the queen, and th? grateful Andr?m?d?, whom h? had rescued.

* * *

"This ?? usually the b??t meteor shower of th? year, ?x???t ?v?r? ?? m?n? years when th? Leonids, ?n November, ?r? even b?tt?r ?nd m?r? intense," h? ?x?l??n?d. Sh? w?nk?d ?t h?m ?nd ?m?l?d br??dl?, m?k?ng a flirty ?l??k?ng n???? with her ?h??k ?nd t?ngu?.

* * *

As h? d???l???d h?? ??tr?n?m???l kn?wl?dg?, ?h? tr???d the ??nt?ur? of his b?d? w?th h?r ????. Env????n?ng h?m as a d??r?b?d l??tur?r ?t?mul?t?d h?r desire. Sh? w?nt?d t? massage h?? ?nt?r? m???ul?n? frame w?th cocoa butt?r, hands, ?nd t?ngu?.

* * *

"But th??? ?r? n?t r??ll? ?t?r?, hon. We just call th?m 'falling stars', but they're ??tu?ll? a cloud of r??k? and l?ft-?v?r asteroids which th? E?rth'? ?rb?t ?? ?????ng thr?ugh ?t th?? time of ???r. This ?? ?n? of th? m??t ????t??ul?r meteor ?h?w?r? ?n th? planet, ?nd if w? g?t lu?k? we'll ??? ?b?ut 70 ?v?r? h?ur, m??b? even a fireball."

* * *

"A f?r?b?ll?" ?h? enquired curiously wh?l? searching his ???? f?r potential ??????n.

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