Page 4 of Erotic Sex Stories

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Page 4 of Erotic Sex Stories

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"Humm?h," h? ?hu?kl?d. "Yeah, a f?r?b?ll. It'? a ????? ?f r??k which ?? w?? l?rg?r than most ?nd wh??h ??m?? r??ll? close to the gr?und, and is v?r? very br?ght, h?n?? th? name. I'v? ???n a couple ?f th?m ?nd they ?r? d?wnr?ght fr?ght?n?ng, but also b??ut?ful. M??b? w?'ll get lucky ?nd a r?d????t?v? meteor will ?r??h ?nd ?l??n? w?ll ?r?wl ?ut ?f ?t ?nd ?t?rt coming t?w?rd? u?." He ?m?t?t?d a z?mb?? w?lk, w?th b????h gl??.

* * *

"Yeah right, ??ll? boy," she r?t?rt?d ?l??full?, gently ?u?h?ng ?n his left r?b??g? and t??kl?ng h?m w?th h?r f?ng?rt???.

* * *

Aft?r ?n ?nt?rlud? of br??f silence ?nd ??? contact, Kr??t? ?m?l?d ?nd ???d "Th?? ?? ?u?h a great ?d?? for a date. I'v? n?v?r d?n? this before."

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"Me n??th?r," Chr?? ?n?w?r?d. "It should be a l?t ?f fun."

* * *

Chr?? h?d b??n hot for Kr??t? ??n?? th??'d f?r?t talked on th? Int?rn?t ?nd b? phone. Pr?-d?t?, h?'d th?ught ?f ??rn? romantic things to ??? to her th?t night, such ?? "O gorgeous siren, ?t?r?h?n? enhances ??ur pulchritude. C?m? h?th?r ?nd ??r??? my lips." But h? refrained, f??r?ng ?h? m?ght th?nk h?m n?rd? ?r puerile.

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Th?? l?? ?n th? l?wn ?f th? remote farm 12 miles fr?m town ?nd d?rk ?? ?r?m?v?l, original d?rkn???. W?th ?nt?????t??n ?nd fervent ???rn?ng, th?? relaxed their bodies while ?t?r?ng into th? z?n?th, ?w??t?ng th? d???l?? of f??r? r??k? ?tr??k?ng thr?ugh the atmosphere. Neither h?d ?nj???d ?n? ??mbl?n?? of ??rn?l?t? ?n m?nth?; ???h ??l?ntl? longed f?r a night of lovemaking und?r th? stars.

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"O???, th?r?'? ?n?!" Kristi said excitedly, ???nt?ng about tw?-th?rd? u? fr?m th? h?r?z?n to ?v?rh??d.

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"Where? I don't ??? ?n?th?ng," Chris ?x?l??m?d in a little wh?t? l??, not ??nf????ng h?'d ??tu?ll? observed ?t.

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"It w?? ju?t a l?ttl? ?n?, n?t r??l br?ght," Kr??t? answered. Chr?? ?n??r?l?d h?r finger with h?? w?rm h?nd, clutched ?t, pulled it t?w?rd him, ?nd ???d "Wh?r?? Sh?w me where it was." He smiled at h?r w?th a ??ft ?m?l? ?f need.

* * *

Th?? f??u??d u??n ???h ?th?r'? eyes as th??r ?umm?r-k????d f???? ?n?h?d ?l???r, ?l?wl?. Kr??t? r?l????d a ru?h of h?t ?w??t br??th ?nt? Chr??'? m?uth ?? each of th?m parted th??r lips t? m??t th? ?th?r'?.

* * *

The l?v?r?' kisses b???m? more ??????n?t? as ??v?r?l bright meteors wh??k?d ??r??? Perseus, br?ght?n?ng their f?r??l??. Soon th?? were ?u?k?ng ???h other's hungry t?ngu??. Kristi ?m??k?d Chris's lower l?? w?th a loud ??? ?f suction, then suckled h?? left ?h??k br??fl? b?f?r? licking and fr?th?ng ?nd ?u?kl?ng his n??k. Her f?m?n?n? yet firm h?nd? kn??d?d h?? chest ?nd back muscles.

* * *

Chris groaned w?th ?h??r ecstasy ?? Kr??t? m???t?n?d his neck and face. W?th ??rf??t ?r???ur?, she rubb?d her hands along h?? legs, m?v?ng ?l???r ?nd closer t? h?? heated loins. Within ????nd?, she ??ftl? yet ?tr?ngl? squeezed h?? hardening ???k thr?ugh his hiking ?h?rt?. She b?th?d th? kh?k? f?br?? w?th a m??l?tr?m of ??l?v?, as ?f f?ll?t?ng h?m before his cock w?? fr??d.

* * *

They paused their k????ng, g?z?ng ?nt? ?n? another's ?t?rl?t ????, wh?l? Chr?? unz????d th?n un?n?umb?r?d his ?h?rt?. H? r?????t??n?d h?m??lf ?n both kn???, h?? ???k poised ?r?udl?.

* * *

Kr??t? mounted h?? th??k r??k-h?rd m?mb?r w?th h?r m?uth, lubr???t?ng the full ??ght inches with ??n?u?u? ??l?v? and rh?thm?? up-and-down motions. It w?? a lubr????u? ??r?d??? for each ?f th?m. Kristi fl??k?d h?r w?t h?rd sensuous t?ngu? playfully ??r??? h?? engorged ???kh??d, alternating directions then teasing th? head w?th a circular m?v?m?nt. H? shivered with r??tur?.

* * *

"Oh God, b?b?, th?t'? ?? ?w???m?," Chr?? whispered. "I don't w?nt t? ??m? ??t, th?ugh, sweetheart. I th?nk it's time I ??? ??ur ?w??t body."

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