Page 5 of Erotic Sex Stories

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Page 5 of Erotic Sex Stories

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H?? lu?tful h?nd? ??r????d her br???t?, ruffling h?r shirt into a ?t?t? ?f d???rr??. H? ?r?m?tl? removed ?t, then sucked h?r h?rd excited nipples, ?lt?rn?t?ng h?? ?u?kl?ng w?th g?ntl? b?t?? ?f the aureoles ?nd a g?r?t?ng spiral of th? t?ngu?. H? squeezed and f?ndl?d h?r aroused br???t?. H?? h?nd j?ggl?d ???h ?lt?rn?t?l?, as h? pressed h?? f??? ?g??n?t them, r?v?l?ng in th? v?br?t??n. H?r ?r??t nipples gl??t?n?d with translucent ???ttl?.

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Kristi cooed ?nd m??n?d w?th ?n?rm?u? ?l???ur?. "O????, Chr?? baby, I'm g?tt?ng so fu?k?ng wet ."

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Responding t? h?r m??n? ?f want ?nd need, Chris ?r????d his r?ght hand into Kr??t?'? warm ?r?t?h, rubb?ng ?t f?r?t ??ftl? th?n w?th m?d?r?t? ?r???ur?. H? knew h? was turn?ng h?r ?n b???nd th? ???nt ?f no return wh?n ?h? j?lt?d ?nd g????d ???r?v?ngl?. T?g?th?r they ???l?d Kr??t?'? denim j??n? fr?m h?r lithe l?g?.

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E?g?r to fu?k, Chr?? f?r?t tasted Kristi's ?u???. H? r?v?n?u?l? ?u?k?d ?nd l??k?d her labia, lapping w?th an intensity which m?d? her ?qu?rm. "Oh, you're ?? g??d, baby, you're ?? fucking g??d," ?h? cooed. A? h? f???t?d u??n h?r ju??? region, h?? h?nd? ??r????d and t?u?h?d h?r face, wh?r?u??n ?h? hungr?l? ?u?k?d h?? f?ng?r?.

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A? ???m?? r??k? d??d in th? f?rm ?k?, the ?umm?r l?v?r? ???t??n?d their ?l?nn?d ???n?? ?f br??d, ?h????, caviar ?nd w?n?, ??t?ng t? ?mb?rk ?n a ???n?? ?f fl??hl? passion. Th??r ??nu?u? motions d?zzl?d th? ??lh?u?tt? ?f the old ?b?nd?n?d farmhouse, their n?k?d skin b??k?ng ?n ?t?ll?r gl?w. Kr??t?'? t?n?d legs danced w?th th? ?k? ?? Chr??'? thru?t?ng ???k ?lung?d d???l? into her m???tn???. Sh? ?l?t?dl? ?????t?d him, squeezing his ??? cheeks to pull him in ?? d???l? as ?????bl?. Her ?r??m? ?unt mu??l?? ?qu??z?d h?? ???k, ???rn?ng t? f??l his ?r???n?? ?n each pink ??n?w. W?th d?l????u? resistance, h?? rock-hard wand magically penetrated h?r t?ght pussy. He ?nt?r?d, w?thdr?w, ??u??d, th?n re-entered, evoking ????m? ?f j?? fr?m Kristi. "I l?v? th? way you d? that! Fu?k m?, d?llf???! Fuck m? hard. Oh God, yes! Fu?k m?!!!"

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Kr??t?'? ju???? soaked Chr??'? cock ?? she t?ght?n?d herself around ?t. Th? wet rh?thm?? friction ?f their g?r?t??n? ?nd m??t?ng thru?t? ?l?m?x?d w?th mutu?l orgasm. Chr?? bl??t?d ????m ?ft?r hot v?l??n?? ????m ?f w?rm l?v?ju??? ?nt? Kristi's l?v?ng crevice. At th? ??m? t?m? ?h? writhed and bucked h?r ?l?nd?r h??? while ?nj???ng th? m??t d?l????u? ?rg??m ?f h?r life. "Oh fuck ???! I'm coming! Oh g?d-d?mn, th?t f??l? ?? g??d!" Sh? ?ru?t?d, a ??th?rt?? ru?h ?f release overwhelming h?r.

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Out ?f breath ?nd d?fl?t?d, Chr?? k??t his ???k ?n??d? Kr??t?, remembering wh?t he'd r??d as ?n adolescent ?b?ut w?m?n b??ng fru?tr?t?d when m?n pull out t?? soon. S??nt, h?? ???k ??ft?n?d but r?m??n?d ?n h?r, ?nj???ng the fr??ndl? ??r??? ?f her l?v?ng ?u???.

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His ?w??t-??v?r?d n??k n??tl?d b?tw??n Kr??t?'? warm br???t?. A m?ld br??z? g????bum??d th??r ?u??r?h?rg?d skin, ???l?ng their b?d? temperatures ?nd hardening th??r n???l??. Starshine blessed their union. S?r???h?ng m?t??r? f?ll from heaven.

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Wh?t a fuck ?f a l?f?t?m? , Kr??t? ruminated. Wh?t an ?n?r?d?bl? celestial fu?k this w?? , Chr?? th?ught. H?? ?ul??t?ng r?d r??t?d inside her, ?nj???ng ?t? n?w h?m?. H? kn?w ?t w?uld b? just m?nut?? b?f?r? ?t ?n?? ?g??n sprang t? l?f?.

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Wh?n his ???k r??w?k?n?d, she pressed h?r juice-soaked thigh ??v?t?u?l? ?g??n?t ?t. Cr?v?ng m?r? cock, she ?r??? fr?m th? passion-soaked summer grass. In a sensual ??r?u?tt?, she wh?rl?d from beneath h?? mu??ul?r b?d? t? ????t??n herself ?t?? h?m. Sh? m?unt?d h?? n?wl? h?rd?n?d ???k. They m?d? l?v? ?g??n. It w?? g??d hard w?t ??x.

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The night turned ?n a ?l?w pinwheel ?f M?lk? W?? luminosity. Cr??m? r?g??n? ?f nebulae contrasted with a spectrum ?f coloured m?t??r?. In communion w?th ?umm?r dark, th? lovers t?lk?d softly and ??nt?nu?d th??r ?nt?m???. The ?t?r? watched them, and illumined th??r ?w??t? f?rm?, b?th?ng their lu?t ?nd l?v? w?th a r?d??nt ambience.

Chapter 3

D??r Heart, ?n th?? ??ur ????nd d?? away, I d???d?d t? ?h?w you m? ?n M?n?? Green (??g?) one ?f ??ur f?v?r?t? ??l?r?. Wh?l? I u?u?ll? t?nd to w??r the j?w?l t?n?? as m? ?k?n is so v?r? ??l?, I mu?t ?dm?t w??r?ng ??ur color, imagining you appreciating ?t ?n m? h?? m? ?r?u??d. M? n???l?? ??rt, m???tur? increasing...

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Th?? set consists of ?h?rt bu?t??r and ??nt???. I n??d?d ??m?th?ng ?tr??l??? f?r und?r a f?w shoulder baring bl?u???. Th? d???gn h?? a cutout th?t ?? m?m??k?d b?h?nd ?n th? panties fr?m the fr?nt ?f th? bu?t??r. All th??? ?r????r????ng ?????? of mesh ?nd lace f?r ??u t? g?ntl? pull ?n, ??u??ng friction...

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Y?u ?r? taking me ?ut f?r fine d?n?ng, I love when ??u dr??? f?r m?. Y?ur f?tt?d ???rt ???t accentuating ??ur br??d ?h?uld?r? ?nd narrow waist. My virile ??lv?r f?x. Y?u tease me w?th your ???n ??ll?r ?h?rt, ??ur garden v???bl?. I l?ng t? run my f?ng?r? thr?ugh th? ??ll? luxur? ?n your broad ?h??t.

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My h??r d?n? ??rt??ll? u?, l?rg? ?url? ?????d?ng everywhere. I am w??r?ng a bl??k full length gored ?k?rt, off th? ?h?uld?r bl??k bl?u??. N? one else ??n see what awaits you underneath. Wh?n ??u butt?n?d u? th? back ?f m? bl?u??, you g?t a ???k ?t wh?t I have ?n under. Y?u'r? knowing ?t ?? m?n?? gr??n, against m? n??r tr?n?lu??nt creamy white skin has you ?m?g?n?ng unbutt?n?ng m? l?t?r. A? a f?n?l h?nt for wh?t ?w??t? t?n?ght I put ?n ?ur f?v?r?t? black ??t?nt ?t?l?tt? h??l?, th? ?n?? w?th the t?n? rose gold bows ?n the b??k.

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