Page 6 of Erotic Sex Stories
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A? ??u ?l??? m? wr?? ?l?ng m? ?h?uld?r?, ??u l??n ?g??n?t m?. You ?nh?l? m? ???nt, I can feel ??ur arousal. S? t?m?t?ng t? ?t?? home, but we have had th??? reservations f?r w??k?. Our ??????n? for ???h ?th?r and cuisine ?r? rivals tonight.
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As you open the ??r d??r for me, you ?t??l a l?ng?r?ng k???. Y?ur ?rm? around m?, full? ?mbr???d ?n ??ur affection. Th?? ?? testing m? r???lv? t? g? ?ut. Ju?t wh?n I think ?b?ut h??d?ng b??k inside, you tu?k m? ?n th? passengers seat, ?nd ?l??? the door. N?ught? m?n tw? ??n ?l?? this game.
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On the dr?v? t? town w? ?h?r? ?ur days w?th ???h other. A? you are driving my l?ft h?nd is h?l??ng. The tiny v?br?t??n? of m? finger n??l? lightly running on th? now t?ut f?br?? ?v?r ??ur ?l?nt?ful m?nh??d. Knowing I ?r?u?? ??u, m?k?? m? w?t, slick, ?w?ll?n, r??d? f?r ??u, to take all of ??u ?n??d? m?. As I ?m ?nl? the ?????ng?r, m? ?tt?nt??n is ?ll ??ur?. Y?ur mult?t??k?ng ?? pushed t? th? limit, dr?v?ng and talking wh?l? I h?v? his attention ?? not an easy f??t.
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We ?r? n??r?ng the r??t?ur?nt, I d???d? to be merciful ?nd ?t?? m? teasing. You ?r? ?? l?rg? ?t t?k?? a while f?r h?m to r?l?x fr?m full attention, ?tr??n?ng, your thr?bb?ng m?nh??d n??d? t? ??lm d?wn ?f w? are g??ng t? get ?ut ?f the car. On? v?l?t ??m?? t? the dr?v?r? ??d? th? other ?tt?nd?nt to mine, opening my door. Y?u h?nd over ??ur k??? qu??kl? coming round t? th? ?????ng?r? ??d?, taking m? h?nd fr?m the young man. You give h?m th? alpha m?l? stare d?wn, ?l??m?ng your w?m?n. Y?u are ?n a dominant m??d, th?? ?? g??ng t? b? fun.
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The h??t??? tries t? seat u? ?t a tw? t??, ??u nor I ??n b??r th? thought ?f sitting across fr?m each other un?bl? t? t?u?h, and ask f?r a ??rn?r t?bl? wh?r? w? ??n ??t n?xt t? one ?n?th?r, it ?? not ?v??l?bl?. You will have t? look kn?w?ng wh?t ?? und?rn??th, w?th?ut ?v?n the heat of m? b?d? n?xt t? ??ur?, n? ?h?n?? of a gr?z?ng t?u?h. The ?nt?????t??n bu?ld?ng in us both ?? we share appetizer, th?n ?ntr??? ??u let me pick wh?t I w?nt ?ff your ?l?t?. I l?v? that ??u ?ndulg? m?. M? f??d?ng ??u a ??rf??t b?t? on m? f?rk ??r??? th? t?bl?.
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W? f?n??h d?nn?r w?th j?v??l b?nt?r, l?ng?ng l??k?, ?l??ful ?nt?r??t??n. W? ?r? th?t ??u?l?, th? ?n? ?th?r ????l? l??k ?t. I wonder ?f th?? ?? wh? w? ?r? ?lw??? ???t?d ?n a front window, ?r a prominent ?l??? on th? fl??r... Our waiter asks if w? would l?k? t? ??? th? d????rt tr??, ??u take pride in t?ll?ng h?m, no th?nk ??u. Th?n proceed t? inform h?m I h?v? m?d? Creme Brul??, which ?? w??t?ng ?t h?m? f?r us.
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It is time t? go, when you h?l? m? put back ?n m? wrap, you ?n??k the tiniest n?bbl? on my neck, m?k?ng m? ?hudd?r w?th ?r?u??l. Th? v?l?t g??? t? f?t?h th? car, ??u ?t?nd behind m? ??ur l?ft ?rm curling m? ?l??? t? ??u. Blocking the ?h?ll? br??z?. Y?u ?r? ?lw??? th? g?ntl?m?n, or may hap this is ??ur ?l?h? m?l? showing. Th? ?th?r ?tt?nd?nt gives you a nod kn?w?ng n?t to ???r???h me. Wh?n the ??r ???r???h??, you ?n?? again tuck me ??f?l? ?n.
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Th? dr?v? h?m? ?? ?g??n filled w?th ?l?? ?? I g?ntl? u?? my h?nd t? t???? you ?v?r so l?ghtl?. You take m? hand in ??ur? gently k????ng m? knu?kl??. Our f?ng?r? entwined, ?? ??u dr?v? us h?m?.
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Th? Cr?m? Brul?? w?ll h?v? t? wait f?r ?ur intermission, w? both h?v? ?th?r ideas right n?w. Y?u confidently lead m? to th? b?dr??m. On?? there your h?nd? ?x?l?r? under m? clothes, you w?nt t? ?nj?? ????ng wh?t I have on f?r you. I f?n?ll? g?t to run my f?ng?r? thr?ugh ??ur silky g?rd?n, unbuttoning ??ur ?h?rt as ??u are unbutt?n?ng m?n?.
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W? undress ???h other ??????n?t? kisses ?r? mixed ?n wh?l? th? d??r?b?ng ??nt?nu??. Y?u tell m? t? leave th? ?h??? ?n, th? timber ?f ??ur v???? as ??u ??mm?nd m?k?? me qu?v?r with ?x??t?m?nt. D?wn t? m? lingerie ?nd ?t?l?tt? h??l? you signal for th? b?d.
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Y?u r??l?n? ??ur d?f?n?d powerful b?d?, your m?nh??d full? ?r??t. I ?m n??r dripping as I ?t?rt t? t?k? you ?n m? m?uth. Y?ur smooth skin, gliding d?wn my throat. I ?l?d? u?, ?nd u?? th? tip ?f my t?ngu? ?l?ng the ridge, then a firm l??k on th? head ?f you. I explore with my t?ngu? further, you l?k? when I w?rk th? b??k of him. I l?v? the t??t? ?f you, th? feel of ??u.
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Y?u ?l??? a finger ?n m?, f??l?ng m? ?l??k, warm, swollen f?r ??u. Then ??u l??k your finger, "?w??t ?nd salty...chocolate ??v?r?d pretzel b?b?-d?ll" ??u announce.
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Y?u are so l?rg?, there is ?nl? ?n? position th?t w?ll ?ll?w m? to take ?ll ?f ??u deep thr??t. As I start t? turn t? f??? you, ??u entangle ??ur f?ng?r? ?n the ?r????r??? pieces of th? b??k ?f m? panties, g?ntl? tugg?ng, ??u??ng fr??t??n ?n my m??t sensitive ??rt?. W? have synergistic rh?thm, ??u h?v? th? f?br?? stretched ju?t right over m? ?l?t, ??ur tugg?ng in pace with m? gl?d?ng ?l?ng ??ur h?rd thr?bb?ng m?nh??d.
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You br?ng me t? climax b?f?r? I ??n d? th? same f?r ??u. T?n?ght, ??u w?nt t? be ?n??d? me, ??u want t? b? in ??ntr?l. Y?u r?qu??t your ?rm?r, which I h????l? apply, quivering with anticipation...
Chapter 4
I m?t J?hn ?nl?n? m??b? six ?r ??v?n months ago ?nd w? have become very ?l??? friends ?v?r th??? m?nth?. At 42 h? ?? 21 ???r? ?ld?r than I ?m, but w? ?t?ll h?v? found ?? mu?h ??mm?n ground th?t I found myself ?n? d?? r??l?z?ng th?t I h?d f?ll?n ?n l?v? w?th him. At f?r?t ?t w?? a ?h??k t? think th?t I had f?ll?n f?r ?n ?ld?r and v?r? m?rr??d m?n, but th?n I b???m? d??r????d b???u?? I f?lt th?t th?? l?v? was something that I ??uld never ?ur?u?.