Page 24 of Vegas Baby
Even without the lotion, her skin was incredibly smooth and soft. Adding the moisturizer only reminded me of how slick other parts of her could become, and how good that felt wrapped around me.
How was it possible for one woman to be so alluring? I didn’t know, and it certainly wasn’t fair. But the more my fingers worked her over, the more I felt the rest of my body react, until my lower half was fighting against the confines of my shorts while my heart was beginning to thunder in my chest.
Eventually it was too much, and I gently picked her feet up, so I could stand. She moved them out of my way quickly, then held out her hand so that I could pull her to a standing position.
That turned out to be a mistake. I pulled just a tad too hard, and she stumbled forward a tad, colliding with my chest. We both looked at each other, obviously startled by our sudden closeness, and before I knew what was happening, I was leaning down to kiss her.
I knew I shouldn’t, that -after everything that had happened- I should keep my distance until we fully figured out our arrangement. But her lips were so soft, and she felt so right against me, what else could I do?
Chapter Thirteen
When James had first told me that I was coming over to his hotel for the night, I expected awkwardness and stilted dialogue. I certainly hadn’t been anticipating our little heart to heart about our parents or the impromptu foot massage.
But jeeze, he really knew how to work those fingers. Other than being swollen and a little uncomfortable, I hadn’t even known that my feet were hurting. But with the way his strong fingers glided along my flesh, finding all those knots and sore spots, I felt like I was being transported to another planet.
For the first time in months I was relaxed and at ease. There were no worries, there was no dread about tomorrow. Just soothing and comfort from his competent hands.
I was fully contented when it was over and just about ready to melt into the couch right then and there. But I figured I should at least go to the bathroom and wash my face before settling in, so I held out my hand for him to help my pregnant self-up.
And then, out of nowhere, we were kissing.
I gasped, completely shocked, and nearly sank into his form. I knew I shouldn’t, I knew that this was muddying water that didn’t need to be muddied. I knew that this was just adding another layer of complication to my life that I didn’t need.
And yet I didn’t stop kissing him.
In fact, I actively encouraged him.
Our hands moved frantically against each other, holding, scratching, trying to feel all of each other. Our lips were just as active, melding against each other, rising and falling in rhythm with each other.
And it was right about then that I knew I wasn’t going to resist anything. I had been fighting so hard for so long, didn’t I deserve a little respite from somebody who I knew could completely blow my mind?
Once more, I felt his hands go over me then he was lifting me up, baby bump and all. I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist, laughing slightly into his mouth.
God, he knew just what to do to make me feel carefree and young again. Not that I was old. At the age of twenty-three I knew that I was still very much a child to many people, but compared to how hopeful I was when I was a freshman walking into those hallowed halls of university, I felt like a whole century had passed for me.
We got to the room and once more he was setting me down on the bed. It was such a moment of de ja vu that I almost wondered if we were back in Vegas again. But this time the blankets were a soft blue and cream, and there was no canopy or sparkling lights. Just the two of us, staring at each other like we were afraid that we’d disappear if we blinked.
Thankfully, no one vanished anywhere, and his hands went to my skirt.
I was grateful that I rarely wore pants to work, although really my affinity for skirts was just because I loved wearing warm, comfy leggings. It didn’t take him long at all to slide the garment off of me, then he was pulling off the black stockings I had under them.
As much as I loved our entire experience last time, I didn’t think I could tolerate that much teasing again, so I grabbed him and pulled him down to me.
I got the feeling that he could resist if he wanted to, but he let me yank him down so our lips were crashing together once again.