Page 25 of Vegas Baby
My whole body flooded with heat and my heart was starting to race. I loved the exhilaration that came with touching him, the promise that soon I would be losing my mind in the best way possible.
Our tongues slid against each other and I could feel our breathing starting to syncopate. I liked that he was just as excited as me. It made me feel like he was just as invested as I was in the experience, and that was drop dead sexy.
Enthused by his response, I surged my hips upward while dropping one leg. That managed to shift our weight enough so that I was on top, straddling his waist and looking down on him with what I hoped was an expression of pure sin.
“You like it up there?” His voice was a low growl that brought out the most primal of urges for me.
“I do,” I said, reaching down to loosen his tie. It was soft, silky, and probably worth two weeks of pay. I let it slip across my fingers, caressing me with its extravagance, before pulling it from his sculpted frame.
“Don’t get too used to it,” he taunted.
“Oh yeah?” I retorted, flicking the first button open.
“Yeah. I’m just letting you get a taste of the power just long enough so you miss it when I take it back.”
“Is that so?” I bent down while I flicked open a second button, brushing my lashes against his cheek.
“It is.”
Another button. “Well, if you’re so s-”
I barely felt one of his hands slip under my thigh and then suddenly, I was flipping over myself to the other side of the bed.
I hit cushion without being hurt, of course, but I didn’t even have time to recover before James was on top of me, smirk across his handsome features.
“Like I said, just long enough to get its flavor.”
I laughed, full of adrenaline and excitement. “Well, since we’re talking about flavor, when are you going to let me taste you?”
His eyebrows shot to the top of his hairline before his expression recovered. “How could I say no to that?” He stood, then backed up towards the one chair in the corner of the room by the foot of the bed. Sitting down, he gestured to his lap with a cockily expectant look.
“Ready when you are,” he murmured.
Oh boy, I did not need to be asked twice. I practically slithered off of the bed, ending up on my hands and knees as I crawled towards him.
It didn’t matter that my rounded pregnant belly was swaying as I moved. It didn’t matter that I had red lines on me from wearing my office clothes all day. I was feeling absolutely incredibly sexy, and I was about to rock this man’s world.
When I reached him, I sat up slowly, settling onto my haunches before my hands went to his belt. It took a bit of fiddling, but eventually I was able to open it up and slide it enough out of my way so that it wouldn’t be a bother.
Then, I worked on his zipper, pulling it down in short little increments so that I didn’t accidentally catch anything that I didn’t want to in the very sharp teeth of his jeans.
Finally, I could see and reach into his boxers. I gripped him gently at first but increased the firmness of my hold until he was out of his pants and standing at full attention for me.
Goodness, I had forgotten sizable he was. It was funny how my mind had glossed over that first painful minute or so when I had to get used to accommodating someone of his… measurements.
Oh well, I had done it once before and I was more than confident that I could do it again. He was like a challenge for me, all wrapped up in a pretty bow, and I wanted to conquer him.
I started with my tongue, laving up and down his length, trailing as much wetness as I could. He let out a hiss of pleasure and tipped his head back, letting it rest against the back of the chair. I wished that I could see the expression on his face from my position, but I had to content myself with just listening.
So, I listened.
I noted every sound he made, logged every twitch or spasm, until I was finally ready to take him between my lips.
The sound that came out of his mouth elated me, and I pushed myself to go down farther, allowing my tongue to glide along the bottom of his manhood.
His skin was thick and masculine, tasting somewhere between salty and musky but not in a bad way. It was like some sort of mystical pheromone that had me addicted, because I was deep throating him in record time.
“Oh God, just like that, baby.”
I let out a murmur of approval, and the sound vibrated along his length, causing him to groan and his hand to go to my hair. I took that as encouragement, and shuttled along him at my own pace, taking him as deep as I could and then withdrawing almost completely.