Page 7 of Vegas Baby
Out of nowhere, two large hands alighted on the man’s shoulders and forcibly removed him from my body. I looked behind me, completely gob smacked, to see none other than James standing behind me.
“Excuse you, but I believe the lady needed to leave.” He said, voice low and dangerous.
The drunkard cowered, his eyes wide, and he scuttled off, leaving me staring up at my savior with shock.
“Thank you,” I said breathlessly.
“It is no problem.” He looked at the expensive watch on his wrist. “Did you miss your window?”
I looked down at my phone and my stomach dropped. “Oh geeze… maybe. It’s gonna be close.”
“You know what?” he murmured, offering me his arm. “Why don’t we talk a little more, and I can hail you a cab?”
Wow, what a turn my luck had taken. “Why would you do that?”
“Because you’re beautiful and you make me laugh, so I’d enjoy your company a bit longer.”
Well, I certainly couldn’t fault him for being honest. Although it certainly wasn’t the first time that I had been called beautiful, there was certainly a matter of factness to his tone that tickled me in all the right ways.
How long had it been since I had connected with someone like this? Felt true, easy going chemistry and good conversation? Ages. And I couldn’t help but wonder if he was as thoughtful in between the sheets as he was out of them.
“I think I’ll take you up on that,” I answered, raising my chin to look up at him with half-lidded eyes. “Why don’t you show me to your room where we can talk without yelling over all the jackpot winners?”
“That sounds like a great idea,” he said, letting me loop my arm through his and leading me off towards the hotel half of the building.
Whatever happened, this was certainly going to be my first night to remember since I had moved here. I just hoped that they were good memories.
Chapter Four
It wasn’t until I was almost to the central elevators that dominated most of the hotel that I realized one incredibly crucial fact.
I didn’t know where my room was, nor did I have a key.
Quickly I turned and changed our direction back towards the front desk. If Nicole thought it was strange, she said nothing, and just followed along blissfully.
To be perfectly honest, while I had certainly hoped to find at least one beautiful woman to spend a night or two with on our trip, but I didn’t expect to find one on the first night. Let alone one so charming.
It helped that she was incredibly beautiful too. I had noticed it when I first walked up, of course, but after watching her laugh and emote and otherwise banter with me, I realized just how alluring she was.
She had a heart shaped face, complete with high cheekbones and full, plush lips. Her lashes were long, further exaggerating her enticing eyes, and her cleavage was just hinted at between the buttons of her nice shirt.
“May I help you?” The receptionist at the desk looked up, smiling with the same customer service grin our guide had.
“James Hines,” I said, handing over my ID.
She took it and typed for a moment, and I thought it was impossible, but her smile grew that much more broad. “Ah, Mr. Hines! I see you are in our presidential seat.” She did some things behind the counter that I couldn’t see, then handed me a business card and a small welcome booklet. “All you have to do is go to the center elevator, scan your room card, and it will take you up to the twenty fifth floor.
“From there, you are the first and only door to you right, where you can enjoy a clear view of the skyline over the city, your own aerial pool and of course all of our other amenities. If you need anything, feel free to call our twenty-four-hour room service where you will have priority as a thank you for joining our Presidential club.”
“Sounds like a plan,” I said, taking the card and booklet from her then finally heading towards the elevator.
To Nicole’s credit, she stayed straight faced and didn’t say a thing until we were in the elevator and the overly polished doors closed in front of us.
“You have a Presidential Suite?” She asked, obviously impressed.
“According to the receptionist, yes.”
“You’re some sort of big deal, aren’t you?”
I smiled at that. “Well, it depends on who you ask. To most people, no. But to a very select few, maybe.”
She nudged me, shaking her head. “I don’t know if you’re being humble or cagey, but you know how many specials I’ve seen about these amazing suites that I can never afford? If you would have told me this morning that I would be going into one, I would tell you that you were crazy.”