Page 8 of Vegas Baby
“That’s understandable. If someone told me that I would be spending the evening with a beautiful woman who’s had an awful day… well I would probably tell you that wasn’t very surprising.”
She huffed at that, but it was a good-natured sound. “Cocky.”
“But is it really cocky when my claims are corroborated by evidence?”
“…I guess we’ll have to find that out.”
I raised my eyebrow at that. True, while I was taking a beautiful woman back to my room, that in no way was a guarantee that my night would be ending in sex. “Will we now?”
“Maybe, if you play your cards right.”
My brain was quickly trying to think of a retort to that, but my mind already shot off in a dozen different directions, imagining her in about a dozen different positions. God, she was sexy, and I was sure that she would be even more delicious without that business professional outfit of hers.
But then the doors were opening, and she was already walking down the hall, a slight skip to her step.
I caught up with her quickly, my long legs easily doubling the distance of hers, and I actually reached my hotel door before she did. Quickly sliding my card, I opened the entrance and gestured for her to go inside.
She did, her eyes widening as she passed me, and I enjoyed looking at her reaction more than I cared about the room itself.
Not that it was anything to sneeze at. The Presidential suite lived up to its name, containing a full kitchen, a sitting area, a bedroom, a bathroom, a jacuzzi room and the attached, outdoor pool.
The ceiling was incredibly high, easily going up two to three stories, and I spotted a loft over the kitchen. I wasn’t sure what the hell was up on the loft or why one needed it in a hotel room, but I certainly wasn’t complaining.
“This. Is. Amazing.” She said, looking around with complete and total wonder.
Honestly, her excitement was refreshing. Too often, I took a lot of the things I was able to do for granted. Seeing it through a set of honest, genuine eyes like hers tended to put everything in perspective.
“So, what do you want to do first?” I asked, coming up beside her.
“What do you mean?” She craned her neck to look back at me with still-wide eyes.
“You said you’ve always dreamed of being in a suite like this, so now that you are, which amenity do you wanna try first?”
“Umm, wow. I always thought I would know exactly what to do, but now that I’m here… I guess that I’m at a loss.”
“That’s alright,” I said, patting her shoulder and breaking the touch barrier between us. Electricity shot through my veins, but I tried to contain it as best I could. “How about I order some room service, and you think about it for a bit?”
She nodded enthusiastically. “That sounds like a great idea, actually.”
I crossed the suite to head to the first phone I saw, which was in the sitting area. Picking it up, it went straight to the room service line without me having to dial anything. If there was one thing Vegas got right, it was their amenities.
“Room service, how can we make your night?”
“Yes, I’d like champagne and strawberries sent up to my suite.”
“Of course, sir. Do you have a preference on-” The man on the phone was cut off by a huge clatter in the background and then what sounded by an alarm. I listened, concerned and confused, for a couple of minutes until the person came back.
“I apologize. We have a situation in down on the lower floors and will need to deal with it before your room service request. We estimate that we will be able to accommodate your request in about an hour. But, as an apology for the wait, it will be on the house. Is there anything else I can do to make your trip memorable?”
“No, this phone call was definitely enough.” I said, trying not to laugh but the situation was just so bizarre. “Are you alright down there?”
“The situation is being dealt with accordingly, no need to worry, but we appreciate your concern! I hope you have a magical evening.”
“You too,” I said, then the line clicked off and I was left standing there. “You would not believe what just happened,” I continued as I turned to see where Nicole had gotten off to.
To my surprise, she was standing in the middle of the room, still staring at things with wide eyes. I approached her, intent on telling her we would have a bit of a wait before we could really start having an over the top night, but I never got the words out.
Probably because she practically rushed me, and her mouth crashed to mine.
Hot damn, I did not expect that, but I certainly wasn’t complaining. Her lips were soft against my own, and plenty warm. Her smaller form pressed to mine, melding into my own body as my arms encircled her.