Page 32 of Nanny with Benefits
“Oh, and also, can you get the ingredients for my chicken noodle soup? I think it will really help Alexis. The recipe is in the yellow cookbook Mom gave me. I’ll need that as well as the food.”
“Yep. I know the one. I’ll be there at about two.”
“Thank you so much. I can’t wait for you to meet Alexis. She’ll probably be tired, but she’s so cute.”
“Okay. I’ll go now. I need to let Hank know I’m taking a half day off. I already know the address.”
“See you soon, Sarah.”
The day went smoothly, and Alexis was fast asleep when Sarah arrived. I hugged her and looked through the clothes she brought, thankful she didn’t forget my toothbrush.
“Thank you!” I said, smiling at her. I unpacked the groceries and began making the soup.
“Is she still asleep?” asked Sarah, looking around at the expensive furniture. I could see she was impressed.
“Yes. She looked so exhausted last night, and this morning, her cough was even worse. It’s good she’s asleep because it’s helping her heal.”
Sarah’s face lit up as Alexis entered the room. Alexis’s plait bounced as she skipped over to cuddle Sarah. It was an unexpected reaction because she was usually quite shy around strangers.
“You’re so pretty,” she said, touching Sarah’s blond hair. “Clara says you’re very beautiful. This is Clara.” She placed Clara out in front of her body.
“Oh! Well, thank you. I was so excited to come and meet you today. Karly said you’ve been a bit sick.”
“Yep. Karly-good-girl is making me better, though. She knows how to cuddle good and reads stories I like. And Clara likes her very much too.”
Sarah smiled at the cuteness factor that made up the brilliant Alexis. I could tell she was impressed with her ability to converse, even if some of the words weren’t quite right.
“I could redo your plait if you want,” said Sarah, looking at the length of Alexis’s beautiful hair.
“Oh, really?” She paused to sneeze and ran over to the dining room chair. She was super excited. “I’ve got hair ties in all colors. There’s pink and blue and green and yellow—every color of the whole rainbow. But my favorite color is ruby red.”
Sarah beamed. “No way! That’s my favorite color too.”
I smiled at them both as I concentrated on making the soup. The smell of the broth permeated the whole apartment, reminding me of my childhood. My mom and dad were caring and loving parents, and I was lucky to have been cared for so well. It was a pleasure to do the same for Alexis. I truly loved taking care of her.
Sarah had to leave at three. She had some of her own errands to run, much to the disappointment of both Alexis and Clara. But it was good timing because she needed another nap. Her eyes were falling shut, and she was beginning to get a little whiny. The cold was determined to hang on longer than usual.
I had a few hours to catch up on laundry and cleaning as she slept. I thought of Damon and the time we’d shared together the night I lost my virginity. I found my body wishing he was home just so I could be near him and feel his presence. I wanted him to take me again. It had been the most exciting, most erotic thing that had ever happened to me.
The clocked ticked away, and I let the soup simmer all day. When dinnertime came, we’d all be able to dig into it and have apple pie with custard for dessert. The pie was the frozen kind, but a really nice brand. I had made the custard from scratch, so that would be a treat for us all. Alexis loved cinnamon, and last time we’d had it, she’d said, “The fairies must’ve sprinkled it on, just to make everything taste a million times more yummy.” Damon and I had loved that explanation. It was quite ingenious and extremely cute.
Damon arrived home with a loose tie and a gorgeous smile. Alexis was happily watching cartoons when he came through the door. He walked over to her and peppered her with kisses. She hugged him tightly, and Clara gave him a hug too.
We sat down together and ate the soup. Sarah had spoiled us, buying us beautiful, crusted bread that went well with the meal. Alexis ate it quickly. Clara pretended to eat some, too, by way of puppetry that was expertly done by Alexis.
“Clara said this is the best human food she’s ever had, like, ever!”
“It’s the best soup I’ve ever had,” added Damon.
“It’s my mom’s recipe,” I said, enjoying the flavors as I finished off my bowl.
Alexis got up and went to the bathroom. “I’m ready for bath time,” she called down the hallway.
“Okay,” I called after her as Damon began clearing the dishes.