Page 33 of Nanny with Benefits
As soon as bath time was finished, she was out like a light. Her congestion seemed much better, and I was glad her fever was nearly gone. Clara didn’t want to go to bed, but Alexis told her a story about a cat who never slept, and that had been the straw that broke the camel’s back, metaphorically speaking.
I looked in on Damon, who was enjoying the log fire in the living room. “Just having a shower,” I called to him.
He smiled. “Sure thing.”
My body felt good as I showered. The jets massaged my whole body, and afterward, I gladly put on my cloudy blue and white flannel pajamas. I was a comfort girl as opposed to Sarah, who was always about looking fantastic. I couldn’t really blame her. She was a catalog model after all, so in her line of work, appearances meant everything.
As I moved into the living room, Damon stood with his arms outstretched for me. I fell into them, and his breathing came faster as he kissed the side of my neck. I wanted his hands to touch me everywhere, and then he grasped my right breast. The warmth of him enveloped me, and my body craved only his touch.
“Fuck, you’re so damn sexy,” he said, looking into my eyes. “I think about you all the time.”
My breath became lost for a moment as he squeezed my thigh. All I wanted him to do was take me, right then and there. I’d never been so desperately horny in all my life. He had this way about him, dominant and completely sure of himself in every way. It was more than sexy.
He licked my earlobe, shooting heat between my legs, like he was in complete control of my wetness. He pressed so close to me, I felt his steely erection on my stomach. God, I wanted him so badly.
The pitter-patter of tiny feet tapped steadily down the stairs. We both let go of one another as Alexis entered the living room. “Karly, I need a drink of water. My throat is firsty.”
I gave her a smile, still catching my breath from being in Damon’s perfect arms. “Okay, sweetie, and then I’ll tuck you back in.” I wasn’t going to correct her this late at night.
“Good night, Alexis,” said Damon, blowing her a kiss. “Good night, Clara,” he added.
“Good night,” answered Alexis in between her gulps of water.
I put her to bed, and then Damon and I also went to bed straight afterward without any more kissing. It was late, and no good would come from us staying up half the night.
“Good night, Karly,” said Damon with a wide smile. His eyes sparkled like a wildfire.
“Good night, Damon,” I whispered back, my whole body still heated. I would need to dream about him this night. That was for sure.
Chapter 15
I woke up ten minutes before my alarm went off, but I loved being early. If I woke up late, I felt like everything was screwed from the get-go. In my line of work, it was definitely true that time was money.
Before I jumped straight in the shower, I heard talking downstairs. Alexis and Karly sounded like they’d already started their day together. Alexis’s voice sounded nearly normal again, so she might have been able to go to school.
The shower felt good. It was hot and long, just how I liked it. I would wear my lucky mauve shirt today to set things in motion with Gary Montabe. He was a hard-ass who only did business on his terms. He was cutthroat when it came to negotiation, and although Derringer had tried to butter him up, he wasn’t going to play ball without asserting his control. I respected a man like that. It was usually the case that men were sheep, and a great example was the whole Chan “follow-the-leader” escapade. Montabe would know that Chan was in, but he would want to seal his own deal without asking about what Chan was or wasn’t doing.
My face lit up as I tasted my French toast and eggs. Karly knew how to cook everything just right. She was definitely blessed with her talents in the kitchen…and the bedroom. Fuck. Alexis’s illness and my workload had thwarted our chances at intimacy recently, ratcheting up the anticipation as the days passed.
“You look much better,” I said to Alexis.
“I’m heaps good. Karly-good-girl fixed me, and Clara is happy too.”
“Well, that’s good,” I said, giving her a wide smile. Her plaits were accentuated by pink bows that matched her T-shirt. There was a smiling pink and purple pony along with a rainbow.
“Karly, how come you don’t put ribbons in your hair?” Alexis asked. “Don’t you want to be pretty?”
Karly smiled and thought for a moment. She looked up to the sky, making it seem like she was trying to think about the question more definitively. It was cute.