Page 62 of Holiday Home 3
He had to stick around his house for longer than he wanted. Some of the younger children in the neighborhood were out and about when he pulled into his driveway, slinging snowballs alongside shrieks of glee and terror. A few of their parents watched over them. He and Tess briefly texted about the issue, agreeing that it would be prudent for him to wait until they all headed indoors. Frustratingly, it had been dark for over an hour before he finally made it to Tess’s warm embrace. Courtesy of an overtly flirtatious redhead, however, he at least had a decent way to whittle the time away.
Anna was all smiles when she came back to the living room,Avril’s text read.Care to explain?
Dunno. You’ll have to ask her.
I did. She wouldn’t say.
He sent her a shrugging emoji as he plopped down on his couch. Avril wouldn’t relent, however.
First, Tess, now Anna. When did I fall out of your confidence, hmm?
That would be telling, which both women had explicitly asked him not to do, so he sought to redirect her.You know, given what we did yesterday, it’s a little weird how you’re so fixated on other women.
He could practically see Avril’s skewed grin behind her following message.
What, you mean how I fucked your brains out? I bet Tess was pissed when you made it back, all drained and exhausted.
See, there you go again!
No clue what you’re talking about.
He saw a follow-up message being typed out and delayed his response until it arrived. While waiting, he escaped his shoes and turned to lie on his couch. He could still occasionally hear the jubilant cheers and shrieks of children, so he knew they hadn’t gone inside yet. He sighed loudly and hoped to find some patience through his conversation with Avril.
But I will give you a reward for today,she texted.
Not yesterday?he replied.
Please, you got rewarded plenty yesterday. Now, go on and grab your Christmas gift. Let me know when you have.
Her demand robbed him of his position on his couch. Hopping to his feet just seconds after getting comfortable, he knew it was a trade well worth it. Perhaps he might finally get a bit of clarification about how her unique Christmas gift worked.
Once he’d reconvened with the large glass jar that she’d secretly gifted him on Christmas Eve, Liam let Avril know when he had it. Moving it from beside his nightstand to onto thebed with him, he quickly thought better of that because of the contents inside.
Colored fortune cookies, dozens of them, rattled about inside the oversized jar as he moved it. Many were red, while fewer were green or blue. And as far as he was aware, each one carried a custom-made “fortune” written by the maverick redhead herself. The first had gotten him an enticing picture of said creator, and he certainly hoped he’d get another one or two soon.
He’d only opened the one so far, one of the many red cookies. In it, he’d received the right to demand a picture of Avril in her favorite jogging outfit. Whether this would be the norm for that particular color, now was possibly the time to find out.
After thinking better of cracking open the fortune cookies on his bed, he moved with the jar to his hardwood floor, where collecting crumbs via vacuum would be a simple task. Then, he impatiently waited for Avril’s reply, all the while hoping he’d also get a chance to learn about the contents of the blue and green ones—or at least one of them.
Obviously, he could have checked for himself. Avril would be hard-pressed to discover if he’d already cracked a few of each color open, and he could have soothed his curiosity by doing so.
Yet, that was hardly festive, and who knew, maybe she’d make an impromptu visit to check on him one of these days. So, spotting her message as it appeared on his phone, he let the fortune cookies keep their secrets for as long as their creator asked.
First, you can pop open a red one. You know the drill.
So, he did. Legs crossed, he set his phone on his thigh as he twisted off the jar’s black lid and set it aside. Sticking his hand into the cornucopia of hardened flour and sugar, he rooted around until he scooped out a trio of fortune cookies—two red, one blue. Turning his thumb down, he dropped the blue oneback into the sea of fortune. He kept shaking his hand, loosening his grip every few seconds, until one of the red ones also fell.
We have a winner,he thought as he looked at the red object on his palm.
Breaking it open, he replicated the same actions he’d taken last time. Freeing the tassel of paper clinging to the inside of one of the cookie’s halves, he set the detritus down, having no interest in eating them, and spread the paper for his viewing pleasure.
Pleasure, indeed.
A video of me using my vibrator to make myself cum is in your future.
Liam swallowed dryly as he read and then re-read the contents of his newest “fortune.” Like its predecessor, it had repeated the promise of a gift, though this was for a video, not just an image. It was alsofarmore invigorating of a gift than an admittedly sexy image of Avril in her favorite jogging outfit. Specifically, it invigorated a specific part of him, forcing him to shift his pants to remain comfortable.