Page 63 of Holiday Home 3
Word for word, he typed out what the fortune cookie had promised him and sent it to Avril.
For real?! You got that one already?!
Guess so,he answered, unsure if she was shocked, frustrated, or excited. Her following message clarified where she stood on the matter of his good fortune.
Did you open a bunch up or something?
No, I haven’t,he told her.Just the two you’ve told me I can.
But Avril wasn’t so quick to trust.
Send me a picture of the jar. I want to see the other ninety-eight you “haven’t” touched.
That cleared up how many fortune cookies she’d crammed into the jar, which he’d wondered about since he’d first laid eyes on it. One hundred in all. He had ninety-eight more opportunities to get through. It was a hell of a gift.
So little trust,he sent back, though he fulfilled her demand.
In fact, he did her one better. He took several pictures of the jar, ensuring she could see the horde of unopened fortune cookies from practically every angle. Yet, she remained dubious even after he unloaded his evidence onto her phone.
You could have taken those on the 24th.
If you want to FaceTime me and see it real-time, we can do it. Go ahead and give me a call.
Avril’s reply was slower than he anticipated. He spent almost a minute waiting before it buzzed his phone.
Can’t. Anna’s around. But I’ll choose to believe you’re telling the truth, even though you’re a known liar by this point.
Thanks so much,he texted back dryly.Does that mean I’m going to have to wait around a bit before I get what this fortune cookie promised me?
Yep, unfortunately. You’ll get it at some point tonight, though. So, be on the lookout!
I’ll make sure I do,he assured her.
I can’t believe you got #49 that quickly. You’re so damn lucky.
Guess so.He re-read her message and a theory formed in his head.Does the number have anything to do with how naughty the contents of the fortune are?
For the red and blue ones, yeah,Avril replied, finally giving him a bit of insight into her plan. Naturally, he also obtained some more curiosity.
Not with the green ones, though?
Nope. Now, go ahead and open one of those up. It’s your last one of the day!
Placing his phone down, Liam again put his luck to the test. Fishing through the clatteringly loud fortune cookies, he obtained his first green one. Before opening it, he screwed the lid back onto the jar and slid it back near his nightstand. Then, he added more crumbs to the ground and another vivisected flour carcass beside his previous victim.
There’ll be an outdoor activity in your future (my pick).
His mouth moved from side to side as he examined his next prize. Compared to its predecessor, it was rather vague. Potentially, even mundane, though its creator was anything but boring. What kind of outdoor activities was she referring to here?
He knew of only one way to find out. He sent over the green fortune cookie’s fortune and waited for her reply.
Duly noted,she said.I’ll let you know the when, where, and what once I’ve made my pick.
I can’t have a hint?he asked.It’s not clear what kind of activity it refers to.
Someone’s mind is in the gutter,Avril teased.You’ll find out when you find out. Be patient.