Page 235 of A Second Dawn
“How long have you been having contractions?” I ask when I return to the living room with a pitcher of lemonade.
“For a while now,” she replies, panting slightly.
I dab her forehead with a face washer. Ella leans into my touch, relishing the cool cloth on her overheated cheeks.
“Oh god. Here comes another one,” she groans.
I look at my watch to note the time. Two seventeen AM.
Ella takes a deep breath in through her nose and lets it slowly out. Fuck, she’s doing better than me. I hold my breath.
“Claudette,” I yell again. Where is she?
“So you had contractions for a while now,” I repeat. “How far apart are they?”
“I don’t know,” she moans.
Rubbing her back, it’s not long before Ella grabs my hand again, squeezing my fingers together with iron force.
“Oh, god! They’re getting worse. Auuuuu, fuck. This one really hurts,” she pants, closing her eyes and throwing her head back, groaning.
I’m panting right along with her, pain shooting through my hand. She’s going to break my fingers any moment now as my wedding ring is crushed against my bones.
When her grip eases, I remember to check the time.
“The contractions are less than five minutes apart.” Fuck, she’s getting there fast. My heart begins to race and I’m light-headed.
“Claudette!” I yell from the top of my lungs as I move Ella’s hand to my wrist.
Why is it so hot in here? I take off the robe to cool down, leaving me in only a pair of boxer shorts and a thin shirt.
When Ella’s face relaxes again and she opens her eyes, they travel down my body appreciatively.
“You know I’ve read sex can speed up labor. It relaxes the body, and there’s a hormone in semen that promotes dilation.”
“Angel, you know I love you beyond rhyme and reason, but sex is the last thing on my mind right now,” I deadpan.
“Plus, you’ve blown your chance. I’m here now… unless you’re into exhibitionism.” Claudette announces from the doorway.
Her face is sleepy, but she perks up when her eyes land on Ella’s flushed face.
“Ohhhhh. It’s time,” she smiles.
“Yes, it’s time. Why did you think I was yelling for you to come?”
She rolls her eyes at me. “You’re a tad overdramatic. Chill, will you? Babies have been born for millennia. Ella needs you calm.”
She goes to the liquor cabinet and pours me a Scotch. Handing me the glass, I gulp it down in one go.
“Better, daddy-to-be?”
I nod, my palms sweaty.
“Can I have one too?” Ella asks. “Maybe if I’m drunk, I won’t feel the pain.”
“You don’t need alcohol, darling,” Claudette says as she rubs Ella’s tummy lovingly. “You can do this. Easy peasy. Trust me.”