Page 279 of Not Over You
And now I’m married to him!
“Do not laugh at me!”
I growl as I wobble on the intolerable hospital issued crutches and turn away from the smirk on Tristan's face. Blasted sticks are more of a hindrance than help!
But Soraya had first advised against being Maid of Honor, and I’d told her it wasn't an option. The alternative solution was a wheelchair, which I’d flat out refused to have. What was the point of spending twelve months hiding in Switzerland to come home in a wheelchair? The crutches are a compromise.
Last night’s heels, walking around Las Vegas, standing at bars, dancing in night clubs, excessive drinking, pole dancing—yeah, apparently I’d risen to that challenge after all! It had all taken its toll on my body as well as my mind. I have the memory loss, the shame, and the ultimate misconduct to correct, through a Judge, nonetheless.
I smile at the head of hospitality rushing toward me, briefly wondering what he’s still doing here when he was starting his shift as I was entering the bar last night. Then, I notice that parcel wrapped in a courier's express packaging tucked under his arm and understand.
“Melissa called last night.” Although he looks faultless dressed in a tailored black suit and tie, the dark shadows under his eyes warn me that it’s been a long night for him and for my benefit. “She insisted I took delivery personally and handed it to you immediately.”
“I'm sorry.” I accept the parcel. “My assistant shouldn't have put you out like that. I don't expect any preferential treatment because of what I do.”
I don’t want to open it. I know exactly what it is. Another script from my agent. I’ve been expecting it since I’d touched down on the tarmac at LAX on Wednesday. My agent said I simply must read this script. I don’t want to read it. But, as Mel had made a big fuss, I open it right here in front of the hotel manager and gush over how important it is.
“Oh.” I murmured, pulling the script from the envelope and reading the brief note attached.
AJ, respond immediately. C20 want K for Female Lead. Apparently, the author wrote Poppy Kinsella with you in mind. M.
“Oh.” I recognize the title. What the hell?
There was a lot of talk when the movie rights of this bestselling novel were sold. A lot of speculation about who would play the romantically challenged radio love guru on the big screen. Many popular romantic comedy actresses were dropped into the conversation but mine wasn’t one of them. I loved Poppy’s story and considered it as one of my favorite books. But it’s a romantic comedy and not hard hitting or edgy enough for Krystal Valentina.
What were they thinking?
“Thank you so, so much, Ephraim.” I reseal the wrapping. “I'm really grateful you stayed until it arrived.”
“It’s no problem at all Miss Jordan, we take care of our guests and you've been a loyal guest of this hotel for many years.” He looks at the crutches and gives me a sympathetic smile. “You will call us if you need the hotel medic, won't you?”
“It's an old injury just flaring up.” I reassure him with a smile of my own. “You can't handle domestic violence without a few bumps and bruises.”
“You were injured while filming To Have and To Hold?”
Only a true fan would recognize the domestic violence reference. It was a pivotal turning point in my career. The six weeks I spent at The Mackenzie Center in New York, talking to the women and their families who’d lived through domestic abuse, just like Darryl's sister, were the most challenging weeks of my life.
That was when I decided I was going to rule the world. The fans would love Krystal. They’d hang off her every word. Then, I’d make a difference.
It wasn't until I returned home from filming To Have and To Hold did I notice how Faith Mackenzie’s world was being replicated in my best friend’s first marriage. I realized people only see what they want to see. And if they do see something that causes a knot in their stomach, they rationalize it away.
“You've had the problem all this time?” The hotel manager asks, pulling me from my thoughts.
“It's nothing.” I smile. “But I will call you if it gets any worse.” My gaze meets with the hospitality manager’s as I add, “Thank you for this, and your discretion. It’s much appreciated.”
With the conversation politely concluded, the manager gives a quick nod and walks away. I juggle the crutches as I attempt to slide the envelope into my large designer purse. I fail. The purse and the envelope both drop to the ground.
A snicker trickles down Tristan's nose and I glare at him. “Do not laugh at me!”
He says nothing as he crouches to the floor and picks up the spilled items from my purse.
“Honestly,” I say, “I don't know why I'm bothering when I don't need them.”
“Yes, you do,” Ryder growls, appearing behind me like a ninja. “If I'd have known you weren't supposed to be wearing heels last night, I'd have marched you back upstairs and made you change.”