Page 280 of Not Over You
Tristan straightens, holding my purse in his hand and wearing a glare that makes me feel about four years old instead of thirty-four. God help his future children! “Seriously, Ryder told me what happened. You were foolish last night and now you're paying for it in more ways than one.”
I narrow my eyes at my brother. “Exactly how much did my big-mouthed brother tell you?”
“I know all about who you woke up with.” Tristan remarks like a disapproving parent. “So if you won’t listen to Ryder, maybe you’ll listen to me. Stay out of stupid shoes and use the crutches today. Then maybe tomorrow you won't have to use them.” He’s right, and I hate it when he’s right. “Don't worry about Sean, or Mimi, or Justin, or anyone else for that matter. You're the human equivalent to a cat. You always land on your feet.”
“Except when I land on my head and spend three months in a coma.”
“The thing is Ash”—Tristan’s chauffeur opens the rear door of his limousine—“even up close and personal, Sean couldn’t tell the difference last night.”
Hmm... That was worth mulling over.
I turn slowly on the crutches. My slim pixie-like best friend stands at the door of a limousine balancing Tommy, her one-year-old son, on her hip. A smile warms through my heart and plays out on my lips. “Julia?”
“Ash?” Julia’s silvery eyes sparkle as she hands the baby to her mom, Madeline. “Is that really you?”
Even the steely glare from Julia’s fifteen-year-old niece as she turns around and lays her gaze on me can’t diminish the joy cursing through my bloodstream. My fingers leave the handles of my crutches. I might never have seen Julia again. I’m going to run and wrap my arms around my best friend and make sure she’s survived through her ex-husband’s trial, the birth of their baby, the wedding preparations, the bachelorette party, and everything else I promised Julia I wouldn’t miss.
“Don’t you dare,” Ryder snarls from behind me. “Hands where they’re supposed to be or I call Soraya.”
“Oh my God!” An elated scream bursts from Julia’s lips as she shoots toward me, her smile as wide as her outstretched arms. “Look at you!”
Tristan steps in front of me at the last minute. His body blocks the super fast super excited Julia from knocking me over. “Hey Jules!”
She shrinks beneath Tristan’s additional seven inches of height as he wraps his arms around her.
“Congratulations, babe!” He squeezes and rocks her side to side. “I hope you and Darryl are very happy together. I’m sorry Drew and I can’t be there tomorrow.”
“Thanks, Tristan.” Julia giggles a laugh that only a nervously excited bride-to-be can manage to pull off before swatting at his arms. “Now get off me!”
“Ash has a card and present from us.” He steps back from Julia as he whispers, “I think she's a little fragile today.”
“Tristan!” I roll my eyes and slap him as concern creases Julia's brow. “I'm fine! He means I’m a little hung over.” I hand the crutches to Tristan and shove him out of my way. “It was the boys' annual night in Vegas and I’m an honorary boy. Come here, you!” I fold all of Julia’s five-foot-four inches into my arms and feel the warmth wrap around me. “I missed you so much.” She squeezes a little tighter as I whisper so quietly that only Jules can hear me. “I’m sorry I’ve missed so much.”
“You're home.” Julia squeezes back, but the pressure isn't so intense that it hurts. “Even if it’s only for the weekend.” She pulls away those gorgeous silver eyes that meet with mine. “You made it.”
“I made a promise.” I promised to be Julia’s Maid of Honor and with Mimi’s help I’d coordinated everything from my hospital bed in Switzerland. “And I kept it.”
Julia looks at Mimi, shifting awkwardly behind the group that arrive with Julia, and then down at the floor. The awkward tension increases and I know what’s coming. I wasn’t any good to anyone on the other side of the world. Mimi hadn’t been truthful. At least not with Julia about who was organizing everything, just taking credit for my hard work.
I hide my hurt behind a poker face and smile. “Is she doing a good job at it Jules? If she isn’t, I might be half of who I was, but I’ll still kick her ass into shape for you.”
Julia wraps her arms around me and this time I sway under the force. Tristan’s hand settles on my back to provide extra support.
“Thank you for understanding,” Julia whispers and kisses my cheek. “You look amazing by the way.” She grins as she pulls back and grips my hands in hers. “Your hair is gorgeous, and have you lost weight? You’ve never been smaller than Mimi but... Oh Ash, I hope your dress fits because she’s definitely a size bigger now.”
Our gazes snap together like magnets. My green to Mimi’s blue. For eighteen years, the only difference between us was the color of our eyes. But then I quit Hollywood and moved to New York to study law. Fifteen months ago, Mimi visited my stylist and transformed her hair to Krystal’s trademark dark cherry waist-length mane of waves and Mimi still wears them today.
Julia’s right, I think silently as my gaze travels the length of my twin’s hostile frame. She is bigger than me. What I don’t understand is if it's because I’ve lost so much muscle mass through my injuries and subsequent lack of exercise, or if Mimi is actually bigger, especially around the tummy. Didn’t they say contentment did that to a person?
“Hey Mimi.” I smile at my sister. Even though the tension between us is thick enough to cut with a knife, we’re in public. Surely Mimi will wait until we’re alone to chew me up and spit me out. I mean, I’m holding back my own rage. Sure, I’d destroyed her relationship with Justin. But she kissed Justin in front of Sean. That was after I’d begged her to explain to him she was there in my place. I couldn’t get hold of him. I tried. But he’d visited his daughter, Stephi, and was already in the air. It was a six-hour flight from New York to LA and by the time he landed, I was in a coma. Mimi didn’t tell him!
There’s an accusation in Mimi’s eyes. How could I refuse his marriage proposal? It wasn't mine to decline. How could I press the self-destruct button on Krystal's career after everything Mimi had done for me?
No, Mimi isn’t going to wait. She’s a ticking time bomb ready to explode. I hold my breath and wait for the onslaught of abuse.