Page 411 of Not Over You
She laughed, curling into him. “No, jackass. The night I went into the hospital. You had a hotel booked, and then everything went to shit and we never got to go.”
“Ah.” He kissed her hair. “Calum’s hotel. They have this suite on the top floor. It’s pretty spectacular.”
“Calum owns a hotel?”
“Part owns. With his three brothers. His eldest brother, Jax, runs it, though. Calum just pokes his nose in where it’s not wanted.”
She laughed. “Sounds like him. I hope we get to go another time.”
“Bank on it.” He palmed her breast. “Are you okay, though? Not too rough?”
Her hand came over his, and she pinched his thumb and forefinger together, trapping her nipple in between. “I’m tough, Zane. I don’t want you to treat me like a china doll. I want to be roughed up a little, to feel a bit sore when I walk. I love the gentle you, but I love this version, too. Today of all days, I needed it just like this. Tomorrow I might want something different.”
“Tomorrow?” He painted on a fake show of horror. “Sorry, babe, but you’ve released the beast. I’m not waiting until tomorrow. It’s only,” he checked his watch, “twelve-fifteen in the afternoon. I’ve got at least another two or three rounds in me before I pass out.”
“Okay, Casanova.” She patted his abdomen. “Food first, and then you can do me in the shower.”
Zane shot off the bed. “Watch and learn. You’re about to witness the fastest sandwich maker in the business.”
The cab dropped them off curbside outside the Miller-Brook hotel. Lori peered through the window, a knot tightening her stomach. “Are you sure Calum said it’s okay? I feel like I’m intruding. It’s a family event, and I’m not family.”
“You’re right. I lied. Calum didn’t invite you at all. I’m springing you on the entire Brook clan. As soon as you walk in, everyone will point and laugh and then chase you out of town.”
Lori stuck out her tongue. “Har har.”
“Don’t ask stupid questions and you won’t get sarcastic-laden answers.” He paid the driver and joined her on the sidewalk. She linked his arm as she picked her way through the slush, the last traces of winter clinging on, the hint of spring around the corner.
Eight weeks had gone by since she’d been rushed into the hospital, and she’d never felt healthier or happier. Her meds were working as they should. Her cardiologist was pleased with her progress, and she and Zane were living in some kind of blissful existence. Even Dayton’s business plan was moving swiftly along, and he’d stopped micro-managing every detail, meaning their workload eased a little.
“Besides, we’re not the only non-blood family who’s been invited. Cole’s buddy, Draven, and his girl, Louise, are coming, along with Jax’s best friend and his wife. You’ll be fine. It’s not every day Nate flies in from California, and they like to make a bit of a thing about it, but it’s just dinner, drinks, and hanging out. You’ll fit right in.”
When Zane had told her about Nate, the youngest of the Brook clan, and she realized he was talking about the Nate Brook, she’d almost choked. Lori hadn’t ever met anyone famous. She hoped she wouldn’t make a complete ass out of herself by staring too long or getting tipsy and asking for his autograph. Imagine the horror of that unfolding situation.
The buzz of multiple conversations flowed from a packed bar slash lounge area, and a real fire burned in the grate, the embers glowing orange and yellow. Zane towed her right past the bar, opening a door marked private. He ushered her down a set of carpeted winding stairs. At the bottom was a huge open-plan kitchen-lounge-dining area, and an enormous TV sat on the wall tuned in to ESPN and surrounded by a large couch and squishy chairs. Four other doors led off the main space.
Zane shrugged out of his coat and peeled hers down her arms. He hung them on a coat stand off to the right. So far, no one had noticed they’d arrived. A bunch of bodies bustled around the kitchen while more people screamed obscenities at the TV.
“Who’s in charge of the bar?” Zane called out.
Calum looked around, although he kept one eye on the game. “You’re not my boss here, asshole. Get your own drink.” He held up a hand. “Hey, Lori. Welcome to crazy town.”
“Calum!” Laurella clipped him around the back of his head and he let out an “Oomph.” She came to greet them, kissing Lori on both cheeks. “So glad you could make it.”
She took Lori’s hand and towed her farther into the room. “Everyone, this is Lori.”
She pointed out the rest of those present. By the fourth introduction, Lori admitted defeat at remembering the names of all the guests. The only one she had down pat was Cole, and that was because he was Calum’s identical twin, and Nate, because, well, he graced her TV most Friday nights as the star of one of the most popular shows in the country. She internally high-fived herself that she didn’t blush when he shook her hand.
And then, a man who sucked all the oxygen out of the room arrived. He had to be at least six foot six with shoulders that filled doorways, arms that could crush steel, a bushy beard, long hair, and, she discovered as he removed his leather jacket, tattoos. Lots and lots of tattoos. He was with a woman a good foot smaller, his arm draped casually over her shoulder.
“Who’s that?” Lori whispered.
“Draven, Cole’s bud. The guy who put in a word for me with Dayton. That’s his girl, Louise.”
“He’s…” Her mouth opened then closed, and finally she settled on, “huge.”
Zane grinned. “Yup.”