Page 412 of Not Over You
Laurella continued the introductions. When Draven stuck out his ginormous paw and shook her hand, she prepared a wince in case he crushed every bone. In fact, he was gentle and genial, and greeted her with a huge goofy grin that looked out of place on such an unforgettable presence.
“So you’re the other woman,” he boomed.
Lori’s stomach lurched. She scoured her mind for an appropriate response and came up empty. Was that how everyone here thought of her? Did they all think she’d stolen Zane from his previous girlfriend?
Louise dug him in the ribs. “What the fuck did we talk about on the way over here? Jesus, you savage.” She smiled at Lori. “Ignore him. We’re working on his social skills. It’s lovely to meet you.”
Louise shoved Draven in the back, propelling him toward the kitchen area. Lori’s spine wouldn’t relax, each vertebra in spasm. This was a disaster.
“Is that what people think?” she whispered. “That I’m some kind of… of… man stealer?”
“Of course they don’t.” Zane slipped his hand around her neck and squeezed. “And you didn’t steal me, Lori. I split up with Brie long before I bumped into you at Dayton’s. Besides, I was always yours.”
Calum groaned. “Oh, Jeez. Someone get these two lovebirds a drink. Zane’s going all mushy on us.”
Frenetic chatter filled the room, banter volleying backward and forward, and Lori relaxed, settling into this warm, affectionate atmosphere, and forgot all about Draven’s bald statement. No wonder Zane adored these people so much. The love in this one room enveloped her, even though she wasn’t a true part of it. Oh, there was teasing, lots of it, but it was given and received in the manner intended.
Growing up, she’d never missed having a sibling. Instead, she’d surrounded herself with friends who, in her opinion, were better because they were chosen. Only now did she realize how lonely she’d been these past few years. She’d been so busy that she hadn’t taken the time to make new friends after losing touch with her old ones, and all the moving from New York to India to California and back to New York while building a career and then starting a business meant it’d been difficult to develop meaningful relationships.
Maybe the gods would shine down on her and let her live a long and happy life. Perhaps one day, she could have a family like this, with Zane.
No. it was dangerous to think like that. She might have decided to devote herself to Zane for however long she had, but the idea of kids wasn’t something she ever allowed herself to contemplate.
Nate, the youngest brother, stood from his place at the other end of the table and tapped a spoon on his glass.
“Shut up, you rabble. I have an announcement.”
The entire table quietened in less than a second, all heads facing Nate. He appeared to collect himself with a deep breath, and then he looked down at his wife, Dex, with adoration in his eyes. He stroked a hand over her flame-red hair.
“We’re having a baby.”
The entire room erupted. Chairs toppled over, glasses filled with wine spilled over, hands were shaken, and kisses and hugs exchanged. Lori stayed seated. To join in the mayhem felt disingenuous seeing as she’d only met most of these people tonight. But the joy and excitement was infectious, the smile that spread across her face genuine.
Zane glanced her way, frowned, then ambled over. “Hey, you okay?” He angled his head, as if he was trying to get a read on her mood.
She patted his seat, and he took it. “Do you want kids?” She hadn’t meant to ask him. Had no rights to ask him, considering their unique situation.
Zane paused, perhaps weighing his words. He took her hand, his thumb running over her knuckles. “If it’s possible for us, then yes, I’d love to have kids with you. But if it isn’t.” He leaned in and kissed her. “You’re all I need, Lori. All I want. If it’s you or kids, I choose you. Every single time.”
Her heart bloomed, even as the maternal part of her shriveled. “How did I get so lucky?”
“I think we both got pretty lucky.” Zane grinned. “Although I can see where you’re coming from. I am quite a catch.”
She laughed. “Modest, too, I see.”
“Of course.”
“Anyone want to go to a club?” Calum asked as the group retook their seats. “Obviously not Nate.”
“Why not me?” Nate asked, eyebrows raised.
“You’re gonna be a dad. Might as well get used to staying in. Don’t you have to rub shea butter on Dex’s bump or something?”
“In case you’ve forgotten, I’m a dad,” Cole said. “Twice over. And I went clubbing with you last week.”
“And there are such things as babysitters, Calum,” Dex drawled. “We’re going to be parents. Not turn ninety.”
“Jesus. Can’t any of you jerks take a joke?” His eyes swung to Zane and then to Lori. “You’ll come, yeah?”