Page 413 of Not Over You
Lori nodded. She’d had such a good time that she wasn’t ready to go home yet. “I’m in.”
“So are we.” Dex stood and hauled Nate to his feet. “If only to prove to Calum that our life isn’t over because I’m knocked up.” She grinned at Laurella. “Good luck when your turn comes around, darling. Although you’re already dealing with a toddler, so…” She stared pointedly at Calum. He flipped her the bird. She laughed.
“We’re tapping out.” Cole slung an arm around his wife’s shoulder. “Got an early shift tomorrow.”
“Us, too,” Jax said.
His friends, Paul and Alana, bowed out as well.
“I’ll come,” Draven boomed. “If I’ve not been labeled a pariah.”
“Try thinking before you speak, and that wouldn’t be a question,” Louise reprimanded, rolling her eyes.
“Great.” Calum clapped his hands. “Let’s go.”
The four guys bounded upstairs, but the woman lagged behind, chattering. Laurella linked arms with Lori.
“Can I say something?”
Lori rubbed the back of her neck, her stomach tight as a fist. In her experience, when people asked for permission to offer their opinion, it often turned into a negative experience for the recipient.
“Sure.” She braced.
“When Zane first told us about you, I was worried. Not because I thought you were a bad person or anything, just that people change, and maybe he was allowing his memories of the past to make his decisions in the present. But I see him with you.” She pressed a hand to her chest and let out a soft sigh. “He’s besotted. You’re his soul mate, and he’s yours. I’m so glad you two found each other again.”
A whoosh of air jettisoned from Lori’s lungs, impossible to hide.
“Were you expecting me to say something different?” Laurella asked.
“Honestly, yes. I know how close both you and Calum are to Zane. Especially Calum. I had my pep talk from him the last time we went dancing, and now I’ve had one from you. I prefer your version.”
She laughed. “The thing to remember about Calum is that he might be blunt and arrogant at times, but his heart is huge. Zane is like a brother to him, and he’s fiercely protective of those he loves. But I know for a fact that he’s in team Lori and Zane’s corner. All he cares about is Zane’s happiness, and it’s clear to all of us that, in you, he has that and so much more.”
“Are you ladies coming or what?” Calum threw over his shoulder.
“I sure hope so.” Lori clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh, crap. Sorry. And worse, a cliché.”
Dex cackled. “I like this one. She’s a keeper.”
“I think so,” Zane said, hanging back until she caught up to him. He slid his arm around her waist and kissed her temple. “Sure you’re not too tired for this?”
“Not at all. I’m ready to hit the dance floor.”
They entered the club, a different one from last time, but closer to the Miller-Brook hotel. Already buzzed from two glasses of wine with dinner and edging into dehydration, Lori ordered a water, downing the entire thing in one go. Slamming the glass on the bar, she tugged Zane’s beer from his hand and shoved it at Calum.
“Make sure no one roofies him.” She laughed. “I’m taking my man dancing.”
She towed him onto the dance floor and snuggled in tight. Not that she had much choice. Swaying bodies letting their hair down took up every square inch of floor space.
Zane pressed his lips next to her ear. “What was Laurella saying?”
“That she thinks we’re a perfect match.”
“She isn’t wrong.” He traced the pad of his thumb along her lower lip, and she flicked out her tongue to taste him.
“I can see why you love them so much. Would I sound like a jealous crow if I said that I envied you having those people in your life?”
“No. And besides, they’re in your life now, too. Once the Brook family gets their claws into you, there’s no escape.”