Page 732 of Not Over You
“May I speak with Olivia Lewis?”
My stomach clenched as anxiety slid over me. “This is she.”
“Miss Lewis, my name is Dr. Diana Williams with Carteret Health Care in Morehead City.”
A lump formed in my throat as she continued, “Your biological daughter was admitted a few hours ago. She was involved in a serious car accident with her adoptive parents.”
My eyes welled with tears as my hands started to shake. My voice cracked as I asked, “Oh my God, is she okay?”
I jumped out of my seat and frantically gathered my things as the doctor answered, “She’s stable. Will you be able to come to the hospital and sign some paperwork?”
My heart was pounding in my chest as I raced out of my office. “I … yes. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Okay. We’ll see you soon, Miss Lewis.”
“Bye.” I hung up the phone, then immediately dialed Lincoln. He didn’t answer, so I hung up and called him again.
When he didn’t answer, I cursed, “Fuck!” Piper was hurt and needed me, and I wasn’t there. I should’ve never come back to Charlotte. I should’ve stayed in Beaufort instead of running away again.
As I got in the elevator, I googled flights to Beaufort and found one that left in a little less than two hours. If I was lucky, I’d make it just barely, but I had to hurry.
Lincoln’s face flashed on my screen as I was trying to purchase my flight. I swiped to answer it, my hands still shaking from the news I’d just received. “Hello?”
“Oh my God, Liv. Why haven’t you answered my calls or messages? Why did you lea—”
“That’s not important right now!” I interrupted, yelling over him. “The hospital called me. Piper’s been in an accident!”
“What? Where is she? What happened?”
He sounded as frantic as I felt. “She’s at the hospital in Morehead City—Carteret Health Care. I don’t know what happened, but I’m on my way to the airport now. Can you go check on her? I’m about to lose my mind here.”
“Of course. I’ll head over there now.”
I let out a breath of relief. At least she wouldn’t be alone. “Okay. Let me know what they say.”
“I will. And Liv?”
“Everything’s going to be okay.”
I wasn’t sure if he meant with Piper or us. “I hope you’re right.”
I finished purchasing my ticket while jogging to my car, then sped from my office straight to the airport. Since I didn’t have any luggage to check, I was able to save some time. As I entered the security checkpoint, I glanced at the time on my phone.
“Shit,” I cursed, garnering the attention of the older woman in front of me. Boarding started in ten minutes, and I still had to make it through security.
Please God, let me make it. I need to get to my baby girl, I pleaded silently.
The minutes seemed to drag on and on as people slowly trickled through the checkpoint. When I finally made it through, I ran the rest of the way to my gate.
The gate agent was about to close the door to the jetway as I yelled, “Wait! Please wait!”
The man stopped, startled by my yelling. “Ma’am, I’m sorry, our standard procedure—”
I was out of breath when I reached him. “Please, my daughter is in the hospital. I have to get on this flight.”