Page 733 of Not Over You
His eyes softened as he let go of the door. “I’m sorry to hear that. Do you have a boarding pass?”
“Yes.” I showed him my phone, and he scanned the screen.
The man gestured toward the jetway. “Hurry. I need to close the door now and get ready for take-off.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I jogged down the jetway and boarded the plane, then took my seat. The flight was only about an hour, but that seemed so long since I was desperate to get to Piper.
I purchased the Wi-Fi package so that I’d be able to keep in contact with Lincoln if need be. Once we were in the air, I sent him a text.
* * *
Me: In the air now – will be there within the hour
* * *
Lincoln: Ok, I’m at the hospital now
* * *
Me: Have you seen her? Is she okay?
* * *
Lincoln: They haven’t let me back there yet, but they said she’s stable
* * *
Me: Okay, keep me updated
* * *
Lincoln: I will
* * *
I didn’t get any other messages from Lincoln before I landed. I called him as soon as I stepped off the plane, and when he answered, he sounded exhausted. “Hello?”
“Hey. I just landed, and I’m going to get a rental car and head that way. Have you seen her yet?”
I heard him sigh. “No. Not yet.”
I gritted my teeth. “Well, they better let me when I get there. I can’t believe they haven’t let you see her yet.”
Lincoln chuckled. “Calm down, Mama Bear. They’re just following protocol.”
“Fuck protocol,” I grumbled under my breath, which made Lincoln laugh more. “I’ll be there soon.”
We ended the call, and I quickened my pace, following the signs for the rental car area. After filling out the paperwork, I headed to the indicated car and set out for the hospital.
Time seemed to drag on as I drove, and it seemed like hours before I finally arrived. After I parked, I ran inside and searched for Lincoln in the lobby. He stood from his seat and waved, walking toward me as I made my way to him.
When we reached each other, he wrapped his arms around me, and I almost lost my composure. I was mentally and emotionally exhausted from the whole ordeal, and I wanted to break down and just let Lincoln hold me while I cried.
But I couldn’t. I had to be strong for my little girl. I exhaled a breath as I hugged him tightly, some of my stress melting away from being in his warm embrace. Everything that had happened over the past few weeks was forgotten, our mutual concern for our daughter trumping our trivial problems.
I pulled back and took one of his hands in mine. “Let’s go see our little girl.”
I led Lincoln over to the nurses’ station and waited for the woman sitting there to look up at me. After a few seconds of scribbling, she set her pen down and glanced up at me. “How can I help you?”