Page 762 of Not Over You

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Page 762 of Not Over You



Tonight, I’ll be closing the club at midnight. It gives everyone ample time to get home, get some sleep and still have their Thanksgiving dinner on time. And having Lili over will be the perfect distraction to forget about my fucked-up family. Although she and I got off to a bad start, I believe I can redeem myself.

I hope she’s not too disappointed when I tell her one of my favorite restaurants is catering the whole meal and all I need to do is heat it up. They assured me it was as easy as pie if I followed all the instructions to the letter. I’m not a gourmet chef by any means, but I know my way around the kitchen. I’m confident that I’ll be able to pull it off.

A small smile tugs at the corner of my lips when my phone vibrates atop my desk. I was so wrapped up in finishing what I was doing that I lost track of the time. Luckily, my unknown caller never does. I swipe across my phone, lean back and read the heartfelt message.

You were always so strong, loyal and courageous

I always felt weak, disloyal and so cowardly

You saw the world with grace and beauty

I could only perceive its greed and ugliness

It takes every bit of concentration to finish what I started, but the next time I glance at my phone I realize we’ll be closing in twenty minutes. I save everything to my thumb drive, throw it in the drawer and close my laptop. I flip off the light, lock my door and head into the bar.

A handful of die-hards remain so I knock on the counter to get everyone’s attention. “Closing in fifteen, so down the hatch, boys.” They all piss and moan because that means they must go home early. Their wives will probably still be awake, and they must face them sober. Poor suckers. I think it would be nice having someone waiting for me at home. Then I remember how many hours I work and shut that thought down completely. This is the career I chose, so I need to suck it up and be grateful for everything I do have.

I rap on the bar one more time for good measure and watch the boys shuffle out of their seats while muttering under their breath. Tonight, all I want to do is lock the door so we can clean up and get the hell out of here. What the hell have I done with Zane Sinclair? He used to live, eat and breathe this club and now all he wants to do is leave. Maybe he’s finally realizing that all work and no play makes for a boring-as-fuck life.

“Happy Thanksgiving and drive safely.” I quickly lock the door behind the last customer and Ariel, Mike and Drew start howling. I can’t stop from laughing but shake my head at their silliness. Sometimes taking on so much responsibility makes me feel older than my twenty-nine years. “Get the hell out of here you guys. I’ll finish cleaning up.”

“Thanks, Z, you’re the best.” Ariel gives me a quick hug before rushing out the door with Drew close behind. He gives me a thump on the back as he walks by.

“Happy Thanksgiving. See ya Friday.” I lock the door behind them and only Mike and I remain.

I watch Mike’s retreating back as he walks in the opposite direction. “I’ll go get the bucket and help you clean up.”

I just shrug my shoulders. “Suit yourself.” Mike’s been awfully quiet since I asked for Lili’s condo number. A tell-tale sign that he’s pissed off at me. I chalk it up to another fuck up by yours truly.

Since Mike chose to do the floors, I roll up my sleeves and fill up the sink to do dishes. Ariel kept up with everything as usual so there’s just a few left over from the customers who were just here. Once Mike returns with the bucket, we work in silence. This is so not him because he usually chats my ear off to the point where I want to tell him to shut the fuck up. I’ve often told him he’d make someone a good wife one day. It’s a running joke between the both of us, but I don’t dare bring it up today. Obviously, he’s in a foul mood and I just want to get this over and done with.

Once I’ve finished the dishes, I wipe down the counters and the bar stools. Yeah, I’m totally OCD like that. Like I mentioned before, I don’t worry about the booths because the waitstaff takes care of them when the customer leaves.

By the time Mike’s ready to wash the floor behind the bar, I’m bringing all the dirty linen to the laundry room. That’s why we make the perfect team because no matter what we do, we’re in perfect sync with one another. I’ve no doubt it’s because we’ve worked together for so long. Which means I shouldn’t let him leave without apologizing first. “Look, I’m sorry if I put you in an awkward situation, Mike. I wasn’t thinking clearly that day. I should have known your loyalty lies with me and therefore you’d tell me even if you weren’t comfortable doing so. Please accept my apology.”

“You have no fucking clue how angry I am at myself for giving you her damn condo number, Zane. Lili is a gentle soul and my biggest fear is that you’ll break her with your love-em-and-leave-em attitude. There. I finally had the balls to tell you how I’m really feeling. Am I pissed she gravitates to you like a bee to honey? Absolutely. Just because you’re my boss and I respect you in the workplace doesn’t mean I approve of your kinky lifestyle. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going home to spend time with my family.”

My fists clench by my sides as Mike storms off to put away his cleaning supplies. I’m pissed but he has every right to feel the way he does. He also knows if Lili and I were together, I could very well break her seeing as I get off on rough and dirty sex. Of course I’d never force her, or anyone else for that matter, to do my bidding. He also needs to understand that it wouldn’t have entered my mind if I hadn’t felt that connection with Lili from the very start. He needs to leave the past where it belongs. Besides, I’m not the same man-whore I was back in school. Hell, Dakota and I were fucking monogamous for almost three years.

By the time he reenters the room, I’m ready to bolt. After securing the club, we both walk to our cars in complete and utter silence. My thumb presses on the remote to unlock the door but before I slip inside the car I say, “Give my love to Macy and have a great Thanksgiving.”

“You too, Z. And for whatever it’s worth, if I had to do it over again I’d still give you Lili’s condo number.”

Mike and I drive in opposite directions. I envy him. He has a loving family to go home to while I’m stuck in an empty house. Devoid of warmth, love and happiness. So he might not approve of my lifestyle, but he has no idea how lonely it can truly be.

Once again, I’m agitated when I pull into my driveway. Which seems to happen often lately. What good is all this wealth and opulence if I have no one to share it with? Don’t get me wrong, I’m truly grateful for everything I have. Hell, some have struggled all their lives with little to show, but if they have a family that supports them then it’s not all in vain. I’m going to stay the course and hopefully one day everything will fall into place. If I’m meant to fall in love and have a family, then it will happen.

As I shower before getting ready for bed, a thought suddenly occurs to me. Lili will be in my home tomorrow and for whatever reason that alone brings me joy. There’s something about her that I can’t quite put my finger on, but she sets my heart on fire. Perhaps it’s because we are two kindred spirits who can be in a crowded room yet still feel like the loneliest people on the planet.

By the time my head hits the pillow, exhaustion takes hold. So I succumb to the night with the hope that tomorrow will be the start of a new beginning. Giving me something to be truly thankful for.


I’m a bundle of nerves with no end in sight. Why did I tell Zane I’d go to his house for Thanksgiving? Not only am I attracted to him but as far as I know, we’ll be all alone. Which is as dangerous as lighting a match near a tankful of gasoline. Ka-boom! A blazing fire of mass destruction with no survivors in sight.

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