Page 763 of Not Over You
My bed is overflowing with clothes that I’ve been trying on all morning long. I swear every outfit I own is there. Now that I’ve gone through every single piece of clothing I own, I hate them all. If I dress one way, he’ll think I’m a slut and if I dress casually I’ll come off as boring. This is what happens when you never go out and do not have the wardrobe to do so. My two favorite outfits, which I wear constantly, he’s already seen. I’m running out of time and the shops are all closed for the holiday.
Most days I’m in my yoga pants and a t-shirt while I’m writing. Somedays, I don’t even shower. It’s not something I brag about but why bother when I never work up a sweat. Please don’t repeat this since I have a reputation to uphold. Zane, on the other hand, is such a sharp dresser with his tailored Armani suits. Maybe that’s why I feel like I need to step up my game. Do I wear a sexy outfit? And if I do, will I look slutty? Or should I go for comfort and look drab and boring? Ugh, this is the reason why I’m a recluse and lock myself inside my house. I don’t have to please anyone but me.
Not only do I have a clothes dilemma, but I swear all the makeup I own is out of date. Of course, I didn’t know this when I wore it to the afterparty. Maybe it’s still good since I didn’t break out in hives or something worse. I’m ready to throw in the towel and sit down and cry when my phone rings. Not now, I don’t have time for this.
“Hi Lili, Happy Thanksgiving.” My oldest sister’s cheerful voice just makes me sad and nostalgic for the good old days. I know her heart is in the right place but it hurts nevertheless.
“Hey, Gemma. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. How’s everyone doing?” I slump to the floor and just listen to her soothing voice.
We spend the next thirty minutes getting caught up until my alarm rings. “Sis, I have to run. I’m going out to dinner and I only have an hour to get ready.” Panic sets in when we say our goodbyes. See, if I were flying home for the holidays I wouldn’t be in this situation. With a racing heart I take the fastest shower ever and blow dry my long hair as best I can. I know it will be a tangled mess by the time I get there so I’ll bring a few hair ties and clips just in case.
I settle on a black pencil skirt with a cream-colored blouse and my only pair of Jimmy Choo’s. The quiet lace pumps will look amazing with this outfit. I only hope I don’t fall on my ass with the three-inch heels. I throw a towel over my blouse and apply a touch of makeup. Just a bit of eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. My cheeks are rosy enough from racing around after my call. A quick glance at my phone and I’m right on time. If I hurry, I won’t be late. I grab my raincoat before leaving because, after all, it is Seattle.
Traffic is light on Route 99 since everyone’s already sitting down to dinner. If only I could relax instead of having a white-knuckled drive to Zane’s house. Unfortunately, I’m too damn nervous to enjoy my leisurely drive. I know he lives on Lake Union since his address is Westlake Ave. I’m excited to see where he lives, since you can tell so much about a person by their home. I must admit I am a bit jelly because I’ve always wanted to live by the water.
I’m speechless when I pull inside a parking lot and realize he lives on a houseboat. Well, technically it doesn’t float because the house is built atop a stationary dock. It’s opulent and exquisite. This is a side of Zane I never would have expected, but now I feel like I already know a part of him. He’s a free spirit and water calms his savage soul. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons why we’re so attracted to one another. We’re two kindred spirits who love the calm serenity of being around water.
Much like an apartment complex, these houses have the same address but are assigned a different unit number. I take in the sights that surround me as I look for number eight. I hadn’t thought too much about it when he wrote the directions on paper but now I know why. My heart’s thrumming inside of my chest as I stand in front of the door clutching a bottle of wine. Zane didn’t want me to bring anything, but the wine was a last-minute impulse. It was a gift from Natalie and I thought it would be a nice gesture to share it with my host.
With a deep breath and a trembling hand, I ring the bell. There’s a clear view of the entryway through the pane glass windows. I’m mesmerized as I watch Zane approach wearing black pants with a white dress shirt rolled up to the elbows. He did away with the tie, so his collar is open and displaying a hint of his tanned chest. I’d have to pick that exact moment to visualize what it would be like to wrap my hand around his neck.
“Happy Thanksgiving. I’m so glad you’re here. Come on in.” I hand him my raincoat, which he hangs on a hook beside the door. I clutch the bottle of wine for dear life as I wait for him to go back inside. When his large hand rests along the curve of my spine, I ignite. “You look absolutely stunning, Lili. And I thought I told you not to bring anything.”
“You did, but it’s just a little something to say thank you. I’d be spending the day alone if not for your invite, so it’s the least I can do.” I’m just like a kid in a candy store as I take in his beautiful home. Zane chuckles as he places the bottle of wine on the counter.
“Would you like a tour of the house before I pour us a glass?” He’s already laced his fingers with mine while waiting for an answer. “Well, obviously this is the great room and the kitchen.” I can’t help squealing when I see a little reading nook hidden beneath the staircase with portholes as we walk down the hall. How quaint. “Ah, I should have known the writer in you would notice that little gem. Now, right down here’s the bathroom, the guest bedroom and my office.”
“Your home is absolutely gorgeous. What kind of wood is that on the ceiling?” If this house were mine, I’d never leave. It’s not like I roam too far now but this has everything you could ever ask for.
“Truthfully, I’m not sure. I purchased this from a friend of mine who was moving to London. He gave me a great deal and I couldn’t pass it up. If you think this view is breathtaking, wait until you go upstairs. Come, let me show you the master suite.”
I slip off my shoes before walking upstairs with Zane close behind. The last thing I need is to fall off my three-inch heels before having a chance to eat what smells so delicious. My belly rumbles in agreement.
“Dinner will be ready shortly. Now close your eyes because I want you to see what I see every night.” I close my eyes and let him lead the way. My body tingles when his hands frame my waist and he whispers, “Open your eyes.”
I’m looking out at Union Lake through the beautiful arched windows that overlook his loft bedroom. There are boats bobbing up and down in the distance and it’s the most tranquil I’ve felt since my little mini vacation. “How can you go to work every day and leave this all behind?”
“I know it will be waiting for me when I come home.” I swallow down hard when he spins me around and I’m suddenly facing his king-sized bed. Off to the right there’s a walk-in closet. And, in the corner of the room is a beautiful brick fireplace. I spin around on my own and just take it all in. The view from up here is breathtakingly beautiful. I’m hoping one day, I’ll enjoy the sunset in this very same spot. “Are you hungry, Lili?” Umm, more than he’ll ever know. I nod as he ushers me out of the room.
I can’t help noticing the door across the hall is closed. “Is that another guest bedroom?” When I turn to see if he’ll open the door to show me inside, he quickly sidesteps me and hurries down the stairs.
“The room is cluttered to the max. And I didn’t think you’d be interested in another bathroom.” Well, he has a point.
“No worries. I know all too well about the dreaded extra room. Is there anything I can help you with?” Now that the tour is over, I’d like to keep busy. I’m as nervous as a cat and the man standing in the kitchen making me dinner isn’t helping my cause any.
“Everything’s done, I’m just waiting for the buzzer and then we can eat.” Having Lili here in my home is surreal. I can’t stop touching her. And when she asked about the closed guest bedroom, my fingers twitched to reveal the creative side of me. Which is the reason I raced down the stairs in the first place. I’m not quite ready to show her what’s behind door number two.
I pop open the bottle she brought over and pour us each a glass. “I’ll let you in on a little secret of mine, if you enjoy the food.”
“What if I don’t like it? Will you tell me anyway?” She smiles before taking a sip of her wine.
“I’d be willing to bet you’re going to love it.” There’s a twinkle in her eye when she lovingly looks around the room.
“Are you so confident that you’d bet your house?” Now it’s my turn to laugh.