Page 764 of Not Over You
“Why do I think you’d say no just so you could win.” Lili points her finger at me.
“You’d be absolutely right. I’m in love with this place. You have such a beautiful home.”
“Well, thank you. When I have the time, I do enjoy it to the fullest. Ah, saved by the bell.” Lili follows me into the kitchen as I quickly shut off the timer and begin removing the food from the oven. Mario did a fantastic job and I’m sure she will love it.
“I feel absolutely useless, Zane. I’d really like to help.” How can I resist that beautiful pout when she’s barefoot and holding out her hands? She’s such a temptress. If we were lovers, she’d be upstairs in my bedroom as naked as the day she was born.
“Here, you can put these on the dining table. I’d love to eat out on the deck but I’m afraid we’ll get caught in the rain.” Once again, she bites on that plump bottom lip and longingly gazes outside.
“What if we just serve ourselves and take our plates out on the deck? Then if it starts raining we can run inside.” So much for trying to impress her with my table etiquette.
“You’re my guest. If you’d like to have Thanksgiving outside, then who am I to stand in your way?” I line up all the dishes on the heat-resistant countertops and then grab our plates and silverware off the dining room table. I make sure to throw some big spoons inside the serving dishes and we’re good to go. “You first, Lili.” I’m thrilled when she takes a spoonful of everything, so she can try it. She patiently waits for me to fill my plate and then I open the French doors onto the deck. “I’ll go get our wine.”
“Wow, this view is breathtaking. It would be the perfect place for me to write.” How can I resist those gorgeous eyes when she looks up at me?
“I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you my spare key and you can come whenever you want.” Of course, I’ll keep the spare room key on me.
“Oh, that’s very generous of you but I wouldn’t feel comfortable being in your home without you.”
“Why not? I’m here only to sleep, Lili. Mondays are my day off but other than that, I work sixty to eighty-hour weeks. Someone should get to enjoy it and if it can’t be me, then why not you? You don’t have to give me an answer right now, just think about it.”
“That’s very generous of you and I really will consider it, thank you. Now, are you going to let me in on your little secret, because this meal is delicious?” She looks so cute when she wrinkles up her nose.
“I knew you’d love it. Mario is going to be thrilled when I tell him. He’s the head chef at The Coastal Vine. Have you ever been there?”
“Are you kidding me? I’ve always wanted to go but there’s a six-month wait list. I certainly can understand why after eating this delectable meal.”
“I’ll take you there one Monday night. Mario is a big fan of yours, so he’d love to meet you, Lili.” A light blush settles on her cheeks. Apparently, she’s not used to being complimented.
We make small talk throughout the meal and I can’t help noticing her soaking it all in. I’ve lived here for several years, so I suppose I take it all for granted. It’s refreshing to see it through someone else’s eyes for a change.
“Well, I’m stuffed. I couldn’t eat another bite.” Lili sighs as she pushes her plate to the side, resting her head in her palm. She seems contented and that brings a smile to my lips. I’m so glad she’s starting to feel at ease around me.
“Perhaps I should have told you to save room for dessert. The pastry at The Coastal Vine is to die for.”
“How about if I take it to go? Since I have no willpower when it comes to something sweet. Now, I insist on doing the dishes since you prepared the meal.” I reach out to touch her when she tries standing up.
“My guests don’t do dishes, Lili. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right back.” I grab our dirty dishes and head into the kitchen, pausing only long enough to see her walk over to the chaise lounge and tuck her legs underneath her. I barely know this woman and yet I don’t want her to leave. She’s as bright as the sun and I love having her here.
Once I finish wrapping up all the leftovers and placing them in the fridge, I head back outside. There are just a few plates and utensils and they’re now soaking in the sink. I don’t want to spend my time doing chores when I could be spending it with Lili. I’m hoping this will be the first of many nights to come.
There’s a chill in the air from the impending rain, so I grab a throw on my way out, walk over to Lili and drape it over her lap. “Thank you. That’s so thoughtful of you.” I watch as she snuggles into it and for some reason it makes me rock hard. Fuck. Not now.
“Would you mind if I have a smoke?” Any excuse to go back in the house to calm myself down.
“Not at all. This is your home so pretend like I’m not here.” Yeah, like that would ever be possible.
I stride into the living room and snatch my cigarettes and lighter. It’s the same one that Lili returned to me. I take a couple of deep breaths and then force angry thoughts of my brother Zack into my mind, just so I can stop thinking about Lili for a minute. Once my anger subsides, I go back outside and sit away from her. I don’t want the smoke going in her face.
“You’ll have to come out at Christmas time. The boats are all decorated with Christmas lights and they have a little boat regatta. It lights up the whole lake and it looks amazing. It’s definitely a sight to see.”
“I’d love to come. I bet it’s beautiful.” A sudden sadness washes over her and I wonder if she has no family. I’d love to ask her but if I do then she’ll reciprocate, and I don’t want to put a damper on our first date. So, I change the subject altogether.
“I do believe it’s time for twenty questions. Are you up for it, Lili?” I might have just opened a Pandora’s box, but I’ll do anything to put a smile back on her face.
“I’m more than up for it, Zane. But before we start, is there anything off limits?”