Page 790 of Not Over You
I stumble into the dark kitchen and before I have the chance to flip on the switch, I’m grabbed from behind. A muffled scream escapes my parched throat when a strong hand suddenly clamps down across my mouth. Strong arms pin me in place as I thrash about, trying to break free. Until the spicy scent of cinnamon assaults my senses and I go limp in his arms. The sneaky bastard was in my apartment all along!
A devious chuckle rumbles through his chest and I grow dizzy when his warm breath tickles my ear. I’m so fucking angry at him right now, but when one of his hands slips inside my panties, I shamelessly ride his fingers. His accelerated heartbeat pounds excitedly against my back while his deep raspy voice is laced with desire when he announces, “You were forewarned.”
For me, failing was never an option. It isn’t in my blood, but I will say that having someone who supports you every step of the way is what success is really all about. Otherwise, it’s a dark and lonely place and any accomplishments you might have made are just empty and fleeting. I’ve found that having someone to share your hopes and dreams is much more important than being successful. Trust me, I learned the hard way.
If Lili and I had never met, I would have lived my life but never really lived. She has brought the light into my life and I’m so grateful to her every single day. She’s the reason why I’ve passed on the baton to Mike and Drew, who are now running Club Syn. I’m still in charge of the afterparties, which are my babies, but other than that they’re in control. I trust them to make the right decisions, but the final word is always mine.
I finally had the balls to ask Lili to move in with me the night I went to her house and scared the fuck out of her. I couldn’t stand the thought of living apart anymore. I found my muse and she claims she’s found hers in me. So, now we spend our nights cooking, watching the sunset, tangled in the sheets or just being. Together. She has her own space in the studio and when the mood strikes, she writes while I paint. If she wants to be alone with her characters, she goes into the cubby or writes on the deck for inspiration. It feels amazing to be doing what I love to do with the woman I love. I’m content and finally at peace for the first time in a very long time.
I’ve been in contact with a few art galleries in the area about having my first showing, but I haven’t told Lili about it yet. I’m afraid to disappoint her if it all falls through. After all, I’m just a club owner who dabbles on the side and I’m sure there’s so many other artists out there who are worthier than I am. Tomorrow, I’ll find out if I made the cut, since I have a meeting with Mr. Reynolds from Creative Art & Ink. If he’s interested in my work, then we’ll go from there. If not, no harm no foul, since no one knows about it but me.
So, while Lili was out running errands, I hid a few of my best paintings inside the trunk of my car. I also created a picture portfolio of everything I’ve painted thus far. Now all I need to do is go about my day as normal as possible. That’s going to be easier said than done when she comes home and asks me what I’ve done with my day.
I’m having a smoke out on the deck when I hear the doorbell ring, followed up with a very loud and determined knock. I don’t want to keep whoever’s waiting, so I drop my cigarette into an old beer bottle and head for the door. Imagine my surprise when I see Dakota standing there.
She squeals, and the next thing I know she’s in my arms. Where she has no business being, ever.
“Dakota, what the hell are you doing here?”
She gives me a push, as if I was the one mauling her, and walks right in. “I thought you’d be happy to see me, Z. It’s been too long.”
“Well, the last time we were together, you dumped me for another man. So color me surprised but you’re the last person I’d expect ringing my bell.”
“True. And he’s the reason I’m here to tell you the good news.” She lifts her left hand, wiggles her fingers and then holds it out like she wants me to kiss it. That’s when I see the huge diamond on her ring finger. “I’m engaged, Zane. Aren’t you happy for me?”
“If you’re happy, Dakota, then so am I. Congratulations, I appreciate you stopping by to let me know.” Once again, she invades my space and I can’t get away from her. “Why don’t you go sit on the deck and I’ll pop a bottle of champagne so we can celebrate.”
Ah, there’s that squeal again. “Sounds great. By the way, I need to ask you something too. So hurry up with the bubbly.”
Why the fuck is she acting like one of those flaky wives from a horror movie? And what the hell did this guy do to her? She never acted like this with me.
I pour us both a glass and when I step out on the deck, I can’t help noticing her wiping her eyes. She’s crying. Fuck. This is all an act for my benefit. “Dakota, you don’t have to marry him if you don’t love him.”
“I do love him, Zane, but he’s not you. Ugh, that sounds so shallow when I say it out loud, but every little thing he does I compare to you.” She slumps down in the chair and breaks.
I’m at a loss, but I can’t bear to see her this distraught. I kneel down, take her hands in mine and do the best I can to comfort her. “You’re a beautiful woman, Dakota. You can have any man you want, simply by snapping your fingers…”
“I can’t have you.” Fuck if I don’t feel like a total ass.
“We tried that relationship thing, remember? It doesn’t work for us, Dakota. We are so much better at just being friends.”
I can’t push her away when she wraps her arms around my neck. I’m cold but I can’t hurt her when she’s doing it all by herself. We stay like this until her tears have dried. She then sits back in her chair and scrutinizes me. “Who is she?”
I’m taken aback by her question, but I won’t lie to her. “Her name’s Lili and she’s the light of my life. Don’t settle for someone who isn’t your light, Dakota.”
“Well,” she clears her throat before she continues, “sometimes we might have to settle for a little flicker.” Shaking my head, I stand and grab both drinks.
“Then let’s make a toast.” She grabs her glass and holds it in the air. I clink mine with hers and say, “May your flicker turn into a flame and light your way to happiness.”
She looks out at the water, drains her glass and then sets it on the table. I see regret and so much more when her gaze holds mine. “I have no one to give me away, Z. I know it’s a lot to ask but I’d be honored if you could find it in your heart to do this one last thing for me.”
“I’d be happy to walk you down the aisle, if that’s truly what you want.”
“Thank you. He really is a good man and he loves me, unconditionally. Hey, I chose him over you, didn’t I?”